Congratulations to Afro-G and Gary Walsh for becoming moderators! Welcome to the team.
Also, PokéBeach is changing our advertising rule and adding another rule. This is a total of four things.
No advertising of other Pokémon forum/community pages.
PokéBeach prohibits linking to Pokémon forums, Pokémon websites that include forums, and Pokémon communities other than our own anywhere on the site from here on out. This includes signatures, bios, and private messages. Links will be removed and a 40% advertising warning given for each offense after June 10th, 2011. Please voluntarily remove these links before then to avoid a warning. Quoting something from a source for discussion purposes will not get you warned. Instead of linking to a forum/community for information, simply quote the material here and give credit.
If plagiarism is committed against the site and it's staff, or another artist/writer's works are being posted on this site as your own, you will be confronted about it and possibly permanently banned. This is limited to original artwork and writing. Please be original and don't use other people's work. (and if you want to use their work, you should ask for permission first anyways)
More things are in store, soon there will be another change. Stay tuned to PokéBeach this summer!
Also, PokéBeach is changing our advertising rule and adding another rule. This is a total of four things.
No advertising of other Pokémon forum/community pages.
PokéBeach prohibits linking to Pokémon forums, Pokémon websites that include forums, and Pokémon communities other than our own anywhere on the site from here on out. This includes signatures, bios, and private messages. Links will be removed and a 40% advertising warning given for each offense after June 10th, 2011. Please voluntarily remove these links before then to avoid a warning. Quoting something from a source for discussion purposes will not get you warned. Instead of linking to a forum/community for information, simply quote the material here and give credit.
If plagiarism is committed against the site and it's staff, or another artist/writer's works are being posted on this site as your own, you will be confronted about it and possibly permanently banned. This is limited to original artwork and writing. Please be original and don't use other people's work. (and if you want to use their work, you should ask for permission first anyways)
More things are in store, soon there will be another change. Stay tuned to PokéBeach this summer!