Pokemon weird or amazing moments when playing pokemon


Love and Tolerance. c:
What's the weirdest or amazing moment when you were playing any pokemon games?

My weird moment was when I was getting frustrated at trying to catch raikou in pokemon Heartgold. After hours of tries, I got so frustrated, I yelled at Raikou that I was going to get Arceus out of my PC box and put it in my team(because Arceus is the god of all pokemon and you shouldn't mess with it). After getting Arceus, the next time I encountered Raikou, I caught it.
There will be only one for me.

In Diamond I was going through Eterna Forest, with Cheryl as my partner. She's got a Chansey as her partner, and as you people may know, she'll keep attacking any wild Pokemon until they're gone, with her move of choice Egg Bomb. Well, I was about two-thirds of the way through the forest and had picked up the 1 Great Ball in the forest. I decide this is a good spot to save my game, and then I keep walking. I then run through the grass and encounter two wild Buneary, one male, one female. I look and see that the male one is pink - shiny! I get excited. I calm myself down and contemplate the best way to catch it before Chansey killed it (I was really praying at the same time as well that it wouldn't die). I find out I can only throw a Poke Ball when only 1 target is left, so I and the Chansey polish off the non-shiny one. When that happens I use a weaker attack on the shiny one, leaving it in the orange. It's now at one-third HP, and I realize I have one, maybe two chances to get it (three if an Egg Bomb misses and it turns out to be a 2HKO). I hurl the only Great Ball I had (the one I just acquired).

And I caught it.

I know it's a pink male Buneary (now a Lopunny), with mismatched nature and bad IVs, but...it's a shiny. That's all that really matters. I was really happy that day (which is better than the alternative, as I probably would have gone and sulked for about half an hour otherwise!).

This could also be considered a shiny moment, but it was a great moment for me and it'll forever be ingrained in my head. It also happened the day I got my Diamond, on the day it came out (22 April 2007).
Today I was playing luxchomp (TCG) at a cities tournament. I used uxie to draw 4 cards..3 of them were cyrus's conspiracy (and I already have one in my hand). I don't think I've ever had all 4 cyrus in my hand before..I was like..wait..wow.. (I won the match by the way)
On SS I expected to have to take about an hour and restart a few times while trying to catch Suicune but I caught it on the first Pokeball that I threw.
@shadow arceus: Wow! that's really lucky! I took at least 2 hours trying to catch suicune!
@mlouden03: Sounds like something that happened to me once. I run 3 Cyrus in my deck, and on two separate occasions, my opening hand had all 3. On another, all 3 were in the prizes.
TCG is funny and awesome like that.
Back when Crystal came out, I was fighting Suicune and get it down to red. I wanted to get it down further, so I hit it with my Wigglytuff's Ice Punch...and froze it. Caught it the next turn in a Great Ball.

I actually freeze legendaries a lot.
One amazing moment would actually be with the Enigma Stone Latios. I tried to catch it a few times, but with fail. On about the 20th try, it was Shiny! I flipped out and used my Master Ball (one of 2) and caught it. Now, I have Sassy Shiny Dragon!

Another time would have to be when I was playing in the Battle Frontier. I begin saying "It's over..." when I see that I only have a Latias left against a Sword Danced Ludicolo in the rain. The thing was at full health. I start with Thunder and get the paralysis. Ludicolo got stuck in Paralysis. It fainted. Dusknoir came out next. I used Thunder, and it was a critical hit. Dusknoir fainted as the rain faded. When Medicham came out, I knew I had this. I used Ice Beam and it almost fainted, but it luckily froze stiff. One Mist Ball and BAM!, I win! Same Latias destroyed Dahlia the second time around too. GO LATIAS!!!
I was blazing through HeartGold once, and I got up to the Elite 4 Champion, I fought and fought (curse you, Dragonites), and I ended up beating Lance by 1 HP. Last Pokemon in my party, Typhlosion at level 74 just beat Lance's final Dragonite. Jesus. Crazy stuff, may I tell you.
Spending 4 hours just trying to catch Ho-oh, after my brother manages to do it in under 10 minutes -_-.
Yes, I have an amazing moment every time I help my girlfriend catch a legendary Pokemon. I will take my time, buy over 100 ultra's and have sleep moves and use almost all the Ultra's and about 40min.. She will get frustrated and say can I help. I get the Pokemon into the red, and see that she has only 12 Ultra, I chuck 4 at the Pokemon and bam its caught. Its sooo annoying.
Looks like you're a good person to keep around when legendary hunting, eh?
I spend about a day and a half trying to catch lugia without masterballs in SS. Then the next day i'm at my friends house. First turn i throw a water ball (sea ball, ocean ball, whatever it is), BOOM captured. YAY
Beating Thorton in the Battle Factory with a Scarfed Tyranitar using Ice Punch with some major Freeze hax after my Lanturn and Flygon both fell to his Floatzel.
I was playing on platinum and the giratina was shiny. That wasn't the amazing part, I caught it when it had full heakth and no special conditions with a poke first try. I sighed in relief (I forgot to save).
When battling Palmer in SoulSilver, my Gallade got haxed majorly by Milotic. It went something like this:

Green Fury used Leaf Blade!
(Milotic is about 5%)
MILOTIC used Hypnosis!
Green Fury fell asleep!
Green Fury is fast asleep.
MILOTIC used Attract!
Green Fury fell in love!
Green Fury is fast asleep.
MILOTIC used Surf!
(Gallade is about 60%)
Green Fury is fast asleep.
MILOTIC used Surf!
(Gallade is about 20%)
Green Fury woke up!
Green Fury was immobilized by love!
MILOTIC used Surf!
Green Fury fainted.

and then my Salamence revenge killed for my silver medal.
I was looking around mt coronet for abomasnow, and right when I was leaving the mountain, a level 38 shiny clefairy attacked me.
First turn i throw a water ball (sea ball, ocean ball, whatever it is), BOOM captured. YAY
Dive Ball.
I did that too. It gets x3.5 against Lugia.
This is a ture story.
I was playing Sapphire. I told my brother that I wasn't going to catch a shiny.
Then I booted up the game...then about 10mins later he'd left for work...about 5mins after that I was around Lennet's place & BAM...a Shiny Swablu.