BW/BW2 What don't you like about B/W?

I hate the destruction of the Pokemon community it is putting us through.
No one should have posted those "starter evos" causing the war with all the main fan-based news sites.

It's getting completely out of hand.
These are I don't like :
- Those 3 Starters Evolutions (I hope it won't turned out Real).
- Tabunne.
- Musharna.

Thats it. But the main thing is, I personally really having a great dislike for Tabunne. I mean look at it! Gosh! It looks really like a Fakemon to me. To tell the truth, I would prefer some of my friends on Deviant Art to make some of their Fakemons to confirmed instead of this Tabunne DOG!
Me too.(about the devianart). Most of their designs are just as or more creative as the real ones. I havent really seen tabunne very well so no judgment. Im also going to hate the cat if its normal type only. People are tired of normal cats and cats are creepy. Why not give them a type to match their weirdness?
The only thing i dont like is the starters(wish they had made better ones) and gear. Gear is extremely stupid. It reminds me of magnemite/magnetron except two. And does it even evolve??? Furthermore, its not even classified as electric type, just steel. If its a gear, then shouldnt it be electric too?
Maybe it will evolve. Also, electric just adds on to a weakness and would make it seem even more like magnmemite. Steel is weak to ground so why increase the weakness even more? It would be completey useless, unless it gets levitate. I dont have much i hate. I will hate if we dont have many/too much version exclusives.
I don't like lolitower (the goth), Munna or Koromori.
The goth's face looks weird, Munna is very plain ( I don't mind it's Evolution, however) and Koromori is the new Zubat, but it looks a lot less cool.

I also hate all the rumours. Why? If my favourites ones turn out to be false, the game won't be as amazing for me, haha. Like N being a PokemonHuman like the library (where Byron is) talked about, or that he's a prince. There's rumours I don't want to be true, as well, such as his name being North and having a sibling - South. That just sound weird.I wouldn't mind if he was an Angel, either. (oh, and starter evolutions)

Though I must say, Kibago and it's evolution, Ononokusu, make me happy. Especially if they're another Ground/Dragon, but Ono looks kinda steel ish with all those plates, but that would be cool, too.
Muguroko and Shimama will be on my team for sure along with Pokabu and Bacon. That's decided (unless Porky becomes part fighting in any shape or form, we've had two already). Electric is my favourite type, and a bumbledile/cocodune looks cool. It better have a promising evolution!
^im just want to have pokabu and bacon on your team? does that mean there is another fire pig?
Oh, and, um. Hihidaruma's prevo.
'Nuff said.

I'll probably end up liking musicals. Contests are getting pretty old :3
^I don't like his prevo either. Actually, I think it is fake. I don't care about pictures show. In my mind it is fake (For now).
So far i'm not liking the lack of pokemon following you. That feature would be so easy to implement, why is it gone again?
And apparently Black doesn't change outfits in seasons, what gives?
The complete lack of overworld sprite effort - the main character gets shot out of cannon and they can't even be bothered to draw a "flying through air" sprite? Come on, now.

Apart from those, I am loving practically every aspect of what i've seen. Gamefreak weren't exaggerating when they said it was revolutionary.
@NDenizen i get what your saying. They have so much good stuff, but they lack in the little things that would make the game awesome.
Yeah, precisely. It looks like they've put a ton of effort into the actual battles, and in fact the overworld as a whole - and then they let themselves down on tiny details. It's just silly.
Right now I don't like how Team Plasma is looking. At first I was really excited about their names and all and hoping that they might look better then the previous bad guys. But when the pictures were first revealed I was quite disappointed. First of all they look like knights. I was expecting them to actually look better.
The suits are way to fat looking. If you want to be an evil team, dont look funny!! Its another one of those tiny details....
the uniforms would look better without the hood and the weird emblem,other then that theyre fine, but thats just my opinion
The gloves i dont like. I would like it better if they had suits with tiny emblems on it. It would be much more secret, like you dont know whats happening. and there should be different suits depending where you are on your status. Like the fighters wear suits, and the workers wear something better for lugging things in. It would make it much more realistic.
I think it's become a theme that the villains looks stupid, but at least with Team Galactic Gamefeak had an excuse in that they were referencing Pulseman (much like Rotom), one of their first games. The thing is, it's not easy to give a bunch of characters a chess theme without a bit of Flamboyance.

Hey, maybe the executives will look better - I expect they'll be based on Rooks, Bishops and Knights.

I agree with Illusion, though - if you want to take a criminal organisation seriously, give them suits.
>Typhlosion: I think I meant another pokemon, but I forget now. Pokabu and Bacon are the same thing.
Hm. What other was I thinking of, then?
I wish they would make the suits better. Come on!