Why do you have that username?

Two awesome Pokemon equal my username =D

I chose raven because its my nick name and 47 is one of my favorite channels and disney used to be my favorite plus its my gaia account name so its easy to remember
Because I fail, and switched from my old username "TCG Trader". :[

Eh, let's put it this way:
I've moved 3 times
I have 3 best friends
I have 3 other members in my family
etc etc.
The + Reaver = The Reaver =P

Nah, but seriously, I had written a piece of work involving winged humans known as "Reavers." I took my username from that, and it has clinged to me. I use it on most forums.
I liked the way xana sounded, kinda like some god of mystical ancient people. I love seviper as well.
Xana+seviper=xanaseviper nuff said.
