theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: Weavile & Seviper

RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: Charizard & Mr. Mime

don()shinobi said:
I definitely like the concept of attacking twice with one attack. It lets me know that there are still fresh ideas that can be applied to a game that's been milked for 10 years.
Thanks, man! David Sirlin gets part of the credit. He wrote about a mechanic somewhat like that on his blog a while back, though in context of a computer game he was working on. (He's an advocate of sharing game design elements, so I'm sure he'd be happy to have inspired me.)

Anyhow, I like the idea. It seems to lead to a lot of interesting interactions, especially along with the new stat. alteration mechanics.

MonsterHunter909 said:
I really like these! The Resource Cards are nicely balanced, and would help with the current format. Did you make the art yourself? It looks pretty epic.
Thank you for the kind words, especially about the balancing (I'm trying very hard with that part--it's tricky).

Sadly, no, I'm not that talented an illustrator. I assembled the art, meaning I matched foreground images to backgrounds, adjusted colors, clipped, and used filters. The pieces I assembled, though, are all from other people (the talented folks listed on each card). The only genuine artistic credit I can claim is for the trainer and TM blanks (the others are by Aschefield101).
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: Charizard & Mr. Mime

Well then amazing job designing the Blanks. They look very cool!
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: Marowak & Absol

Here are two more Pokemon, and two more refurbished trainers:

I actually put five or six pieces together for Marowak's art, I'm rather proud of myself.
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: Marowak & Absol

I forgot about this asdf

Absol: Definitely...interesting. I like the deck manipulation that can combo with certain cards, but as a rule of thumb, whenever you mention a number in card text, say the number instead of the words. So you would have "2", not "two".

Marowak: Seems pretty balanced. I love the art, though...if you wouldn't have said you used several artists, I would have never noticed.

Poke Ball: FINALLY. Pokeball is PLAYABLE.

Individualized Training: Huh, was this the card that you needed wording help on? Either way, turned out nice; reminds me of Professor Elm's Training Method.
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: Marowak & Absol

Yea, good catch on Absol. I'll fix that when I have Photoshop again (my trial version ran out and so I am without software for a couple days). Anyhow, yea, the idea there was to facilitate some subtle deck manipulation by making junk draws less frequent.

Yes, 'Individualized Training' was the one I was looking for wording help with. Between it and 'Poke Ball' most of people's basic pokemon searching needs should be taken care of. My thought is to make the more potent drawing and searching effects be the result of attacks rather than supporter trainers. Among other things, this should mean that some of the interesting little utility pokemon (like Absol?) see a little more play because they're more needed.
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: first Special Energy!

I've had to actually work the last couple weeks--imagine that. Still, I found time to make a few cards, and to finish working out what I'm doing for special energy cards. (I found a couple resources that might be quite useful to people. I'll add them to the appropriate thread later.) Here's what I came up with:

Woops, the above is the unfinished version of Mobility Energy. Here's the finished one:
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: first Special Energy!

I wanted to add dual-type energy cards to my set. Here are the first six:

Of course, if I were to make all the possible dual-type cards there would be 45 of these things. That seems excessive, so I'm going to start by making cards to match dual-type Pokemon, and keep the number down to around 12 or 15.

What do you think?
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: the Energy edtion!

Loving the names and pics. The energy symbols could look like they could merge a little bit better--similar to the Magma and Aqua energies(of course, I'm referring to the color, not the overlapping of two symbols)--but they look like they could really be something awesome.
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: I'm back.

Well, school started. I guess that happens at this time of year.

But I've finally picked my project back up and created a new card. Here's Sneasel (Weavile should follow in a couple days when I can find decent art):


For those who might be wondering what on Earth it does (since it uses several of my rules tweaks) here's the breakdown: Sneasel's second attack, "Hook Claws", is split into two small attacks. Weakness, resistance, and bonuses are applied to these separately. So, for example, a Plus Power would increase the damage of Hook Claws to 40 instead of 30. (Meanwhile, if something was resistance -10 to darkness, the attack would do no damage at all.)

If Sneasel knocks something out he gets a semi-permanent boost to his attack damage (it disappears if he goes to the bench). That increases the damage of his first attack to 30. But, because of the quirk with his second attack, that gets increased to 60.

I figure that's still not incredibly useful because of how hard it will be for him to knock anything out. But I've got a Weavile in mind that has some nice synergy. What do you think?

P.S. Don()Shinobi, I messed around with how to make the energy symbols merge together and this was the best I've been able to come up with. I did try the aqua magma approach, but that ends up not looking like two things bound together so much as two completely separate things (I think it worked on those cards because the energy symbols were the same color to begin with).
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: I'm back.

^That s one of the most creative rule I have run into since I started playing pokemon, about the 10/10. You have my respect for that. (Maybe this could be the advanced version of Pokemon TCG, just like the advanced version of D&D vs the normal D&D)

Although, I dislike the fact that you are using old cards' pictures. But that s a personal opinion only.

I can hardly imagine a sneasel KO anything out, so either it is overestimated and underpowered, either it s fully balanced.

(I know school started, I totally understand you...)
Good job overall.
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: I'm back.

Zeto said:
^That s one of the most creative rule I have run into since I started playing pokemon, about the 10/10. You have my respect for that. (Maybe this could be the advanced version of Pokemon TCG, just like the advanced version of D&D vs the normal D&D)
Thank you very much, Zeto. I'm glad you like the idea. And I appreciate your description of my alterations as "Advanced Pokemon TCG"--that fits well with what I have in mind.

Although, I dislike the fact that you are using old cards' pictures. But that s a personal opinion only.
Yes, I'm not thrilled about that either. When possible I use fresh art, but I can't always find anything I like. I've gotten new images for 2/3 of the Pokemon cards, and all the energy, but the trainers have been really hard. I can't find much in the right style unless I'm willing to use screen caps from the anime, and those don't look good. Do you have any art suggestions for procuring better stuff?
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: I'm back.

^You can try drawing the picture by yourself. It seems to be ridiculous, but once you get the hang of it, you will never want to make a card without your own drawings.
To do so, you need to have a raw picture, drawn by yourself. Scan it. Then, with Photoshop, make it 3Dish (I will send you a tutorial by pm), and stick it in your card with a fitting background and some special effects. (not done yet, but you see what i mean)
You may as well use Illustrator to draw the pokemon, if you feel more comfortable with it.
(just to give you an idea of the power of Illustrator, that pokeball there could have been drawn with it)

This method takes much more time, but I personally think it is worth it. I am prouder with one of these cards, than 10 from my old set, which used ken sugimori s artwork with a random bg.
RE: theGardener's TCG Reboot Project || Update: I'm back.

Here are Weavile and Seviper.


If Weavile seems a tad inexplicable take a look back at Sneasel. The two are meant to have a lot of synergy. Thus Weavile retains Sneasel's bonus, and can set up another Sneasel to get that bonus (by putting it in a position to KO something safely).
I saw you wanted to add TMs. I think to make TMs better, you could give them a type and you can only play the TM on a Pokemon of that type.

Example: TM02 Dragon Claw Type-Dragon
You can play TM on a Pokemon with the same type as this TM.
Dragon Claw 50