Whats your favorite set?

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Aspiring Trainer
Whats your favorite sets {R}

Mine are everything from Base to The Last Neo set
(Out of these my Favorite sets are Base Set Fossil Set Gym Heroes Neo Genesis and Team Rocket)
Ruby and Sapphire
Ex Fire Red and Leaf Green
Team Rocket Returns
Unseen Forces
Crystal Guardians

Out of all those my Favorite theme decks are
Lava From Legendary{R}{F}
Turmoil From Legendary{L}{W}
cold fusion from neo genesis{W}{L}
hot water from base set 2{W}{R}
brush fire from base set{G}{R}
over growth from base set{G}{W}
Dark from Neo Destiny{D}{R}
Both Decks from Crystal Guardians
and Finally
Wallop From Neo Discovery{F}{G}
i realy like unseen forces and platinum.
favorite theme deck is the old charmeleon one from fire red leaf green with the quick search pidgeot.
Stormfront. It's the first set to use up all the card space with attacks or poke-powers/bodies, and not dwell on that stupid info about the pokemon. Also, there is no SP pokemon (which I absolutely hate!) and I really like the fact that the three starters' final evolutions have different energy requirements to their type + their brilliant two colorless energy attacks. Not only this, but the cards in general can lead to ace strategies (i.e. machamp and gengar).

As for a theme deck, it would have to be groundbreaker ({F}{W}) since it was my first :D.
Favourites threads aren't allowed, since they tend to promote flames too much.

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