The Rules Consistency Problem

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Aspiring Trainer
Alright guys, I've had enough of this - as a professor, as a player, and as a game developer and judge for other games, I need to vent, and I hope people will see what's going on and get behind me on this.

Pokemon NEEDS a consistent, comprehensive rules document that outlines general cases for cards, so that there aren't wishy-washy interpretations about trainers, powers, and attacks that contradict one another.

The thing that started all this is the difference between Detect, Portrait, Regi Move, and Roast Reveal. The thing in common here is that they can all be used to make null plays, and according to the general rulings being handed down by TPCi, you can't do something that all players observing the decision know won't have an effect. This means, for example, you can't by this ruling attack a defender-augmented pokemon with a 20 damage attack that has no secondary effect, because it is a null play. You end your turn without going to the attack step. Doing this repeatedly has generated stalling penalties, from my own observations (I have never given one for this myself, most people don't do it).

Magby TRR and Jirachi's Detour, in the Compendium, states that if you "can't or don't" meet the requirements for the supporter, it fails. This gives you a choice to make a null play with the attack, that contradicts the more current general rule.

Portrait is its closest companion. Here the interesting ruling is on Engineer's Adjustments. If Engineer's Adjustments is their only supporter in hand, and you have an energy card, the current ruling is that you MUST discard the card. The problem is your opponent does not have complete information here, but is observing this decision. It could give your opponent information about your deck, and hinder your play, if you are forced to discard. By the general line of other rulings, because the hand is not a public zone to both players (but the revealed card being decided on IS) the player can choose not to discard.

Regi Move and Roast Reveal are my other rant, this time entirely on null plays. The current ruling on Regi Move is that you can discard two cards if the opponent's pokemon is evolved, and make a null play. This is, again, by this line, illegal. A similar that got a player at (iirc) Regionals 2010 a game loss for gamesmanship by using Roast Reveal with no energy in his hand to bait power sprays. By any kind of logic you use to define the rules of a game played by humans (not necessarily computers). While these are no longer equivalent plays (you cannot use Regi Move and choose not to discard, unlike what the 'ruling' on it says) there is still an issue of null plays going on here.

There are a lot of other, smaller problems, but this is going to snowball if something isn't done. I urge everyone here with an interest in consistent, competitive play, and easier, less paranoid judging, to post in support of this so we can take it to TPCi and get some real professionals to write a comprehensive rules document for the game.

Finally - how is a new player supposed to know ANY of this stuff? Compendium is not official and only somewhat supported - and not managed by ANY professional in the field of logic, documentation, or game development. This is a dangerous combination to be used in competitive events like Nationals, especially since the average player I talk to at League, Battle Roads, etc, either does not know about it, or does not trust it because it isn't official. It can be of help for judging consistency, but so can tournament minutes - the head judges of majors should be taking AND posting these to the general public, with all names omitted.

Mods: Move this where you want, but this really has to be seen and commented on by players and judges. If we want Pokemon outside Japan to be taken even remotely seriously as a competitive game, this has to happen.

Edit: Too late at night, Detect --> Detour.

Edit 2: Regice's Regi Move cannot be used without discard - this was a judge mistake.
The current ruling on Regi Move is that you can discard two cards if the opponent's pokemon is evolved, and make a null play. This is, again, by this line, illegal. You can also activate the power and choose to not discard - again, a null play. The same play that got a player at (iirc) Regionals 2010 a game loss for gamesmanship by using Roast Reveal with no energy in his hand to bait power sprays.
Before I make a full reply I want to point something out about this - first, I don't ever remember you ever being allowed to use Regi Power at all without discarding cards from your hand; as far as I've seen, you need to discard 2 cards or not regardless of the target. (I will say, though, that I did argue before that I didn't believe Regi Move could be used if the Defending Pokemon was unevolved, due to the wording.) And as for that Roast Reveal situation? I think he was just being a jerk, personally - although for the Engineer's Adjustments, I think if you do have an energy card in your hand you must do it; you only fail Portrait like that if you can't meet the requirement.

In any case I do agree; we need something comprehensive, something that will answer 95% of the questions before they ever happen, and not just have errata or rulings pop up on an "as-they-come" basis. (Heck, I've had big debacles regarding Portrait as well as Dragon Rush, and the only reason that I know of as to why that Red Armor ruling is in the Compendium is because a more advanced player brought it up at my league. I've argued about a few other things too - a big one being how Ectoplasm and Phoenix Turn compare with Expert Belt; I was annoyed that you take 1 prize against Ho-Oh and 2 against Dusknoir - it should be both the same!)

And, if need be, so the Team Compendium can get on with their lives, I would be totally ready and willing to write one - since I have a very good grasp on the rules and machinations of gameplay.

By the way, can you link me to the card with the "Detect" you're talking about? Because this is the first thing that pops into my mind.
I've seen the Regi Move case, and even using it to just pitch cards against an evolved pokemon is an illegal play by the same logic that you can't use Junk Arm with no target just to pitch cards.

As for Phoenix Turn and Dusknoir, that's a good one; they should have the same ruling, in both cases - which way is an interesting question, honestly. Because the power resolves then Ho-Oh is knocked out, and the power discards Expert Belt, I do lean towards the one prize ruling, and would apply the same for Dusknoir.

Also, for Engineer's Adjustments, that breaks the "revealing private information" design guideline, and in Japan, where the game is actually designed, Portrait plays as I described. You can choose Engineer's Adjustments, then choose to not discard an energy, acting as though you do not have any if you do not want to sabotage yourself or reveal information. Portrait should only screw you over on cards like Judge - not cards like Engineer's.

How would I go about declaring a regimove Without discarding? "I use regimove and then do not discard?" I'm curious as how that would work
Actually now that I look at the card again that should not be possible...I have a rather senior judge on Pokegym to laugh at for this. Also, I got a "rules team" reply on the entire thing.

What they're trying to remove with these rulings are:
- Null TRAINER plays
- Gamesmanship

So using a power to bait sprays is illegal despite it being a valid strategy allowed by the rules of the game in most cases (regice is actually NOT a case, this was a mistake on the rules board, thank you mlouden).

Null powers are legal moves in all other cases for some reason or another. There really still is no reason that all of this is only laid out in an unofficial, community document that is badly written, rarely updated (only appended to) and still in cases like Portrait vs Detour and Phoenix Turn vs Ectoplasm, very inconsistent. We need a more complete rules document, which is really what this is about.
I think the only problem with the Roast Reveal with no Fire Energy in your hand is because Power Spray is in the format. If you think about it,
I'm pretty sure the only reason you would declare Roast Reveal with no Fire Energy in your hand is because you're trying to get your opponent to play Power Spray. I can't think of any other reason....
That is pretty much the point, yes; the fact is, by the written rules it's a legal move, and the unofficial rulings against it for "gamesmanship" seem more to be rulings against "strategic play". This is why a complete rules document is needed - to officially rule, in a general way, on such plays instead of being arbitrary.
As for Phoenix Turn and Dusknoir, that's a good one; they should have the same ruling, in both cases - which way is an interesting question, honestly. Because the power resolves then Ho-Oh is knocked out, and the power discards Expert Belt, I do lean towards the one prize ruling, and would apply the same for Dusknoir.
That's what I believe as well - in both cases you are discarding all cards attached to that Pokemon, and then declaring a knockout; in both cases Expert Belt is gone, but why does Dusknoir (who is by far the better card) get the short end of the stick?

As for null trainer plays, a big one that comes up is Junk Arm, due to it having the same effect as Regi Power. (I say "Regi Power" because all 3 of them have the same activation cost - discard 2 cards from your hand.) You can't use Junk Arm without an existing non-Junk-Arm trainer in the discard, and yet you can use any of the Regi Powers (except Regi Cycle) even if it wouldn't do anything. Same with Nurse Call (Blissey PL).

I don't get it. I just don't get it. Not only are they slow, but they're inconsistent. (Anyone remember that Inviting Trap situation at Worlds? It took them almost a year to figure it out, and when they released it, everyone up to that point had been playing it the exact opposite way that the Compendium prescribed - it was an effect on both Active and the Bench target, instead of just the Bench target. And that is the point where Mewtwo LV.X lost most of its power.)

Edit: Wait a minute... As a whim, I looked up the rulings for an older card that has the exact same effect as Portrait, the only difference being that it doesn't need to be Active. The rulings on Sharing say that, if you meet the requirements for that Supporter, you must fulfill them. That means with Portrait you can't elect not to use Engineer's Adjustments (if selected) if you do have an Energy card in your hand.

I'd say it's a big part of why the competitive pokemon community gets laughed at a lot. On the video game side we have hidden mechanics that take hacks or exploits to bring them to a competitive level, and on the TCG side we have this. It turns into a big argument every time something weird happens, instead of being able to logically resolve situations using existing rules, like you can in most games.
@Kitty mew

I asked the PTO running Ohio states and he told me they fixed the roast reveal problem after the incidient, so that really isn't a possibility to bait sprays you Must have an energy in hand to declare the power
But that didn't stop the guy who brought that up in the first place. The point is to have everything in place already so issues like this don't occur and get fixed only on an as-they-happen basis.
Exactly. The real problem is the lack of consistency; and there is still no official text preventing the "illegal" action either - only some statements from HJes and compendium lines for a specific card. That's not a rule, that's an exception to an underlying principle that doesn't even exist.
I would agree. If there was a rulebook, I'd be able to refer to it. Being a newcommer, I'm having to rely on reading forums and such, which is OK, but as Kitty said, it's not very professional, and no outsider with a serious mindset would look at Pokemon TCG with any respect.
im a bit confused but this is what i have to say.

it doesnt matter if you try and find every loop hole in every card and make all these rules that would be official or what ever more will come up, or there will be ones you over looked. you would never win against the loop holes.

what was the problem with mewtwo x?
catutie said:
It doesn't matter if you try and find every loop hole in every card and make all these rules that would be official or what ever more will come up, or there will be ones you over looked. you would never win against the loop holes.
The point is to make a totally new system with no loopholes whatsoever, and if any small loopholes do exist, they can be resolved via the rules already set in place, instead of waiting for Team Compendium to take 2 months to release a new ruling.

It would make all our lives easier, especially theirs.
The point is not to make a totally new system. It is to make a REAL rulebook for the system that already exists, locking everything that's already in place into a general set of rules. For most people it wouldn't change how the game is played at all. For judges and tournament players, however, it would avoid silly things happening like judges deciding results by coin flips (interesting story about that in irc this morning) because there will be explicit rules suspending them for those kind of actions.
what about Lv X cards? since it's leveling up using a BTS won't let you level up same turn you place it down (or evolve for the evo Lv X's) yet in the Majestic Dawn Rulebook (I got it from the Glaceon theme deck) it clearly states "this counts as evolving that pokemon" I know that it refers to the actions of removing special conditions from said pokemon, why not instead word it as "remove all special conditions when you level up" ?
we dont have these advanced rulings/rulebooks because pokemon is a game made for 8 year olds
its not meant to be the way older people are making it

if you want something more competitive, go play MTG
^what no most of the competative game is senior or masters (at my cities there were 2 juniors....ya 2 out of at least 70 people and then like 30 some seniors and then 40 somthing masters)

i get it now kind of like the rule thing we have here about the unseen rules like alot of the ruling on scizor prime and tyranitar prime (lol that just made me thing of an impenetrable shield vs a sword that penitrates any this case....the sword wins lol) sort of have an official no loop hole guide and not the thinly detailed rule book we have now. you can really power bait with any power. rain dance comes to mind and just not attach anything.

it would be great but will it happen...most likly not lol
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