What other old mechanics do you wish to see again?

Well, Catcher was fine in the Base Set era, correct? I feel like there shouldn't be some random cards (Yanmega) that don't have to worry about it. The problem with Catcher is that it gives some decks more of an advantage than others.
@scizor:how can you say that? :O did you play when empoleon and that power locking tool(i still dont get its name o_O) were meta...it was such a strategic deck and also could comeback so well...scramble is soemthing that i till today yearn for...
EDIT: aha finally:D cessation crystal...i had it confused with cursed stone xD...now what was that other tool that let neither player attack? :O
Guys, RSE era. Look at the cards from that period, best balance of Pokemon TCG history IMO. Splashable basics, splashable Poke-powers, lots of cards to support come backs, powerful Pokemon had the EX drawback, energy costs were just right; was it perfect? I can't say for sure, but I will say it was as good as it could be.
A stall deck that's viable would be cool for a change (we need Energy Removal back imo).
And a card that makes discard effects cool again. Not like Gyarados, he was pretty meh. I mean like Feraligatr from Neo Genesis.
Well, I want to see Quick Search return to the TCG. Back in the past, Quick Search was a Poke-power that Pidgeot from EX FireRed/LeafGreen. The power allowed you to grab any 1 card from your deck, and then you would put that card into your hand afterward. The power, however, could only be used once per turn, no matter how many Pidgeot you had out. In today's format, a Pokemon with this ability (or Poke-power, whichever you prefer) would be considered to be pretty good, as the ability to grab any 1 card every turn is just astounding, and it would probably go to the point that the Pokemon with Quick Search would be our number 1 draw power card.

It would also be good to have Double Rainbow Energy (or DRE for short) or Scramble Energy return to our format as well. DRE was a special energy card back in the past that could only be attached to evolved Pokemon, and any damage the Pokemon delivered with the DRE attached was reduced by 10. However, the energy would provide 2 of any energy. This made DRE an extremely good card at its time, being able to quickly energize most big attackers like Gardevoir and Gallade, Empoleon, etc. Just imagine how good DRE would be right now. Many evolved Pokemon would be attacking much better than they normally would (like Magnezone for one).

Scramble Energy was another special energy card from DRE's time too. Scramble Energy was another card that could be attached only to evolved Pokemon, but its effects were pretty good. Normally, it would provide only 1 colorless energy, but if you were behind on prizes, then it would provide 3 whooping energies of any kind. This made it a great comeback card, being able to quickly power-up high-energy evolved Pokemon to start catching up with the opponent. In today's format, this would also be a pretty good card, considering there are lots of high-energy attacking evolved Pokemon (like Donphan's Heavy Impact for example).
DRE is just what we need. Because MegaZone isn't good enough already.
I'm just joking, I love that card, but right now, we need stuff to counter MegaZone rather than make it stronger.
We need a Muk ex 'reprint.' But just for abilities. It wouldn't break anything too much with Catcher, and not many Pokemon rely too much on Abilities right now. Just good enough to be tier 1.

I wanna see dual Types come back. Like in Team Rocket, A type and a Dark, and it would have the dark border, or in Delta Species, where it was a type and Steel.

For that matter, I just want Delta Species back, that was the coolest thing ever. and I mean EVER
I demand the following things:
- Better Eeveelutions, like the EX series.
- Reprint of Juggler
- The Errata of Rare Candy to be removed
- And Bill to be a trainer... possibly reprinted too.

EDIT: oh, and

esperante said:
cessation crystal+catcher would make a beautiful format. Still the single card I want back most in the format.
Energy-less attacks. I never understood why these went away. They weren't a set specific gimmick (like delta pokemon, pokemon ex, etc.). They should be a new standard that's in almost every set

Pokemon with held items. Another gameplay mechanic from the DP era that wasn't linked to any sort of set specific gimmick. It was a cool element from the game that I thought translated well into the TCG

Neo-era Baby Pokemon. Though some of the newer versions of the baby pokemon are very playable starters, they can't evolve (wtf?) and the next most recent iterations of baby pokemon evolved through pokemon powers which I thought was really odd. They had it right with the Neo sets, they didn't need to change them.

Legend Pokemon. A mechanic I already miss and probably some of the most gorgeous cards to ever grace the game. It was great to see legendary pokemon finally get good cards, and the fact that they were so rare and hard to get out in play made them really feel like legendary pokemon. I would want them to return as they were in the first HGSS set. One pokemon per card pair.
Personally I would like to see the reprint of Pokemon Tower , as they are reprinting base set era cards this will fit in nicely and I have always liked my old promo cards.
julliant said:
Guys, RSE era. Look at the cards from that period, best balance of Pokemon TCG history IMO. Splashable basics, splashable Poke-powers, lots of cards to support come backs, powerful Pokemon had the EX drawback, energy costs were just right; was it perfect? I can't say for sure, but I will say it was as good as it could be.
So very true. Please read this, P!P.

Tyraniking said:
We need a Muk ex 'reprint.' But just for abilities. It wouldn't break anything too much with Catcher, and not many Pokemon rely too much on Abilities right now. Just good enough to be tier 1.

Muk ex
As long as the beastly artwork is kept, I second that.

Broken Pokemon EX said:
Energy-less attacks. I never understood why these went away. They weren't a set specific gimmick (like delta pokemon, pokemon ex, etc.). They should be a new standard that's in almost every set
True. They are now just reserved for babies, and haven't even appeared once in the BW era.
Pokemon with held items. Another gameplay mechanic from the DP era that wasn't linked to any sort of set specific gimmick. It was a cool element from the game that I thought translated well into the TCG
These were so fun. I remember running Bidoof MT with PlusPowers as a Luxray DP counter, cuz that was big in my area. Another good point.
Neo-era Baby Pokemon. Though some of the newer versions of the baby pokemon are very playable starters, they can't evolve (huh??) and the next most recent iterations of baby pokemon evolved through pokemon powers which I thought was really odd. They had it right with the Neo sets, they didn't need to change them.
Yeah, those were very cool. And annoying.
Legend Pokemon. A mechanic I already miss and probably some of the most gorgeous cards to ever grace the game. It was great to see legendary pokemon finally get good cards, and the fact that they were so rare and hard to get out in play made them really feel like legendary pokemon. I would want them to return as they were in the first HGSS set. One pokemon per card pair.
Meh, I felt that they were too weak, with so many drawbacks. Extra prize, two pieces, and they didn't even have a huge impact.


So many ways it's pokepower would come in handy:

-Put a counter on Dialga G Lv.X(when it was legal).No more pokebody-lock.
-Put a counter on Ability Emboar and/or Typhlosion Prime.There goes most RDL,Reshiram and Magnezone Prime deck structures.
-Put a counter on Gengar Prime.That should slow things down for your opponent.
-Put a counter on Yanmega Prime.Now your opponent is more than welcome to Judge you.
-Put a counter on Reuniclus.Now your opponent loses damage controll.

So many possabilities...
Red Striker said:

So many ways it's pokepower would come in handy...
Cess-crystal beats that by a MILE. Sure it works on your own too, but you don't have to tech in a Pokémon.
It wouldn't work on Abilities unless they errata to change that as well.

Like the above poster, I would love Cessation Crystal to come back. :3 Wouldn't mind Scramble/DCE either. More Energy acceleration besides DCE is welcome in my eyes.

dmaster out.