BW/BW2 What will Dr. Araragi's American name be?

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I dont think they will continue with the tree name pattern exactly. They didn't continue with the proffeser being male pattern either
what about professor

or silverbell

EDIT: these are all tree names so it would work with any of them
Isn't it going to deal with trees?

If it is then her name could be Professor Maple or Cedar.
Well we Know it's gonna fallow the line of Oak,Elm,Birch,ivy and so on.Araragi is a type of butterfly so im guesing along the lines of Professor Nectar
meadow stuff like this not saying i like these names the sorta suck
swimfastray said:
Yew in japanese is ichii as far as Google Translate knows. . .

"Araragi is a genus of butterfly in the family Lycaenidae"

Professor Lychee! sorry Lycaenidae just reminds me of Lychee.

So my answers: Professor Lychee, Yew, Acai, or Cherry.

EDIT: And sorry for repeating myself.
I'm surprised no one has suggested Aspen.

Professor Aspen sounds good to me ^^
It starts with the same letter, sounds kind of elegant and feminine, and has a good ring to it.
Semi offtopic but I like how no one knows that Rowan is a tree :( (at least people I talk to don't know)

Anyways, I love Magnolia, that's awesome. Wouldn't it be amusing if they named her Sakura though? As a japanese lady.. but then again, I hate that name, so I hope it's Magnolia. Willow would be nice too, though I think of young boys when I think of "Willow" probably because of Wally.
I think her english name will be Professor Yew....I've heard that name going around alot. Apparently Araragi translates into Yew.
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