DPPt/HGSS TIckets through Wifi...


The Lord of Darkness
I have been seeing alot of Player Threads with people asking for GBA game tickets for the Event Legendaries on those games.

I would like to politely inform these people, you know who you are, that those tickets are entirely unobtainable on DP. Even if you could get them, there is no way to use them at all, you can't send them to your GBA games either even. Pokemon and items attached to pokemon are sent one way, GBA to DP, and can not go back ever again.

Also the tickets are key items, which, I'm afraid, can not be attached to pokemon, and thus can not be traded. I'm sorry. But wouldn't it be kinda funny to see a Marrill with a bike or something? lol

I'm sorry. But you won't be able to get those tickets through Wifi at all. They just are not obtainable on DP.

Just a little polite informing. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.

PS: There are 386 pokemon in GBA games, not 384 lol.