The Student Lounge Thread

Finally, the school year is over (Except for Finals)

Those boring easy tests that waste our time and I swear make us dumber.
I took a Regents Class Placement Test today for History...

Interesting, too much Political Cartoon interpretation.

And then the rest was 9th grade stuff no one knew.

Anyone know what "lobbying" is in government?
Google does :p

wikipedia said:
Lobbying (also Lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government by individuals, other legislators or government actors, constituents, or advocacy groups.
I wonder if this thread will stay active during summer...
It's finals (exempt) for me and I'm finished with my Junior Year. Getting my driver's license, Prom, and making friends were the high points of this year. Not bad.
Had a big Algebra test about Quadratics today. This is the one test that I have been dreading all year. I think I did well, very tiring though.
pokemon99 said:
Google does :p

wikipedia said:
Lobbying (also Lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government by individuals, other legislators or government actors, constituents, or advocacy groups.

So would this be an example of Lobbying;

A New York Senator gets a New Jersey Senator to support his bill in return to support the other Senator's bill.

@ShadowLugia, did you go with someone to prom?

I'm looking forward to the end of the year now... SOLs start this week, and short school days start a couple weeks from now. Funfun.
Ugh. I'm home sick and because of that I'll miss an acting assighment, and the teacher said if your absent you get a 0/40. Bringing a high B to C.
only 27 days left for me. Anybody doing band camp this summer, i know i am. Cant wait to hit the beach. Is this thread closed for the summer???
Congrats! Aside from finals (only one more to go) I got all A's and B's on my final report! I'm so happy!