The New Metagame (must see)


Never ended lower than 3e place, NEVER!
I was wondering what would be the best deck to play.
so everyone (that wants to participate) must post a deck idea and try to premote it and then at then at the end of the month i will anounce the 10 decks that have the most votes ranked from 1 to 10! Right now you can pomote your deck and if you dont want to make a deck you can also vote for wich decks should be nominated!
please promote or vote till the end of the month!

ps it is alloud to post decks in deck help and strategie forums first or test it on redshark as but you may only vote once!

Here you can see the amount of decks nominated and the amount of votes:
T-Tar: 3 votes
Machamp: 1 vote
Magmortar: 1 vote
Magnevire: 1 vote
Infertran: 1 vote
i vote for T-Tar as it kill's gengar/dusknoir which are both big, and can kill everything in a couple of turns.
Decks nominated so far T-Tar, 1 vote for T-Tar.

Any other nominations/ votes?
Machamp all the way:

Machamp is the new Kingdra. With an attack that is an Auto KO, and for only one energy. Kingdra needed:
1 Horsea
1 Candy
1 Kingdra
1 Water
2 Spare Cards
1 Plus Power
Just to be able to grab the T1 Donk. Machamp doesn't require the two spare cards and the plus power. This is just enough to show that Machamp is capable of grabing the T1 Donk. Even more capable than Kingdra.

Machamp has one of the best ways to increase his attack for a KO. Machamp Lv.X gives you that extra 60 damage and, if played at the correct time, can easily give you the win. Alone Machamp isn't a pushover either. For a single energy, Machamp can either get and Auto KO, or he can do 40. Since Machamp is supposed to be an early gamer, you don't need to worry about only doing 40 damage in the later game. Machamp also has one of the most underrated attacks in the game. Hurricane Punch is a great attack. Now most people fear flips, for whatever reason. Yet for only two energies you have a 50% chance of doing 60 damage, with the possibility of doing more. Coupled with the Lv.X Machamp's second attack is going to average 120 damage. Enough to KO almost anything in the metagame. (Raichu, T-Tar, Gengar, Dusknoir, ect.) Yet there is still more. Machamp's third attack, Rage is a great attack for finishing late game. 60+10 for each damage counter on Machamp adds up to massive damage quickly. Add in the extra 60 from the Lv.X, and with only 4 damage counters on you, you are able to KO every sensible card in the meta. Machamp Lv.X's attack isn't a great attack, I must admit. 80 for three isn't the best, even with the 50% chance of immortality. Overall Machamp is a great choice for power in this format.

This is where Machamp tends to have his issues. Most Machamp decks tend to have issues late game, if your opponent makes it to late game. Most people complain about Rage's energy cost, sadly they either don't know how to play Machamp or they don't believe in the Registark engine. Registark makes that 4 turn waiting process on Machamp's attack into a 2-3 turn ordeal. Nothing compared to four turns. Early game consistancy is where Machamp thrives. Being able to T1 with the right build is quite amazing, and overall not that hard. Using Chatot and Uxie you can T1 a Machamp almost 33% of the time. (I have done the math but I'm not gonna post it.) So overall, Machamp does have some consistancy issues but hopefully with the correct build you don't have to worry about late game.

Not too many techs go along with Machamp. The whole deck tends to revolve around Machamp and his speed. Two of the most important techs that go into the deck are, Weavile SW and Unown G.
Weavile: Is used to change Machamp's type to be able to 1HKO all Dusknoirs and Gengars.
Unown G: Is used to block out most of the troublesome cards in the format including Gengar's first attack and Dusknoir's first attack and second attack.

Machamp has one of the best lists of matchups in the format.
Wins often against:
Scizor Cherrim

Often looses to

If you look at that list there are very few decks that often win against Machamp. Gengar and Dusknoir can be taken out by some of your techs. Salamence is a rogue deck and doesn't tend to show up often.

There is my arguement for Machamp. Please enjoy.
The best deck of course would have to be magnevire. DUH! auto paralyzation every turn. also with the luxray tech you can hit for 150 if your oppenet has a lv.x (which they most lickly do). the deck just owns all other decks.
I vote for T-Tar, as it is a monster with its large damage output. Techs such as Weavile and Darkrai can speed it up or increase its OHKOs.
I vote for the MD version of Infer-ran/InferTran (whatever you guys want to call it, since I've seen different names for this...)

It can do lots of damage if played right...
Thanks for voting, though a winner is not yet declared!
Keep checking my first post of this thread because it will constantly be updated with the nominated decks and their votes! I will let you know whenever it's updated!
Any more votes/ nominations?
Due to no more voting, I declare T-Tar being the best Metagame Deck!!!
(i'm serious it's that good!!!!!!!!)
Even with the new stuff coming out, I still see the older decks continuing to do well.

Honestly, what matters is what the best players run. The best players will generally win, regardless of what they run, as long as it's consistent, and constructed well.
elekid957 said:
I vote for T-Tar as it kill's gengar/dusknoir which are both big, and can kill everything in a couple of turns.

You do realize that T-tar still have a problem against Gengar/Dusknoir. Sure T-Tar is the decks weakness, but The spread on Gengar/Dusknoir is just disgusting. If T-tar doesn't get the 5 energy's to OHKO the Dusknoir, it's just going to damage even and then die into a stadium.

I would vote for Luxray, but it loses to Gengar and T-Tar so I guess I would have to vote for Machamp.

You tech in a 1-1 Weavile to take out the ghosts and your good to go.
^how does it have a problem VS gengar?? T-Tar doesn't have a power so it would take 5 turns to kill it with shadow room and if you tried the other attack it would be like 20 damage i hit... also T-Tar can just spread for like 3 turns until gengar dies and by then, most other stuff will have died, i can see how the dusk matchup would be harder, but you only have to have 3 specials and a basic to OHKO a dusknoir and if it's the LV.X you only need 4 basics....