What do you think of my first complete fake card

King Deoxazard

Go...! Wait what is that?! A LegoBall?!

So what do you think?
I dunno why is Water/Psichic and why "Water Pulse" have that weird effect, the real oneI think that was: "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused"

The art is okay, you used the Ken Sugimori art right, but I think that the background should be another.

The HP is wrong, very wrong and the fonts are all wrong too. And that Water Pulse effect don't make sense.

To improve: Better donwload the right fonts, use the right blanks (For Rioru Fighting Blanks) and try to see the real cards to see the real effects of that attack. I don't like to see a Tackle causing Connfusion, lol.
King Deoxazard said:

So what do you think?

Type:0/10 Why Water Psychic? Not Fighting?
Energy Cost:0/10
Attack Name:0/10

So its 4 out of 80 or 1 out of 20.

Pls download the fonts!!!
its not whats right and whats wrong.....I mean COME ON! Its a FAKE Card for a reason..... it dosent have to be exactly whats right. I rate it 6/10.....the font is wierd. Nice card though.
Black Rayquaza, he should try to make at least PARTIALLY like a real card. I give it 1/50
thats totally stupid.....
1.The kid is 10.....I think thats pretty good for his age.
2. Is it a card? Is it a pokemon? Does it have attacks? Its a real card, just somewhat custom.....people like you dont seem too bright when you make statements like that.....its the kid's first card. I'd like to see you do a better one.

King-Dont worry too much about that rating, I wouldnt trust that much....

-Black Rayquaza
Thanks B.Ray, and just for some aditionle info, I DON'T even play the card game, I just thought it be fun, and I'm not 10, I'm 10 and three fourths :p
Oh and heres the update
its good but I think water pulse would be better that it said: flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is confused I give you 8/10
Ah... see, this is why I don't critique others' fakes out of the blue. Last time I did, I got warned for flaming :/

I believe that the entire point of making a fake is to make it look like a real card as best you can.

If you look at a good card (a real card) with equally good art (or at least in Mr. Komiya's case, everything save the art), and compare it to your fake... if you can't say "My card looks good, I could see this in a real set the way my card is now, with no changes" it's not good enough. Try again. Get it right.

I personally don't understand how people can make a fake card that looks absolutely nothing like any real card and say "Wow, this is great. I'm proud of myself."

To King Deoxazard's credit, if the fonts were right, it would look much better. And at least they're not horrible, I-didn't-even-try-rectangle-cut-of-Energy-symbols. But 65 HP? 45 damage? That's just plain weird. Round up or down please.

Rioru is pure Fighting. It has no business being Water-type at all. If you're anxious to use a Water/Fighting blank, make something that's actually Water/Ground or Water/Rock in the games.

Seeing as Rioru is not Water at all, and only Fighting, it should not be weak to Lightning. The only possible Weakness for Fighting cards is Psychic (Colorless for Flying would be pushing it, so stick with Psychic).

Get rid of Water Pulse. Change Aura Blast's cost to FC and its damage to 30. Change Aura Punch's cost to FCC and round the damage to 50. Look at real cards to see where attack names go, they don't always go directly the name of your attack.

Don't bother with a Resistance. Retreat Cost is fine.

Using the correct fonts is the #1 priority in making a good fake. If everything else is absolutely terrible, if your fake actually looks like a real card, it's fine. Take a look at some of the better fakes on the board (Flame Claw comes to mind, and of course Cascade Gonpory is unrivaled on this board). See how good they are... and now pretend all the text is Times New Roman.


So yes, definitely get the right fonts and follow Fangking's tutorial. I guarantee your fakes will look 1000% better.