
I playz roguez
The Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit and their Lv.Xs from DP5 are incredible together. With Premier Ball and basic searchers and Pachirisu a deck with these cards in has an almost guarnteed T3 200 damage. Incredible!


^Basically every useful attack/Power/Body needs all 3 of them in play. So yeah, they work great together. Not much to discuss. They weren't called the Lake Trio for nothing, I suppose.
T3 200 is pretty impossible though, you would need to get them all 3 active once to Level them Up and to get 3 Premier Balls in your hand. Good luck with that.
Yes, this deck can be extremely powerful, (doing 200 damage every other tunr) so we ask ourselves: "What will keep this deck in check?" The answer is this: The Price. Lets see what this deck will contain:
x2 Uxie-$5
x2 Uxie X-$80-100
x2 Mesprit-$5
x2 Mesript X-$80-100
x2 Azelf-$5
x2 Azelf X-$80-100
x4 Pachirisu-$10-25
x4 Premier Ball-$1
x4 Quick Ball-$1
x15 Psychic Energy-nothing
The rest is for you to decide.
The Pixes deck will cost: +$340 to make at the most expensive prices. Unless these are made into tins, we will be fine.
lol 80-100? At most 60, we're not talking about Charizard here. I honestly think the deck will be too slow, unless you get a god hand of all three and their Lv.X and a Moonlight Stadium and draw into energies have fun then
This is going to be the most expensive deck out there, and one of the least seen because of the value, plus with TSD, wow...

^You don't need Moonlight Stadium, one of the MT trio gives them free retreat if I'm not mistaken.
EDIT: Also TSD seems unnecessary because Premier Ball can also fish the discard pile. But I personally wouldn't play this with Pachirisu...
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