The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!(un-canceled, need helpers)

RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

As Junichi said, there needs to be a set symbol.

So we'll take a vote. Do we want:


or 2.
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Mankey Lv. 13 HP 60 (F)

(C) Berserker Ascension
If Mankey has 4 or more Damage counters on it, you may search your deck for a card that evolves from Mankey and put it on Mankey. (This counts as evolving Mankey.) Shuffle your deck afterward.

(F) Trip Up 10
You may flip a coin. If Heads, this attack does 30 damage instead of 10. If tails, Mankey does 20 damage to itself (damage is still aplied).

Weakness: (P) +10
Retreat Cost: (C)

Primape Lv. 43 HP 80 (F)
Stage 1
Evolves from Mankey

(F) Pusuit Stare 30
If the Defending Pokemon retreats during your opponent's next turn, put 2 damage counters on it (after applying any affects of the retreat)

(F)(F)(F) All or Nothing
Flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokemon is knocked out. If tails, put 4 damage counters on Primape. Either way, Primape can't attack, retreat or be affected by any of your trainer cards, supporters, stadiums, Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies during your next turn. Any effects currently applied to Primape remain inaffective until the end of your next turn.

Weakness: (P) + 30
Retreat Cost: (C)

Also should have a globe symbol, since it uses all pokemon from around the globe
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Alright, here is the final option:

For those of you who can't see this, it is an old fashioned pokeball from Red/Blue/Yellow on a globe.

I only got around to making Feraligatr. Enjoy!
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Good!! (tough I prefer the second symbol, the pokeball inside a golden plate)
About the fake, I have some things to say/ask:
- Is this D/P or ex 0.o?
-FeraEX is a bit weak for an EX /Lv. X
Also, junichi, where did you get the right fonts?
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Can I help? I can do spoilers if you want me to. Here's some you can use. I hope no one did Squirtle...

Squirtle HP:50 (W)

(W) Squirt Shot 10

(W)(W) Water Gun 20

Weakness: (L)+10
Resistance: -
Retreat Cost: (C)

Wartortle HP: 70 (W)

(W)(W) Shell Smash 30

(W)(W)(C) Crunch 40
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Do not apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)

Weakness: (L)+20
Resistance: -
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)

I hope this helps!
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Just go to PPN under the fake cards section, they've got all the resources you'd need.
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Dudeman, your in, but we need fakers/artists more than anything.
FPS Feraligatr is ex series

In case some of your are wondering, I made a fake set called EX Super Mario Bros. Well, since I said it doesn't really matter, here are some of my SMB cards. Enjoy![/IMG

BTW no one did squirtle
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

the idea is that all the pokes are the same type no? (except delta's)
also, I said I could be an artist!

now, a spoiler:

Abra Lv.11 40HP (P)

Poke-Power: warp to safety
Once during your turn, before your attack, you may switch abra with one of your benched pokemon. If the defending pokemon hasn't got any energies, you can't use this power (you can use it even if abra is affected by a special condition)

(P) Mindshock 10
Flip a coin. If heads, the defendig pokemon is now paralyzed.
weakness: (P)+10
retreat cost:*
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Have we come up to an agreement to the set symbols?

Here is a list of all spoilers/fakes we have done as of 6/9/07 (Central Time Zone)
Bulbasaur (spoiler made by MOT6K)
Ivysaur (spoiler made by FireMeowth)
Venusaur(spoiler made by FireMeowth)
Geodude (fake done by Golem1996)
Graveler(fake done by Golem1996)
Golem(fake done by Golem1996)
Mankey (spoiler made by MOT6K)
Primape (spoiler made by MOT6K)
Charizard (spoiler made by FPS, card soon to be faked by Golem1996)
Heracross (fake by popothellama)
Dratini(spoiler/ fake done by Junichi)
Dragonair (spoiler by Junichi)
Squirtle (spoiler by Dudeman)
Wartortle (spoiler by Dudeman)
Ampharos (fake done by Golem1996)
Dialga (fake done by Golem1996)
Miltank (spoiler made by MOT6K)
Abra (spoiler made by FPS)
Feraligatr (card faked by Golem1996)

Its obvious that we are very far from our goal....
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Miltank HP 80 (C)

Poke-Body: Lax and Lactose
Whenever Miltank goes from being your Active Pokemon, to being your Benched Pokemon, you may remove up to 3 damage counters from your new Active Pokemon.

(C)(C) Spilled Milk 20+
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is Paralyzed. If tails, this attack does 10 damage to each of your Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)

Weakness: (F)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

I would gladly do the Kanto starter chains if someone left a link for Cascade Gonpory blanks(get the hint)
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

another spoiler:

Charmeleon Lv. 30 70 HP (R)
STAGE 1 Evolves from Charmander

Poke-power: Madness
If the defending pokemon is stage2, Lv.X or * (shiny) and Charmeleon has more than 3 damage counters on it, You may discard all of the energy attached to Charmeleon at the beggining of your turn. If you do, All of Charmeleon's attacks do 30 more damage.

** Slash 20
(R)(R)* Heat burst 50
Flip a coin. If tails, discard a (R) energy attached to charmeleon.

When it finds a stronger foe, it beomes excited. When on this state, it fights fiercely with it's poweful claws and flames. It's tail also burns in a bluish white color
Weakness: (W)+20
Retreat cost: **
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

OK everyone please stop making D/P style spoilers until I get D/P blanks. Sheesh...
RE: The Ultimate Fake TCG Project!

Ok this will take forever, and with people not helping or me getting Cascade Gonpory blanks, this thread will die off anyway. Mods, close this thread.
You may use any card/s that I've made....just give me credit for making them.