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Victory Rush (Victini-EX/Moltres/Mewtwo-EX/Keldeo-EX)


Aspiring Trainer
my brother has been playing and I decided to give it a try and have signed up for league play. want to know how this deck looks before i try it out.


3 Victini EX (ps)

2 moltes (nd)

2 Mewtwo EX (nd)

3 Keldeo EX (bc)

4 switch

3 pokemon catcher

3 ultra ball

1 super rod

4 crushing hammer

2 virbank city gym

4 lasers

1 tool scraper

1 gold potion

3 N

3 Skyla

3 colress

3 Junipers

6 fire
7 water
2 double colorless

The strategy of this deck is Turbo Energize my bench (keldeo, mewtwo) or moltres if it is against a KlingKlang.
Disrupt my opponent by using crushing hammers and lasers with the vbc gym.
I don't think you will want to be Turbo Energizing to Mewtwo, especially once Plasma Freeze is released because Deoxys can OHKO Mewtwo from nowhere if you attach two energies to it. I might consider cutting back on the Mewtwo or using something like Sigilyph instead. I'd also take out the Crushing Hammers. You generally only use Hammers if your name is Sableye or you have extra space, which you don't. I think you could switch them for a fourth Juniper and N, and 2 Energy Switch. Energy manipulation in this deck can be nice for flexibility. You could also swap out Gold Potion for Victory Piece; it allows Victini to play an offensive role, which is really nice mid to late game when you have run out of energies on the field. You can power up something on the Bench while you swing for 100. Oh yeah, you pretty much donk KKK. Another card I'd try is Energy Search for consistently getting a T1 Turbo Energizer. I would also experiment with the attackers a little bit more. You can use just about anything with Victini to hit things for Weakness, making it posible to have a brutal meta counter. A consistent T2 180 is tough for any deck to manage, and with the right techs, you can pull it off against some of the top tier threats.
xopokeballinxo said:
but plasma freeze is not out yet and i need a counter for my opponent's mew2. what better then a mew2?

The prereleases go out Saturday this week, which means it will be out very soon. Seriously, Sigilyph is better.
Ok, so take out my two mew2 and add in sigilyph. then take out 4 crushing hammer and add a Juniper, N and two energy switches?
xopokeballinxo said:
Ok, so take out my two mew2 and add in sigilyph. then take out 4 crushing hammer and add a Juniper, N and two energy switches?
That's right.
Although, this deck may be a bit slow. I've tried it and I didn't really like it so I switched out my Victini for Blastoise.
Daenordus said:
xopokeballinxo said:
Ok, so take out my two mew2 and add in sigilyph. then take out 4 crushing hammer and add a Juniper, N and two energy switches?
That's right.
Although, this deck may be a bit slow. I've tried it and I didn't really like it so I switched out my Victini for Blastoise.

Yea but with blastoise, comes either rare candies or warturtles.. more cards to replace, plus the inconsistent of stage 2 decks. victini is like a mini blastoise except all it needs is one energy and energies in your deck.
xopokeballinxo said:
Daenordus said:
That's right.
Although, this deck may be a bit slow. I've tried it and I didn't really like it so I switched out my Victini for Blastoise.

Yea but with blastoise, comes either rare candies or warturtles.. more cards to replace, plus the inconsistent of stage 2 decks. victini is like a mini blastoise except all it needs is one energy and energies in your deck.
And only able to attach up to three energy in one turn. With blastoise, drawing cards and using a Cilan or a bunch of energy search can attach 3+ energy per turn.
But Victini is available; T1 what makes this deck good is the immense amount of pressure you can apply early game. I T2'd two good players in States last month with this deck. One of them was Darkrai and the other was Lugia.

Also Blastoise isn't as easily teched as Victini is. You can have a greater variety of offensive options in here than you can in Blastoise.
Mora said:
But Victini is available; T1 what makes this deck good is the immense amount of pressure you can apply early game. I T2'd two good players in States last month with this deck. One of them was Darkrai and the other was Lugia.

Also Blastoise isn't as easily teched as Victini is. You can have a greater variety of offensive options in here than you can in Blastoise.
True, Blastoise requires one turn to evolve with a rare candy. But, breaking the "attach one energy once per each turn" rule is greatly useful. If you N into six energy, you can dish out at least 170 damage on the second turn with Keldeo, or 200 With a Black Kyurem if you have one in your deck.
That's why I use Blastoise in my deck, because along with all my other ways to get energy on the plate I can dish out some serious damage. Blastoise also has more Hp and requires one less prize card to be taken when defeated, which is very good.
You do 170 on the second turn (in that senario).

I would agree that if it's just Keldeo/Mewtwo, Blastoise would probably be the better engine. But using more than just Keldeo is another direction the OP could take.
Daenordus said:
Mora said:
But Victini is available; T1 what makes this deck good is the immense amount of pressure you can apply early game. I T2'd two good players in States last month with this deck. One of them was Darkrai and the other was Lugia.

Also Blastoise isn't as easily teched as Victini is. You can have a greater variety of offensive options in here than you can in Blastoise.
True, Blastoise requires one turn to evolve with a rare candy. But, breaking the "attach one energy once per each turn" rule is greatly useful. If you N into six energy, you can dish out at least 170 damage on the second turn with Keldeo, or 200 With a Black Kyurem if you have one in your deck.
That's why I use Blastoise in my deck, because along with all my other ways to get energy on the plate I can dish out some serious damage. Blastoise also has more Hp and requires one less prize card to be taken when defeated, which is very good.

thats a very rare situation though, and even if it did happen now you have no hand and only one loaded Pokemon, victini can can have two attack ready pokemon in t2. Where as with blastoise you have to get a lucky hand. So yes with a perfect game blastoise would be better engine, but im looking for consistency.
xopokeballinxo said:
Daenordus said:
True, Blastoise requires one turn to evolve with a rare candy. But, breaking the "attach one energy once per each turn" rule is greatly useful. If you N into six energy, you can dish out at least 170 damage on the second turn with Keldeo, or 200 With a Black Kyurem if you have one in your deck.
That's why I use Blastoise in my deck, because along with all my other ways to get energy on the plate I can dish out some serious damage. Blastoise also has more Hp and requires one less prize card to be taken when defeated, which is very good.

thats a very rare situation though, and even if it did happen now you have no hand and only one loaded Pokemon, victini can can have two attack ready pokemon in t2. Where as with blastoise you have to get a lucky hand. So yes with a perfect game blastoise would be better engine, but im looking for consistency.

Did I mention the weakness? There's not many grass type Pokemon, and there's plenty of water out there. You go up against another Keldeo and bam, knocked out as soon as they use their first attack. I run one to a couple of Moltres in my deck to help against plasmaklang decks.
That's why this deck almost needs Sacred Sword Virizion. They KO your Victini, but you OHKO them right back. You can also KO Squirtles with Giga Drain. (This is what I mean by playing around with the attackers by the way.)