Where Does Garbodor Stand In The Current Metagame?


Pokemon = Dota2
Now that cities is near over, where do you think our favorite pile of trash stands in the current meta game? I (as the only competitive player in Mississippi who plays him) think that he is highly underrated as he has great match-ups against most top tier decks. Many say the deck is too inconsistent; Others say that he is a nightmare. Six-prizes has the deck and all variants ranked as 3rd tier (the same tier as Ninetales-Amoongus). I think with the release of the new set in Feb, this card should rise in popularity and power. I don't get the dislike for this card, and I, truly, believe it can be a dark-horses in this format despite poor showings. What do you think about this deck and its future?

RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

It dies because of Tool Scrapper, plus the fact that Straight Darkrai doesnt have problems with it. 100 is a good amount of HP but is easy to kill with Keldeo, Blastoise and other simple 'mons. 3rd tier is about right if you ask me.
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

But you can def run more tools than anyone runs tool scrappers. Most decks run one or two at most. I run my garbodor with terrakion, so nothing with darkrai is that big of a deal. While I do agree that it is easily KOed, I think it is pretty to set up consistantly. Also if you get the lock, it complicates things significantly for hydro pony players. The only deck that it seems to have a bad matchup against is big basics. Something like tornaudsEX/landoEX. I think it is tier 2 at worst.
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

Keldeo actually improves this deck alot by not needing so much switch. I just dont think that abilities are to overrun in this format. *Most* decks can function to some extent without their abilities and with the clunkyness/lack of attack power/energy acceleration, a solid list with a good player will figure out a way around it. Iv'e tested garbodor a decent amount and it, like garchomp are still waiting for one or two more cards to pair with that can really level out their power and/or consistency issues. I think they will eventually come I just don't think now is the right time for them. Especially with the rising popularity of big basics and the fact that mewtwo doesn't have an ability really hurts garbodor. Im a big fan of the idea I just don't think garbodor fits in a meta as diverse as our current cities meta right now.
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

In my experience anything with more than 2 Mewtwo shreds it. I have really tried making Garbodor work, but it is just not the right time.
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

exdarkrai01 said:
Keldeo actually improves this deck alot by not needing so much switch. I just dont think that abilities are to overrun in this format. *Most* decks can function to some extent without their abilities and with the clunkyness/lack of attack power/energy acceleration, a solid list with a good player will figure out a way around it. Iv'e tested garbodor a decent amount and it, like garchomp are still waiting for one or two more cards to pair with that can really level out their power and/or consistency issues. I think they will eventually come I just don't think now is the right time for them. Especially with the rising popularity of big basics and the fact that mewtwo doesn't have an ability really hurts garbodor. Im a big fan of the idea I just don't think garbodor fits in a meta as diverse as our current cities meta right now.

Keldeo does not help this deck. Garbodor locks your own abilities as well, and Keldeo easily KOs everything that this deck runs.

Also, any good Darkrai deck should not be an autoloss to you simply because you run a few Terrakion. If Darkrai lost that badly to Terraion, it would not be nearly as played as it is.
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

Garbodor is strange. Although Abilities are blocked energy attachments are not therefore if the opponent can put three energy on a Mewtwo they can Catcher-KO several Garbodor leading to the relative inability of the deck to win. If you can get the Garbodor lock, that's fantastic, but it's typically difficult to do.
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

Thanks for the input everyone. Hopefully, garbodor will have its time.

Dark Void said:
Keldeo does not help this deck. Garbodor locks your own abilities as well, and Keldeo easily KOs everything that this deck runs.

Also, any good Darkrai deck should not be an autoloss to you simply because you run a few Terrakion. If Darkrai lost that badly to Terraion, it would not be nearly as played as it is.

Then run big basics with garbo... It becomes a match purely about who could hit harder. Without the rush in/ deluge. I'll take my chances.

Also, it is undeniable that darkrai struggles against terrakion. An autowin for me may be an exaggeration , but I feel a lot better about seeing a darkrai than I do seeing a tornadus
RE: Where does Garbodor stand?

The problem that I've had with the card and decks with it as a whole is consistency issues. Yeah, you can run a multitude of tools to fix the Tool Scrapper problem, but the crux of the issue is that a Landorus/Mewtwo/Garbodor deck is less consistent than a Landorus/Mewtwo/Bouffalant deck, for example. It really just adds up for the trade off of possibly a couple better matchups. It's this trade off that's holding it back from being a high tier deck in any format so far at least, what I've seen and found. Most people will just prefer the better consistency so at least they setup every game and have a chance against almost anything. The risk is just too big.

dmaster out.
If your opponent focuses on Pokémon without Abilities, though, you are quite screwed. Tornadus EX, Mewtwo EX, Shaymin EX, Terrakion. There are quite some Pokémon who don't need Abilities to excellently win battles.

On the other hand, denying Darkrai EX free retreat and Blastoise/Keldeo EX Deluge and Rush In can leave a serious dent in your opponent's strategy! He can still get countered with Tool Scrapper, and Catcher, and the aforementioned Mewtwo EX would dispose of Trubbish/ Garbodor, very very quickly.

I'd suggest to scout the metagame in your region and see if there is a lot of Mewtwo and Tornadus or not. And make sure to pack Fighting types against those pesky Darkrai. Hoo, hah!
It's hard to say.

Yes, Tool Scrapper does pretty much ruin the deck but a good amount of Tier 1 decks simply don't have the room for even 1 scrapper. Decks such as Blatoise and Hydreigon have very tight lists and unless they purposely sacrifice consistency to make room for scrapper they'll be hurt in the long run. It depends on your meta really. Sigilyph is a good partner for Garbador since things like Landorus and Mewtwo destroy it.
Garbodor is the ultimate anti meta. It just needs beatsticks like Mewtwo, Lando, and Tornadus and it gains an instant advantage against the big decks.
I believe a list of your (MMAmonchan) garbodor deck would make it easier place it in a tier/where it stands atm.
I played Garbodor at first. soon though, Garbodor wil be very good if Keldeo stays popular and with all the new ability relient Pokemon. and Rock Guard is great too.
Two Garbodors Top 4d at the St. Charles Regs in Masters, the largest Regs. One took 2nd and the other either 3rd or 4th.
It makes me feel great to know that this deck will finally get the recognition that it deserves. I have been saying for a long time that this deck is the dark horse in the format. I'm glad I was not wrong.
Mudkip711 said:
Two Garbodors Top 4d at the St. Charles Regs in Masters, the largest Regs. One took 2nd and the other either 3rd or 4th.

Officially 4th but still, a great showing.

I was talking to a friend about decks and I was saying, Garbodor is, in theory, a very good deck in this metagame filled with Blastoise. Why doesn't it win more? And we had no good answer to that. I'm not surprised to see it do this well.
I ran Landorus/Mewtwo/Garbodor at my regionals, and, well, I finished 4-4. Hear me out, though, I still think the deck is great in this meta. The first round I destroyed a Darkrai/Hydreigon that ended up doing better than I did, and round 2 I downright won the Mewtwo war against a deck that I would have normally had a bad matchup against (the guy made top cut.) Round 3 I barely lost to RayEels, since he was luckier and faster in setting up his Eels (he got 3 out) while I dead drew in terms of setting up Garbodor so he killed off my Trubbish. Not to mention, I would have donked his Tynamo if I went first. Round 4 I started a lone Trubbish and their Mewtwo donked it. To be honest, I find that donk possibility to be the deck's biggest flaw, but if it doesn't stop people from playing Eels, then it shouldn't stop them from playing Garbodor. Round 5 I lost to the bad matchup you have been talking about, being Landorus/Tornadus. It didn't help that the guy ran a Gold Potion and 4 Potion and he hit all of them. Round 6 and 7 I beat another Darkrai/Hydreigon and a deck with Giratina, Sigilyph and other EXs. Last round I lost to another deck of EXs, for several reasons including: a possible misplay on my part, I max potioned my Garbodor at 30 damage when I should have saved it, and more importantly, he got heads on Sableye's confuse ray. That, I call lucksacking....

That's pretty much how my day went with the deck. Call me bad, call the deck bad, but I think that if built right and played right it has great potential and the only deck it will really lose to consistently is a deck with the same non-ability attackers minus the Garbodor. I should also mention that I only went first ONCE that day, round 2 to be exact.

The deck should have a good matchup against Darkrai variants in general (assuming you have Landorus and/or Terrakion), Eels (Rayquaza is harder, but you should win unless you whiff and get Garbodor too late), Blastoise variants (though sadly I never played one at Regionals) and Sigilyph-focused decks. Even the matchup against the big EXs without abilities is very winnable, despite a bit less consistency. The Garbodor, Trubbish and Rescue Scarves can be used as fodder for Ultra Ball and Computer Search, and as long as you outplay them in a Mewtwo war (seriously, it's stupid NOT to play mewtwo in any deck, especially Garbodor) and don't get totally screwed with your hands you can win it.

Obviously, Garbodor is and always will be a very tricky and gimmicky deck, but it's better than usually given credit for. It plays off of the format, and Plasma Storm may make it more or less viable. But as these regionals records have shown us (see Mudkip711's post), this deck is a force to be reckoned with in the format.