Writing The Elemental Spectrum ~ Finished

Love your writing style Jabberwock :)
It's really clear, easy to follow and easy to visualise! I too enjoyed the Xerosic twist, but I reckon he'll come to and rejoin Team Flare, or the heroes. There's more for him in this story surely!
As the group soared over Kalos, Ani began to appreciate the sheer vastness of the region. Since she had lived in the village, far to the east, all her life, she had never seen the effects of the disaster, which had occurred in the western Geosenge Town. While they were still far to the east, she could just see the faint outline of the ruins of Geosenge Town, like an ugly smudge on the horizon. Below her, all she could see was wilderness. As they flew west, the snow and ice gave way to grass-covered plains, which were crisscrossed by rivers that, from this distance, looked like scarcely more than blue worms.

All the while, she could see Lumiose City, a shining beacon that stood out against the green plains. The stories said Lumiose City would be visible from anywhere in the world. At the time, she hadn’t believed them. Now, it didn’t seem so impossible.

At the center of it all was Prism Tower, an impossibly tall skyscraper with lights covering every inch of the exterior. It was easily the most impressive building in the city.

Ani turned to Professor Sycamore and pointed. She had to shout to make herself heard over the roaring winds. “Is that where we’re going?”

“Sadly, no,” the professor called back. “Prism Tower is - or was - home to a Pokémon Gym. My laboratory is a different building.”

Disappointed, Ani turned back. As Lumiose City came close enough for her to discern the individual buildings, she noticed that the city had a pattern to it that probably made navigation easier for the residents. At the center was a circular plaza, at the heart of which was Prism Tower. From the plaza, five streets branched out, forming a sort of star. Each street connected to a smaller plaza, each of which, as they descended, Ani could see was of a different color. The streets continued through the smaller plazas until they reached an outer ring. Surrounding the entire city was a wall, with five gates as continuations of the original star, each of which opened onto a road. The entire city was circular, a fact Ani found interesting.

Professor Sycamore tapped her shoulder. When she turned, he pointed to a low, flat building with a gate and a walkway leading to the door, a feature that was not all too common in an urban area such as this. “That’s my laboratory.”

It didn’t look big enough for nineteen people - the Spectrum and the professor couldn’t all fit on one floor. When Ani voiced this concern, Professor Sycamore said, “You only see the top two floors. Most of it is underground.”

She nodded; it made sense. She supposed the ground floor would serve as a training center, with battlefields and such for Pokémon battles. The underground floors would probably be the living area.

Suddenly, Fylon whispered in the Pokémon’s ear, and the group descended to land on the roof of Professor Sycamore’s Pokémon Laboratory.


As Fylon, Professor Sycamore, and the former residents of Windier Town walked through the door of the laboratory, Ryan’s first thought was that this couldn’t be a training center for eighteen people. He recalled what Professor Sycamore had said during the descent, that most of the building was underground. Apparently, the underground part was the living quarters, but the ground floor seemed to be the lobby of an ordinary office building.

There were no people except the five who had just walked in on the ground floor. Ryan wondered about this, for it was very unlikely that in a building with nineteen residents, there would be no one on any given floor.

Professor Sycamore stepped to the front of the group and turned to face them. “There are a little more than three hours left before sundown. You will be given a tour of the building by one of the Spectrum in a half hour. In the meantime, Fylon will escort you to your rooms. If you need me for anything, my office is on the second floor.”

He turned around and walked off to the elevator that undoubtedly led to the second floor. As he left, Fylon took his place before the other three.

“We have not been properly introduced,” he said as he extended a hand. “My name is Fylon, Flying-type user in the Elemental Spectrum.”

“Ryan,” said Ryan cautiously as he shook Fylon’s hand. Ani and Roc murmured their names and in turn shook Fylon’s hand.

“I’m pleased to meet all of you,” said Fylon. “I was one of the first to join the Spectrum, so I know how nervous you must feel. Please remember, I will help you in any way I can.”

Ryan nodded, and Fylon inclined his head.

“Please follow me to your rooms,” said Fylon, turning to the elevator and waving a hand, beckoning them onward.

Ani and Roc both stepped forward eagerly at once, but Ryan hesitated. Fylon seemed just a little too nice. Fylon noticed his hesitation and landed on the problem at once. “I mean you no harm, Ryan.”

Not altogether reassured, but finally deciding it would be no use delaying further, Ryan followed him to the elevator.


As the metal doors of the elevator clanged shut, Fylon scanned the buttons (A2, G, B1, B2, and B3) and pressed the one marked B2. He heard the familiar rumbling noise that signaled the beginning of the elevator’s descent, and leaned back against the wall. Out of the corner of one eye, he could see that Ryan was the only one who had not done the same. Instead, Ryan was visibly on edge. Inwardly, Fylon smiled. He could recall his first day in the laboratory. He had been just as wary as Ryan was now. Wariness was understandable; from what Fylon had heard, Windier Town was incredibly rural and secluded from the rest of the world. He doubted whether the villagers had had any inkling of Team Flare’s reputation.

Far more intriguing to Fylon was the behavior of the other two - Roc and Ani. Neither seemed nervous or wary in the least. This was very strange. Perhaps this was all a big adventure for them, and their excitement blinded them to the danger of the situation? Yes, that would fit. If Windier Town was truly as secluded as he had heard, perhaps this was their first time outside, and these two were simply less cautious and more adventurous than Ryan.

The screen above the door to the elevator changed from G to B1. Ryan tensed further, apparently anxious to get off. Fylon noticed that the other two also tensed, but clearly in anticipation, not anxiety. Really, Fylon thought, you could tell so much about a person through subtle shifts in muscle tension.

The screen changed again, now to B2. The elevator came to a grinding halt, and the metal doors slid open. Ryan was the first one off, predictably. Roc was second, and like Ryan, it was easy for Fylon to tell that he, Roc, wished to be off the elevator. Ani looked around the elevator for a moment before she walked out, an action that may have gone unnoticed by some, but not by Fylon. Now it was evident to Fylon that they did not have the same purpose in joining the Spectrum, nor were their attitudes about it identical. Roc, who got off the lift almost immediately, seemed to want to finish the tour and be initiated as soon as possible. Fylon deduced from this that Roc came for the purpose of leaving Windier Town, and his life there, behind. Briefly, Fylon wondered what had happened to make Roc want to leave his home. Ani, who took in every detail before getting off, apparently came for the adventure, the excitement of being part of an Elemental Spectrum. This would mean, of course, that Ani knew what an Elemental Spectrum was before the professor visited Winder Town. That suggested to Fylon that Ani’s occupation before leaving was a record keeper or librarian - someone with access to information regarding events outside of the village. Ryan’s purpose in joining seemed to be to protect the region from Team Flare, since his wariness ruled out most other possibilities.

A smile flickered across Fylon’s face. He believed he knew every member of the Spectrum better than anyone else. His ability to spot small details was the reason for his choice of the Flying type - no one else would have the capability to discern events on the ground from the sky.

Fylon walked off the elevator and gestured to the corridor before them. “Shall we proceed?”

The villagers nodded. Fylon strode down the corridor, the other three closely behind. As he walked, he took note of the emptiness of the corridor. This would not be entirely unusual normally, but there were three initiations tomorrow. Everyone would have been recalled from missions as soon as Professor Sycamore had sent word that he was returning.

Fylon glanced at Ryan and observed, from the way his eyes darted at the door, and straight ahead when they rounded a bend, that Ryan, too, had noticed the lack of people in the corridor.

"Why isn't there anyone here?" asked Ryan suspiciously.

"I’m not exactly sure," said Fylon. “It’s usually pretty empty, since most of the Spectrum are usually out on missions, but this is the day before your initiations. Everyone should be here. Since I train the Flying type and am therefore able to perform aerial reconnaissance, the professor has assigned me the role of a sort of spy."

"What exactly does the Flying type mean?" asked Roc. "Professor Sycamore told us there are eighteen types, but he didn't tell us anything about them."

"The full explanation of the eighteen types will occur at your initiation," Fylon explained. "Until then, suffice it to say that the Flying type is exactly what it sounds like: a category of Pokémon with the ability to take to the skies."

Ryan didn't seem satisfied with either answer, but decided not to press the point further. Instead, they walked in silence for a while.

They rounded another bend in the corridor, and Fylon saw a flash of material at the far end that disappeared around the next turn. A quick look at the other three told him that no one else had seen it. He mentally scrolled through each member of the Spectrum and finally matched the fabric to Nika, the Electric-type user. Figuring it would be ideal for Roc, Ani, and Ryan to meet another of the Spectrum before the initiation, so they didn't feel too intimidated, Fylon quickened his stride.

When they turned the corner, Fylon called out. Hearing him, Nika turned and saw them. Her expression, which had been one of seriousness, now brightened as she walked toward them.

"Nika," said Fylon, "this is Ryan, Ani, and Roc. They are the final three members of the Spectrum. Ryan, Ani, Roc, this is Nika, the Electric-type user of the Elemental Spectrum."

Nika shook each of their hands and said "Pleased to meet you" three times. She looked at Fylon. "They're from that village the professor just went to?"

"Windier Town," supplied Fylon. "And yes, they are."

"How did the elder take it?"

"You know Elder Arhan?" asked Ani in surprise.

"I don't know him, but I scouted out the village a few weeks ago and reported back to the professor," said Nika. "From what I saw, the elder - Arhan, you called him? - is very stubborn.”

Roc and Ani nodded, while Ryan grunted. Nika looked at him sharply. Hastily, Ani asked, “Why are you a scout?”

Nika turned to her and smiled again. “Fylon, Clair and I are the primary scouts and spies. Clair’s the Ground-type user. Obviously, it’s helpful to be able to travel underground so Team Flare can’t see us. Fylon can see things from long distances better than anyone in the Spectrum. My reflexes are good enough to avoid capture. We all have our own jobs. I expect you’ll get yours tomorrow.”

“What types will we get?” asked Roc.

“I’m not allowed to tell you that,” said Nika. “I know which three are left, but I don’t know which each of you will choose.”

“Choose?” inquired Ryan sharply. Nika started; she had apparently forgotten he was there.

“Yes, choose,” she said quickly. “You didn’t think Professor Sycamore assigns the types, did you? No, we all chose our own.”

“Nika,” said Fylon as he remembered the emptiness of the corridor, “why isn’t anyone here? They should have returned from their missions by now.”

“Actually, I was just on my way to the Control Room now,” said Nika. “Want to come?”

Fylon agreed immediately. He didn’t know yet what the problem was, to require every member of the Spectrum, but he wasn’t going to stand by and let it happen.


The leader of Team Flare spoke into his headpiece. “Gaston! Are our forces in position?”

The garbled reply came through, affirming that they were ready to strike.

“Good,” said the leader. “Send in four Grunts first - the team we agreed on. Wait for their signal.”

The team they had agreed on consisted of Alma, Eldan, Bertram, and Jarret. While they weren’t particularly capable, they would hopefully be able to scout out the building before being detected. Once they had confirmed the location of the laboratory residents, they would signal Gaston, who would then contact the Scientists. The Scientists, a team of four high-ranking Team Flare members, were more than capable of securing the laboratory. He had a Plan B, of course, but he would rather not have it come to that, not when it was so convenient for the entire world to be convinced of his death.


Eldan stood with the other three Team Flare scouts in the Hangar, waiting for Gaston’s signal to infiltrate the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory. He checked his watch - red and black, to stylishly match his uniform. There were still five minutes before Gaston would call. He turned to Alma and voiced the question that had bothered him for some time now. “Which Pokémon did you use to battle that Klefki?”

“Oh, now you’re interested in my Pokémon?” Alma teased.

Ugh, Eldan thought, she has to bring that up now? For he remembered when they had first left Lumiose City a week ago to help Bertram and Jarret, when Alma had asked him about his Pokémon, and he hadn’t answered.

“Fine,” he said grudgingly. “My Pokémon is Houndour.” He took the Poké Ball from his belt and pressed the button, releasing Houndour. The canine Pokémon rubbed its head against Alma’s leg. Alma knelt down unstylishly to pet it.

“It’s so cute!” she said. “It’s a Fire-type?”

“Dark- and Fire-type,” corrected Eldan. “So, your Pokémon?”

Alma looked irritated at Eldan’s abrupt change of subject away from Houndour, but she reluctantly look a Poké Ball from her own belt and pressed the button, and her Pokémon appeared. “This is Electrike.”

At that moment Jarret came over. Eldan was startled; he had completely forgotten that Bertram and Jarret were there. “That’s an Electrike?” said Jarret disbelievingly. “They’re supposed to be really rare.”

“What makes them rare?” asked Bertram, who also approached them and looked at Electrike.

“They used to inhabit Route 10 near Geosenge Town,” answered Jarret. “But the disaster scared them all away.”

“I’ve had Electrike since I was five, a few years before the disaster,” said Alma. “It’s been my best friend since then.”

At that moment, a buzzing sound came from Eldan’s pocket. He pulled out his Holo Caster and stopped the sound. Then he turned to the others. “It’s time.”

Chapter Thoughts & Annotations:

OK, so here we get the first real PoV with Ani. Expositional ones don't count. :p
She looks at everything with a scientific view, and is able to reason and deduce much better than most people. Also notable from the first couple of paragraphs is that Ryan, Ani, Roc, Fylon, and Sycamore are all able to be carried by Braviary. There's actually a Pokédex entry that states Braviary can carry a car while flying, which is why I chose it for Fylon's Pokémon.

Next PoV is Ryan, who's very wary of the entire situation. He was a bit caught up in the moment when Sycamore came calling, and if he had been given time to sleep on it, probably would never have agreed to come. This is going to get bigger later, so make sure you caught that part. :p

Now Fylon. Fylon's another amazing PoV to write, probably being top 3 along with Eldan and Sycamore. He notices everything, and can basically tell you your life story from observing for a few moments. This is a bit Holmesian, I know, but I think it fits a Flying-type specialist perfectly.
He accurately deduces why each of the villagers is here, and at this point probably even knows which type each of them will pick based on their personality in relation to that of the Pokémon. Not much else is necessary to know about Fylon here; he was just a viewpoint to a) show how much he notices and b) allow him to make references to types and such, as with "Nika, the Electric-type user...".

As for Nika, I'll just put here that yes, she's the one with a Zebstrika. She chose the Electric-type because of her quick thinking and instinctive reflexes.

Last viewpoints are the leader, who just confirms a plan, and Eldan, who, with Alma, Bertram and Jarret is getting ready for the plan – and gets in a few more stylish quips before the end of the chapter.

Until next week, then. Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! :)
Bold Prediction: Any, Roc, and Ryan choose between Fire, Water, and Grass.
Clearly I need to be less obvious. >_>

Yes, Ani, Roc and Ryan will choose between Fire, Water, and Grass. I'm sure you could also guess which Pokémon they'll get to choose from. And if you can guess that, can you also guess who will pick who? :)
Clearly I need to be less obvious. >_>

Yes, Ani, Roc and Ryan will choose between Fire, Water, and Grass. I'm sure you could also guess which Pokémon they'll get to choose from. And if you can guess that, can you also guess who will pick who? :)
Bolder Prediction:

Ani gets Either Squitle or Froakie
Roc gets either Charmander or Fennekin
Ryan gets either Bulbasaur or Chespin

I'm not sure which of the starter trios Sycamore has on hand.

[Also, if I'm predicting too well, I'll stop :p]
Bolder Prediction:

Ani gets Either Squitle or Froakie
Roc gets either Charmander or Fennekin
Ryan gets either Bulbasaur or Chespin

I'm not sure which of the starter trios Sycamore has on hand.

[Also, if I'm predicting too well, I'll stop :p]
You're not predicting "too well", per se, but please do stop before you actually get it right. :p It won't be revealed for some time yet, so I don't want correct speculations arising for the next few chapters or so. Sorry. :(
It's time again for another chapter! :D

Alma stood by with Eldan, Bertram, and Jarret as the doors slid open. None of them had keyed in the command for the doors to open; Gaston had apparently done so. The four members of Team Flare raced out the doors and down the narrow alley connecting Magenta Plaza, the location of Team Flare’s headquarters, to Centrico Plaza, the largest plaza in Lumiose City. In the center of Centrico Plaza was Prism Tower, visible from any point in the city, which served as a landmark for those whose objective it was to navigate the busy metropolis. As that was the objective of the group now, Eldan had decided it would be best to reach the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory by way of Centrico Plaza.

The tower, although Alma had lived near it all her life, never ceased to amaze her. She could barely remember its days as a Pokémon Gym. The Gym Leader - she couldn’t think of the name - had once been, in addition to his duty to take on the challenge of young Trainers, a brilliant inventor, who had designed the complicated light system on the tower, as well as numerous other devices. From what Alma had heard, the Gym Leader of Lumiose City was one of the first to go into exile following the Geosenge disaster.

Alma had long since stopped questioning the leader’s motives in the Geosenge disaster. The administrators and Scientists of Team Flare had always taught that the leader had been trying to create a perfect world by strengthening the perfect aspects of this world through the energies radiated by the spirit of Life, a Pokémon whose very name was legend. The imperfect aspects would be obliterated by the power of the spirit of Death. Both energies would be harnessed by a three thousand-year-old machine, called by many the ultimate weapon, which would be fired to restore balance and perfection to the world. He had been very near his goal when the two legendary Pokémon were captured and the machine wrested from his control. The one who did it, Calem, was still spoken of with hatred in by the administrators, Scientists, and by the leader himself. No one was quite sure what happened then. Had Calem fired it? Had the leader, out of desperation, lunged for the remote and hit the wrong button? Had it simply fallen, and the button pressed to fire the ultimate weapon vertically? Either way, the fact of the matter was that the weapon had fired on itself, and Geosenge Town was destroyed. It was a miracle that the leader had survived.

In Centrico Plaza, Eldan led the way, three alleys over, to Vernal Avenue, the street at the end of which lay the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory. Alma, Bertram, and Jarret followed as he darted down the street. Under different circumstances, Alma would have loved to explore Vernal Avenue. Its many shops made it a popular destination in Lumiose City. On the left side of the street were a café and Boutique Couture. Cafés were very common in the city; it would be easy to find one on any major street. Estival Avenue even had two. Many had a theme; Shutterbug Café, for example, was frequented by photographers. Boutique Couture was a very (Alma smiled as she imagined how Eldan would say it) stylish place that sold only the most fashionable and most expensive clothing. Of all the many boutiques in the Kalos region - Alma had been to the ones in Cyllage City, Santalune City, and Laverre City - Boutique Couture was the most stylish and fashionable, and consequently the most expensive.

The right side of Vernal Avenue played host to four shops - the Herboriste, Stone Emporium, Friseur Furfrou, and Café Woof. The Herboriste was a shop that specialized in herbal medicines for Pokémon. Alma was a little surprised that it hadn’t yet closed down, since lack of Pokémon Trainers meant lack of business for a shop such as this. She found it easier to believe that the Stone Emporium was still open, for, although the stones imbued with energy they sold were specifically meant to make certain Pokémon evolve, they were also popular among rock collectors. Alma had heard that the Champion of a far-off land was very interested in stones. Perhaps he had visited the Stone Emporium. Friseur Furfrou’s specialty was grooming a specific doglike Pokémon, Furfrou, and trimming its coat in a certain way. Normally, Furfrou’s fur was white and grew in an unkempt fashion, but its many trims, as they were called, added highlights of color in addition to stylizing the fur to make it appear as if the Pokémon had a hat, or wore a jacket, or had a star at the end of its tail. Café Woof was one of the themed cafés, themed after Furfrou. Alma had never visited it; she had heard they looked down on other canine Pokémon, and she didn’t want Electrike to be criticized.

At the far end of Vernal Avenue, Alma could see the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory. Its columns topped with a statue of a Poké Ball loomed, even though she wasn’t yet at the end of the street. Abruptly Eldan yanked her sleeve. She whipped around. She hadn’t even realized that Eldan, Bertram, and Jarret had stopped. Eldan motioned for her to follow down a side alley on the right side of the street.

“What are we doing?” she whispered to Eldan as the group made their way down the alley.

“We can’t just walk up to the front, they’ll be on the lookout,” Eldan whispered back. “We have to find another way in. A couple of months ago, Jarret found an entrance to the network of sewage pipes under the city. We can get in that way.”

“That’s not our job,” protested Alma. “We’re supposed to clear a way for the administrators. Then they’ll come in and do their job. Then we’ll all leave, and let the leader take control of the laboratory.”

“I know the plan, Alma,” said Eldan impatiently, “but our job is to scout as much as we can before letting the administrators in.”

Alma sighed. “Fine. The sewage it is.”

The alley opened onto a square, the blue obelisk in the center marking it as Bleu Plaza. Four streets branched out from it: the one Alma, Eldan, Bertram, and Jarret had just come through, one to their left that led to Southern Boulevard, one directly across from the group that led to Estival Avenue, and one on their right that led back to Centrico Plaza. Near the blue obelisk in the middle of the plaza, Alma could see a metal disk set in the ground. Bertram and Jarret immediately knelt beside it. Jarret took out a small metal tool, one end of which tapered to a wedge. He slid this end between the edge of the metal disk and the surrounding cobblestones and pushed on the other end, using the leverage to pry up the disk. Once it came up, Bertram slipped his fingers underneath and pushed the disk up further, revealing a hole that ended in a tube running parallel to the ground - the sewage pipe. While Bertram propped up the disk, Jarret slid feet-first into the hole. Eldan and Alma followed, and then Bertram carefully jumped in, replacing the disk over his head as he did so.

The sewage pipe wasn’t pleasant. Water - or at least Alma hoped it was water - swirled around the group’s feet. Fortunately, the pipe was big enough for them all to stand upright. Alma was glad for this, as she really didn’t want to get down on her hands and knees in this filthy...water. It was completely dark. Alma couldn’t see the others, so she took Electrike’s Poké Ball from her belt and pressed the button. A brief flash of light illuminated the pipe, enough for Alma to see that each of her companions had been looking in a different direction, clearly just as disoriented as she was. When Electrike appeared, Alma replaced the Poké Ball at her belt and said, “Electrike, please give us some light.”

Electrike’s mane glowed. Occasionally a bolt of electricity could be seen crackling in its fur. It provided enough light for the group to see for a few yards in either direction. Eldan, who had apparently not lost his sense of direction in the momentary darkness, set off at a brisk pace. Alma, Bertram, and Jarret hastened to keep up.

They soon came to a crossing point. There was no more pipe ahead to continue on; only to the left and right. Alma supposed this was the intersection where an alley from Bleu Plaza met the Southern Boulevard. They turned left on the Southern Boulevard pipe.

At the next metal disk, which Alma could see thanks to Electrike’s light, Eldan stopped and motioned to Bertram and Jarret. Bertram knelt down (Alma grimaced), putting his hands on the ground in front of him (Alma grimaced further), making his back a flat horizontal surface. Jarret stood on Bertram’s back, so he could reach the top of the pipe, and pushed the metal disk upward. He planted his hands firmly on the ground above the pipe and pushed down, elevating himself far enough to jump out. Alma and Eldan did the same, and then Jarret held his hand out to Bertram, who clasped it and allowed Jarret to haul him out.

Once they were all out, Alma took her first good look at their surroundings. It appeared they were in the middle of a dusty field. The low building that was the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory stood at one end of the field. White lines were drawn on the field in a rectangle.

“It’s a battle field,” said Jarret. “Apparently Sycamore has a private one. Makes you wonder what he uses it for.”

“I have a feeling we’re about to find out,” said Eldan.

Alma, Eldan, Bertram, and Jarret walked across the field to the building. The back doors opened automatically as they approached. They stepped in and immediately darted to hide behind a desk on their right, but no alarm blared. Cautiously, Eldan stepped out and motioned for them to follow to the elevator. Alma knew that elevators were risky - there was no telling if Sycamore had any way of knowing when the elevator was being used - but there were no stairs. They entered the elevator, and Eldan pressed the button marked A2.

“Why A2?” asked Alma.

Eldan gave her a withering look. “Are you going to question everything I do on this mission?”


Eldan sighed. “Might as well start at the top and work our way down.”

The doors closed and gears whirred, and the elevator began to move.


The only room on floor A2 of the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory was very large, taking up the entire floor on its own. The elevator was at the southernmost part of the room, the only door in the room. Of course, since there were no other rooms, there was no need for other doors. A wall divided the room, stopping a couple of yards short of the northern wall, which it otherwise would have intersected. Bookshelves lined every wall until one could hardly see the faded blue plaster behind them, piled with books regarding everything about Pokémon. The western part of the room, the part where the elevator was, also played host to a pile of cardboard boxes with various electrical appliances in them. On each of the boxes was printed ROTOM in capital letters.

On the eastern part of the room, Professor Sycamore was sitting in a revolving chair at his desk, penning a letter to the former Champion of Kalos, Diantha. The professor had been writing this letter for about a week before his trip to Windier Town. He scribbled his signature at the bottom of the page and looked it over. It said,


I have recently uncovered evidence of the possibility that Team Flare has reformed. As you know, they were believed disbanded following the disaster in Geosenge Town ten years ago. The rumors of their disbandment are apparently false. Two of their Grunts were sighted (you remember their trademark red uniforms) leaving Lumiose City by way of the Route 4 Gate two weeks ago. Whether these were merely former Grunts attempting to single-handedly revive the organization, or current agents of a secretly-active Team Flare, I did not know until I performed rudimentary reconnaissance and discovered that the café they were using for their headquarters last time is still operational, though they seem to be making every effort to conceal that fact.

After discovering this secret, I have successfully found, by journeying to the farthest reaches of the Kalos region, eighteen young men and women who I have been training to become Pokémon Trainers. The newest, Ryan, Ani, and Roc, from Windier Town on the outskirts of Dendemille Town, have yet to receive any training, as I have only returned from this journey today. I fear that since there are no more Pokémon Trainers - or weren’t, I should say - an Elemental Spectrum is the only way to stop Team Flare. I do not know what their numbers are, but it is reasonable to assume that they have all the numbers they did last time, and more.

I write this to you to plead for help. I do not wish to take any chances. If I am unable to train Ryan, Ani, and Roc in time to stop Team Flare, the Elemental Spectrum will be incomplete. I especially fear that this will occur, for Fylon, my Flying-type specialist, has recently informed me that Team Flare is further ahead in their plans than we had thought. They have recently infiltrated the prison in Shalour City, trying to free Xerosic. This must not, as you know, be allowed to happen. Xerosic was an enormous asset to them last time. I ask that you journey to Lumiose City to assist us. You know I would not ask if it were not desperate.

Best regards,

Augustine Sycamore

As Professor Sycamore sealed the letter, he heard a beeping sound. He immediately identified it as the security system. He inhaled sharply. The system was programmed to go off whenever someone entered the building without first keying in a passcode. All the Spectrum knew to enter the passcode first, and the Windier Towners were already inside. There was only one other possibility: Team Flare had infiltrated the laboratory. The professor reached across the desk to the intercom button. He held down the button and spoke, “Intruders. Spectrum, prepare for battle.”

A soft whir penetrated the silence after Professor Sycamore lifted his finger from the intercom. Knowing it could only be the elevator, and that the only reason for the elevator to be moving would be for the intruders to be coming, he pushed back his sleeves, stood up from the chair, pulled a Poké Ball from a pocket of his lab coat, and readied himself for the fight that would come as soon as the elevator doors opened.


“Intruders. Spectrum, prepare for battle.”

The words boomed from every intercom in the building. Fylon was instantly on his guard. He took a Poké Ball from his belt. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nika do the same. Ryan, Ani, and Roc looked nervous, but not scared.

The Control Room was just down the hall. Nika caught Fylon’s eye and nodded, and she sprinted to the door. Fylon nudged the villagers and whispered, “Go. Follow Nika.”

As Ryan, Ani, and Roc ran down the corridor, Fylon ran in the opposite direction. He reached the elevator in only a couple of minutes. He pressed the button. The familiar whirring came, and then the doors opened. This was worrying. It meant that the intruders has already exited the elevator. When Fylon got inside, he jammed the G button, which would take him to the ground floor to see what sort of havoc Team Flare had already wreaked.

When the doors slid open, Fylon stepped out and surveyed the room. There was no damage done that he could see. Apparently the intruders had made straight for the elevator. At that moment, he heard doors sliding. He turned, but it was not the elevator doors, but the ones that led to Southern Boulevard outside. Hastily, Fylon stepped back inside the elevator and frantically scrabbled at the button marked B2. The doors slid shut, but not fast enough. He could just see a person with purple hair wearing a red jacket and black pants walking through the doors before the elevator started to whir.

Once the elevator doors closed, Fylon sighed with relief. That had been too close. As it was, he wasn’t entirely convinced that the person with purple hair hadn’t seen him. No time to worry about that, though. He would have to get back to the Control Room to warn Nika and the rest of the Spectrum. A thought occurred to him, and he opened a hatch on the wall, and entered in the passcode for the building and pressed the button marked “DEACTIVATE”.

When the doors of the elevator opened on B2, Fylon set off at a dash through the halls to the Control Room. Unfortunately, his training until this point hadn’t included long-distance running. He was winded by the time he came to the correct door. He paused for a moment to catch his breath before pushing the door.

The room was in utter chaos when he entered. Nika and a few other people were trying to calm everyone down, but it seemed most people believed that they, and only they, had the best strategy. Fylon sighed, pressed a button on a Poké Ball at his belt, and his red-and-blue feathered bird Pokémon appeared. He whispered in its ear. He put his fingers in his own ears, but they barely blocked out the splitting screech. He took his fingers out of his ears, recalled the Pokémon, and saw that the room was silent.

“Thank you,” he said with a trace of irony. “Team Flare has infiltrated the building. There are some of them on the ground floor, but I’ve deactivated the elevator, so they aren’t going anywhere. There are others loose in the building as well. They could be on A2, in which case the professor is in trouble, or B1 or B3, neither of which are any concern to us at the moment, as, like I’ve said, the elevator is deactivated.

“We should assume, however, that they are indeed on A2, so half of us should go there. The other half will go to the ground floor and hold off the intruders there. Agreed?”

There was a general murmur of assent throughout the group.

“Good,” said Fylon. “Ryan, Ani, Roc, Nika, Peter, Sera, Arin, Blake, and Amaline: go to the ground floor. Meet the intruders there. Do anything you can to hold them off and drive them out of the building. Julian, Rosuke, Clair, Erell, Liam, Mica, Warren, Morgan, come with me to A2 to help the professor.”

Everyone nodded, and at Fylon’s command the group charged out of the Control Room, heading for the elevator. Once they reached it, Fylon reactivated it and pressed the G button. The doors closed, the machine whirred, and in a few seconds they opened again on the ground floor. Fylon stepped out of the elevator with the other eight, wished those still in the elevator good luck, and readied himself for the imminent fight.


The elevator doors slid shut. Ryan watched as Nika pressed A2. The elevator whirred, and the doors opened again. Ryan walked out of the elevator. All he could see to his right was a wall. He guessed the fight would be on the other side. He took a deep breath and braced himself.

Chapter Thoughts & Annotations:
I know there's a lot of detail that seems useless in describing settings in this chapter, but there are a few Easter Eggs that you should look for. :p
1) Steven Stone is referenced when Alma describes the Stone Emporium
2) Clemont is mentioned in passing as the Gym Leader of Lumiose City
3) The ROTOM boxes in Sycamore's study
Yes, the Pokémon League will play a role. That's all I'm saying for now.

Also, Fylon rattles off a huge list of names, which are the remaining thirteen members of the Spectrum. You're not supposed to know who's who yet, but @thegrovylekid , if you want to make bold predictions, there ya go. :p I'll post a complete list in the next chapter.
Everything you do in all of the creative works areas just turns into my favourite.
Fylon = Flying
Ryan = Grass
Ani = Water
Roc = Fire
Nika = Electric
Peter = Normal [because he has the most normal name]
Sera = Fairy
Arin = Dark
Blake = Poison
Amaline = Fighting
Julian = Ghost
Rosuke = Ground
Clair = Dragon [Clair shares a name with Clair, the dragon gym leader of gen II.]
Erell = Fighting
Liam = Ice
Mica = Rock [Mica is a kind of rock.]
Warren = Steel
Morgan = Psychic
Only three out of eighteen, I'm afraid, and two of them you already knew. :p

Fylon and Nika are obviously Flying and Electric, respectively. Warren is indeed Steel.

Otherwise...this doesn't reveal any plot twist, so here's your answer key. If you're anyone other than tgk, you can open it now, or later, but definitely do so before you read the next chapter. You get a massive character dump there, so you need a key to keep track of everything.

Nika - Electric-type specialist. Pokémon: Zebstrika
You already knew this, of course. The name 'Nika' is like Nicola, as in Nicola Tesla.

Peter - Psychic-type specialist. Pokémon: Espeon
Your reasoning for names is spot on, but not ALL of them mean something. Sorry, tgk. :p

Sera - Ice-type specialist. Pokémon: Amaura
I was thinking for a long time about this character's name (in a rough draft her name was Rachel), and I couldn't come up with anything punny.

Arin - Dragon-type specialist. Pokémon: Noivern
No idea where this name came from. I toyed with Aren, Auren, Aryn, and others before I got to Arin, which is the one I like the most. He's actually younger than Ryan, Ani and Roc, so Auren and Aryn sounded a little too mystical or sophisticated. Not sure why I rejected Aren.

Blake - Dark-type specialist. Pokémon: Zoroark
A long time ago, I was working on a Fakemon project, and I had a Dark-type Gym Leader named Blake. The name carried over from there, even though this Blake's not a Gym Leader.

Amaline - Fairy-type specialist. Pokémon: Togetic
My image of Amaline is a Fairy Tale Girl who's grown up a bit. I looked at a few names of Fairy Tale Girls in XY and ORAS before combining a few to get Amaline. Her brother is Julian.

Julian - Fighting-type specialist. Pokémon: Mienshao
Brother to Amaline. His name was formerly Julius, but that felt too Roman for the France-like Kalos region, so I tweaked it a bit.

Fylon - Flying-type specialist. Pokémon: Braviary
Nothing to say here. 'Fylon' is just a corruption of 'Fly'.

Rosuke - Poison-type specialist. Pokémon: Crobat
Rosuke's actually one of the few characters I have a backstory for right now. Can't tell you what it is, though. :p I was reading Musashi around the time I came up with this character, which is full of characters with 'osuke' at the end of their names.

Clair - Ground-type specialist. Pokémon: Sandslash
'Clay' -> 'Clair'. That was my reasoning for this one. :p Clair is the twin sister of Erell.

Erell - Rock-type specialist. Pokémon: Aerodactyl
I wanted to use 'erode' somehow in this name. I came up with Errol first, but that didn't fit. I was already set on having a female Rock specialist. So I tweaked it to Erell. It's still pronounced more or less the same, though.

Liam - Bug-type specialist. Pokémon: Scyther
Haven't any idea where I got Liam's name.

Mica - Ghost-type specialist. Pokémon: Honedge
It was a problem I had noticed previously that Mica sounds like a Rock specialist. My reasoning, though, was that Ghosts like Cofagrigus (even though Mica doesn't have a Cofagrigus) like gold, and mica looks somewhat like gold in terms of color.

Warren - Steel-type specialist. Pokémon: Mawile
The name just comes from 'war', in which steel machinery is commonly used. You probably already guessed that, though. :p

Morgan - Normal-type specialist. Pokémon: Cinccino
Somewhat like Norman, I guess. Just changed a bit.

No, I'm not telling you which types the main three chose. >:)

I think the next chapter will go up in a couple of days, rather than a week, because FTR/POI is moving way faster than I thought. So then you'll have your answers if you don't want to look in the answer key. :)
I think I know what's gonna happen. My answers may be correct, so I'm putting them in a spoiler.

Roc : Grass-Type. Chooses Chespin or Bulbasaur (I think Chespin.)
Ani: Fire-Type. Chooses Fennekin or Charmander (I think Charmander.)
Ryan: Water-Type. Chooses Froakie or Squirtle (but for whatever reason I always imagined him with Vaporeon.)

Reason for Roc
He loves the smell of plants and wishes he could have been a farmer.

Reason for Ani:
I have no idea. It was the Type left over. xD

Reason for Ryan:
He made an irrigation system, so clearly he knows the ways of the aqua.
It's only been a couple of days, but here's Chapter Eight, to clear up any mysteries surrounding the identity of each Spectrum member.

Also, Skyleaf, you're scarily close. :p I will say that all three get the starters from the same generation. I'm not elaborating more, and I'm not confirming or denying any guesses from here on out.

This is a very long chapter, I know, but most of it's descriptions for each individual person. You can skip over that part if you want; it's summarized in the list I made a few posts ago.

Ryan let out his breath. There was no way to prepare himself for the battle on the other side of the wall. Looking around, he saw, on the faces of the members of the Spectrum, determination, mingled with nervousness on some. They knew better than he did what a battle would look like. Ryan tried to calm himself, to tell himself that the Spectrum would handle everything, that he would be completely safe, and that Roc and Ani would be, too. But can they be trusted?

It wasn’t the first time since Professor Sycamore had left the village with them that Ryan had felt uncertain about the motives of the professor and his Spectrum. After all, how did he know that they were any better than Team Flare? He had heard about the Geosenge disaster only from Elder Arhan and from the books in the library. While he trusted Elder Arhan completely, stories were often exaggerated. The way Elder Arhan had told it, Team Flare had been trying to destroy all elements of this world so as to complete their vision of a perfect one. They had tried to use an ancient weapon to achieve this goal. The weapon was actually more destructive than anyone could have imagined, so it turned Geosenge Town and the surrounding area to rubble. But had Team Flare been in the wrong? Wouldn’t it be good to have a perfect world? It wasn’t their fault that the weapon was too powerful. They didn’t know. And if Team Flare was right to try to make a perfect world, wasn’t Professor Sycamore, who opposed them, wrong?

These unanswered questions had been in Ryan’s mind since leaving the village. He didn’t want to do anything to help the Spectrum, or to help Team Flare, because of his uncertainty over the correct side. He decided, eventually, that he would try not to be involved in the battle as much as possible. After that, he would question Professor Sycamore.

The six full members of the Spectrum each drew a Poké Ball, most from their belts, although Ryan saw one reach into a pocket, and another into a small bag. Each activated their Poké Ball, and Ryan watched as six beasts appeared in dazzling flashes of light. From the Poké Ball Nika had activated, a black equestrian creature materialized. Its mane was made of white fur, which grew unevenly, giving it the likeness of a lightning bolt. The fur, as well as the white stripes crossing its body, seemed to glow slightly. The Pokémon stood about five feet tall, about the same height as Nika.

Besides Nika, none of the Spectrum members was familiar to Ryan. One was dressed in the same shade of black as his hair, from his boots to his coat. All black should have been out of place in a room with a white floor and faded blue walls, but Ryan actually felt his eyes slide past this person, even when he tried to look straight at him. Ryan turned to the black-clothed person’s Pokémon instead, with the feeling that it was just as worth seeing the Spectrum’s Pokémon as it was seeing the Spectrum’s human members. The Pokémon, too, however, seemed impossible to look at head on. Feeling as though his head was spinning, Ryan looked away. Out of the corner of his eye, he could now see that the Pokémon stood less than a foot shorter than its owner, on two feet, and that it looked faintly vulpine, except its fur was black. It had a giant mane of red hair streaked with black. Ryan shook his head and blinked twice before observing the rest.

Besides the Windier Towners, Nika, and the black-clothed one, Ryan counted four other people. His gaze lingered for a moment on a woman perhaps a few years older than Ryan. He had seen all the Spectrum together in the Control Room downstairs, and he had been looking then, too, for people who looked like they could have come from the village. Of the fifteen full members, only this person had had the characteristics of one who hailed from the frozen northeast. Everyone in the village had fair skin and brown hair, with the exception of Elder Arhan, whose hair was white. This person was paler than many of the village, and her face more angular, but she nevertheless would not have been seen as an outsider if she were to visit. She wore a dress clearly woven of fur, or perhaps wool, which would have been highly valuable in the village, since the Pokémon whose fur or wool it may have been would have stayed far away from it. However, Ryan supposed that if she came from Dendemille Town or another village, the furs may not have been so rare. Her Pokémon stood about four feet tall, but nearly half of that was taken up by its long neck. It, unlike Nika’s equestrian Pokémon and the black-clothed one’s vulpine Pokémon, had leathery skin, not fur. Ice crystals had formed on the sides of its body. Its head was crested by two frills, each of which shimmered and seemed to change color even as Ryan watched.

Another wore varying shades of purple. His hair was black, but not quite the raven color of Fylon’s. His skin was pale, but his hair proved that he was from nowhere near the northeast. His posture seemed to indicate that he was not new to the Spectrum at all, and was proud of it. If any of the Windier Towners had spoken to him, Ryan was willing to bet he would answer in a condescending manner, or perhaps not at all. His Pokémon was, compared to the others, small, about three feet, but it held itself with the same arrogance as its Trainer. Its appearance was catlike, but its fur was pale purple, and its tail was forked. Ryan immediately felt dislike for this person, and made a mental note to stay away from him.

The other two were both younger than Ryan, but were otherwise completely different. One, a girl whose age Ryan guessed was around twelve years, was dressed in light grey with pink embroidery. Her hair was a light brown, but couldn’t quite be called gold or blond. Her dress looked expensive, and made of no material Ryan had ever seen before. Her Pokémon matched the light grey shade of her dress. Its head was round, but came to numerous points in the back, giving it the appearance of a crown. A long neck connected its head to its egg-shaped body, which was adorned with several triangles of blue or red. The Pokémon hovered in the air, flapping its short wings.

The last, a boy of around twelve, wore a black shirt, which was slightly ragged and frayed, and light grey-green shorts. His hair was somewhere between dark brown and black. He had a wild expression, as if he had lived in wilderness for many years. A batlike, almost dragonish Pokémon taller than he was crouched at his side. Its skin was black, except for purple streaks on its wings, the underside of which were coated in a teal membrane.

Abruptly Ryan realized that there was supposed to be a battle going on the other side of the wall, but he had heard not a sound save a clicking as the Spectrum had released their Pokémon. The black-clothed one moved forward, peering around the side of the wall. Ryan supposed this was a tactical decision agreed on by the Spectrum beforehand. The black-clothed one and his Pokémon, harder to see than the others, would make the most sense as scouts.

The black-clothed one motioned for Ryan, Ani, Roc, and the other five Spectrum members to follow. As Ryan rounded the dividing wall, he saw a gaping hole in the south wall, a jagged opening large enough for a person to stand in. He looked out and saw a battle raging on a dusty ground outside. A huge rectangle was painted on the ground, divided by a white line in the middle. Two concentric circles forming a sort of simplified Poké Ball were painted on the dividing line. Of course, Ryan thought, there would have to be some battlefield in a training center for the Spectrum.

His attention was snapped back to the battle on the field when he realized that one of the battlers was Professor Sycamore, and the others all wore red suits emblazoned with a stylized “F”. Ryan knew immediately that these were members of Team Flare.

Although the professor was outnumbered - Ryan counted four Team Flare members - he didn’t seem to be losing. Professor Sycamore’s Pokémon (at least, it was the only one not facing him, so Ryan assumed it must be his) appeared to be an orange dragon. Not a dragonish bat, like the wild Spectrum member had had, but a true, winged, lizard-like dragon. The tip of its tail was engulfed in flame, but this didn’t seem to harm it; on the contrary, it flared brighter when Professor Sycamore commanded it to launch an attack. It appeared to be about as tall as the professor, but it was hard to tell, as it hovered in midair.

The four Team Flare members each had a different Pokémon. The only girl among them directed a small, green canine Pokémon, whose mane crackled with electricity. One of the others, who seemed to be fighting more alongside the girl than the other two were, used another canine Pokémon, but it was black, not green, and it attacked with short bursts of fire instead of crackling lightning.

One of the others used a small purple Pokémon that looked froglike, except that it stood on two legs. Its hands were black, except for one orange finger on each hand. Rather than launching attacks from afar, it tried to get in close to jab the professor’s dragon Pokémon. It never succeeded in this, but its intent was plain.

The last Pokémon was no larger than any of the others, but it had a certain fierceness about it. It appeared to be a small red-and-grey-feathered bird, and it attacked with diving swoops and sharp jabs with its beak.

“The professor doesn’t need our help, does he?” remarked the black-clothed Spectrum member. “I’ve rarely seen him in battle, but if he can hold off four Team Flare Grunts singlehandedly….”

“No,” said the one who could’ve been from the village. “He’s not just holding them off. He’s winning.”

It was almost a dance, as the orange dragon Pokémon swooped and flew to evade all of the Team Flare Grunts’ attacks. They struggled in vain to land a direct hit.

“Electrike,” called the Trainer of the green canine Pokémon. “Thunderbolt!”

This was evidently some sort of command, as the green Pokémon - Electrike - shook itself, building up static electricity in its mane, until it launched a powerful lightning bolt at Professor Sycamore’s Pokémon, who attempted to swerve to dodge it, but couldn’t move faster than lightning.

The Spectrum didn’t seem to think this was a good thing.

“Charizard can’t brush off a Thunderbolt so easily,” said Nika. “I should know.”

“The type effectiveness might be too much,” said the one wearing the embroidered grey dress. “We need to help now.”

“Agreed,” said the black-clothed one, and he jumped out.

Although the hole in the wall was on the second floor of the laboratory, the black-clothed one landed gracefully, as did his fox-like Pokémon. “Zoroark,” he said, pointing at Electrike. “Night Daze.”

The vulpine Pokémon leapt into action. Its eyes momentarily flashed blue, and a faint crimson nimbus surrounded its body. It then raised its arms, and slammed them into the ground. As it did this, the crimson nimbus expanded, enveloping Electrike. The green Pokémon snarled, and then fell to the ground, exhausted.

“Electrike!” cried its Trainer. She rushed to defend it.

“Alma, no!” shouted the Trainer of the black canine Pokémon. “Recall Electrike into its Poké Ball. It can heal later.”

The black-clothed one turned and called to the Windier Towners and Spectrum members, “What are you waiting for?”

Beside Ryan, Nika grinned. She too jumped down, landing as if she had only leapt from a small boulder. Her black-and-white-striped equestrian Pokémon followed, becoming - were Ryan’s eyes deceiving him? - briefly cloaked in a bolt of lightning. When it touched the ground, the lightning disappeared as if it had never been there. The wild one followed, gliding down on the back of his batlike Pokémon. The arrogant one and the grey-dressed one each seemed to float down as if they were only marginally heavier than air. Ryan took a second look, which showed him that each was surrounded, like the black-clothed one’s fox-like Pokémon, by a faint nimbus, although these were purple and pink, respectively, rather than crimson. Ryan glanced at their Pokémon, who hadn’t yet jumped out of the gap in the wall, and saw that their eyes were glowing blue. When its Trainer landed, the pale purple feline Pokémon leaped nimbly from the gap, landing deftly on the ground. The egg-shaped grey Pokémon, still hovering, glided down gracefully.

The only ones left were then Ryan, Ani, Roc, and the Spectrum member who looked as though she could have hailed from the village. She turned to her Pokémon and said, “Amaura, please freeze the air and make a ramp so we can get to the ground safely.”

The long-necked Pokémon obeyed immediately. The crystals on the sides of its body glowed, and the frills on its head shimmered as it opened its mouth and blew gently. Suddenly, a ramp materialized, leading directly from the hole in the wall to the ground. The Pokémon stepped out onto the ramp and slid down to the ground. The Spectrum member gestured to the ramp. “After you.”

“Thanks,” said Ani as she too slid to the ground.

Roc followed, but Ryan hesitated. He was reluctant to trust any of the Spectrum with his life. The Spectrum member seemed to misinterpret his hesitation. “If you fall, Amaura will create a pile of snow for you to land on.” Ryan forced a smile, said thanks, and slid down the ice ramp.

He got up at the ground and surveyed the scene. The Team Flare Grunts were backed into a tight circle. The Spectrum, now joined by the one who could have been from the village, surrounded them. “Surrender,” said Professor Sycamore. “You are in no position to continue fighting.”

At that, the Trainer of the fierce birdlike Pokémon took a small sphere from his pocket. Fleetingly, Ryan thought it was a Poké Ball, but then he realized that it was purple and dusty. The Team Flare Grunt threw it at the ground, where it exploded in a burst of smoke. Ryan pulled the collar of his shirt over his nose and mouth to prevent any smoke from getting into his lungs. Distantly, he heard a voice say, “Noivern, use Defog!”

Ryan heard a flapping sound, and the smoke began to dissipate. As it vanished entirely, he saw that the source of the flapping was the batlike Pokémon’s wings. The next thing he noticed was that the Team Flare Grunts were gone.

“Order,” growled the black-clothed one. “They got away.”

“Yes, it’s unfortunate,” said the professor. “No doubt they are returning to their headquarters to report to their superiors.”

“Should we follow them, sir?” said the wild one. “Maybe we can find out who’s behind this.”

“What do you mean, ‘who’s behind this’?” asked Ryan. “It’s Team Flare, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Ryan, it’s Team Flare,” replied Professor Sycamore. “But we don’t know who their leader is. Last time, they were led by a man called Lysandre. He was a genius, renowned as one of the world’s greatest inventors. He developed the Holo Caster in his laboratories. Unbeknownst to the world, however, the laboratories were a cover for the headquarters of Team Flare. If they are indeed still based in Lumiose City, as I believe them to be, then they are using those laboratories as headquarters even now.”

“So it can’t be Lysandre this time?” asked Roc.

To everyone’s surprise, it was Ani who answered. “No. Lysandre perished in the explosion that devastated Geosenge Town. Or at least, that’s what the books say.”

“The books are quite right, Ani,” said the professor approvingly. “Lysandre did indeed die in the destruction of Geosenge Town.”

“But the books also say that his body was never recovered,” said Ani.

“No,” agreed the professor. “The explosion vaporized everything in a few hundred feet in every direction.”

“And there’s no chance he survived?” asked Ani.

“None at all,” said the professor. “So we must ask ourselves the question, who is in charge of Team Flare now?”


Fylon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He deftly removed a Poké Ball from his belt, felt for the button, and pressed it. He heard the click as it opened, along with eight more like it signifying the release of the Pokémon belonging to the eight Spectrum members he had brought with him to floor G. Slowly exhaling, he opened his eyes.

He took note of everything in the room, starting with his own scarlet-plumed Pokémon, Braviary. There was no trace of the purple haired woman, but he didn’t believe for an instant that she had left. More likely she was hiding with her accomplices in the room somewhere, lying in wait for an ambush.

Fylon looked around at the part of the Spectrum he had brought. Clair and Erell were twin sisters hailing from Kiloude City, to the far southwest of the region. It was a very mountainous area, which possibly contributed to the twins’ decision of Pokémon types. Erell had chosen the Rock type, Clair the Ground. Fylon had battled each of them shortly after their initiations, and had been surprised to discover the knowledge they already possessed of Pokémon battling. It was only later that he had researched Kiloude City and learned that it was home to the famous Battle Maison, a former battle facility that had attracted Trainers from all over the region. Clair and Erell had likely picked a few things up there.

Clair’s Pokémon was Sandslash, a rodent-like Pokémon that stood about three feet tall. Its most distinguishing features were the rows of tough quills covering its back. These quills were a darker brown than the light tan shade of the Pokémon’s hide. It also had two large claws on each hand, which Fylon had seen it use for burrowing as well as slashing, an action that gave it its name.

Erell’s Pokémon, on the other hand, was very unlike Sandslash. Aerodactyl, whose hide was as tough as a rock, had a wingspan of nearly six feet, and resembled no creature Fylon had ever seen. He supposed this last part made sense. Fylon had helped Professor Sycamore obtain Aerodactyl for Erell, a mission that had taken them to the farthest reaches of the Kalos region in search of someone with the technology to restore the Pokémon from a fossil. Fylon could scarcely believe his ears when he had first heard Professor Sycamore’s revelation that the Rock-type Trainer was to train a prehistoric Pokémon brought back from times long past.

Fylon mentally shook his head. Memories would only distract him from the task at hand. The other Spectrum members he reviewed briefly. Julian, who trained Fighting-type Pokémon, was very tall, with black hair and a fair complexion. He was the older brother of Amaline, the Fairy-type Trainer of the Elemental Spectrum. Fylon had long felt that the Fighting type was misnamed. It didn’t represent so much fighting in itself, but more the spirit, the strength of will used in a fight or Pokémon battle. Julian’s Pokémon emphasized this view. Mienshao was agile, with long arms covered fur thicker and longer than that of the rest of its body. It swung its arms in fluid motions, using the fur on them as a whip in battle. Long whiskers also grew on either side of its ermine-like face.

Rosuke, prior to joining the Spectrum, had lived in a small settlement. Fylon didn’t know exactly where, and Rosuke never divulged that information, but his black hair and tanned skin seemed to suggest the southwest, around Ambrette Town and Route 8. He had been more or less a thief; without a home, stealing food and clothes to survive. He had been only too glad to join Professor Sycamore when the wild-haired man had shown up in his settlement. Fylon knew that his old life had been the reason for Rosuke’s decision of the Poison type.

“What better than the Poison type for a thief?” Rosuke had said, with the merest trace of bitterness, when Fylon had asked.

Rosuke’s Pokémon was Crobat, a Pokémon that was Poison-type, but also was of the Flying type, which was familiar to Fylon. Crobat had four purple wings, which flapped at such blinding speeds it appeared not to have any at all. Apart from its wings, its body was purple and egg-shaped. It had no legs or feet, but rather a pair of feathery tufts of fur where its legs should be.

Liam was young, but he had already known about Pokémon by the time the professor came to Santalune City. He used to catch Bug-type Pokémon in the berry-trees and hedges on Route 4, just to the north of his home city. The Bug type, of course, was now his specialty.

Like the other residents of Santalune City, Liam was brown of hair and pale of skin. He dressed in varying shades of green and brown. His Pokémon, Scyther, was very big for a Bug-type, at around five feet. When it wasn’t flying, it stood on its hind legs. Its head seemed more reptilian than insectoid to Fylon, with three ridges from its eyes to the back of its head, and two small teeth. Most notable about it, perhaps, were its scythe-like forearms, which gave it its name.

The Ghost-type Trainer, Mica, was also somewhat young, but older than Liam. His hair was jet-black, blacker than Fylon’s raven shade. Mica was very melodramatic, and always wore a long coat, though his arms were never in the sleeves, which some Spectrum members found irritating, and others found endearing. His Pokémon was Honedge, a Pokémon that was surrounded by many myths and legends. It appeared to be a sword at first glance, but a closer look showed that it had one unblinking eye on its hilt. Honedge was presently holding its sheath in the long blue sash attached to the pommel, to bare the blade for battle, but otherwise the sword would be in the sheath.

One of the legends Fylon had heard about Honedge was that it truly was a sword, imbued with the energy of a spirit. This would not be so far off, in Fylon’s opinion, as it matched up with another legend that stated that the life energy of one who came into contact with the bared blade or hilt would be drained by the Pokémon. Mica’s Honedge had never attempted to drain the life energy of anyone in the Spectrum, but Fylon nevertheless found it creepy.

Warren, the Steel-type Trainer of the Spectrum, was one of the oldest, and his mechanical knowledge was unrivaled. Rather than a belt, he had designed an arm brace to hold the Poké Ball of his Pokémon. Using the same technology that allowed a giant Pokémon to fit inside a comparatively miniscule sphere, he had been able to create it so that it fitted easily to his arm, and did not bulge unnecessarily with a Poké Ball inside.

His Pokémon was Mawile, a short bipedal Pokémon covered in fine pale yellow fur. This fur did not extend to its hands and feet, which were black. A large pair of jaws protruded from the back of its head. These jaws were the same shade of black as Mawile’s hands and feet, except for a pale yellow spot in the middle of the upper one. It used these jaws often in battle, and as such, stood with its back to its opponent.

Morgan trained the Normal type, which was frequently underestimated by inexperienced Trainers. Her Pokémon was Cinccino, which was less than two feet tall, but still a very good battler. Its large ears were very soft, but the fluffy fur surrounding its head was even more so. This amazing fur repelled dirt, and Cinccino used it for cleaning itself and the laboratory.

Morgan herself was tall, with bushy blond hair gathered at the back of her neck. She always wore only white, which she claimed reflected the colorless nature of Normal-type Pokémon.

Fylon next surveyed the room itself. He didn’t see the woman with purple hair, or any- Wait. A flash of movement caught Fylon’s eye. It vanished behind the counter to his right.
He made a few quick hand motions to the rest of the partial Spectrum. Mica and Liam, the lightest on their feet, moved over to the counter. They looked back at Fylon for confirmation. The Flying-type specialist gave the tiniest of nods, and held up a hand, putting up one finger, then two, then three.

On three, Honedge whirled through the air to the other side of the counter. Scyther’s wings buzzed, and it rose into the air, hovering next to Honedge. However, neither Pokémon attacked. From Mica’s and Liam’s expressions, they were just as confused as Fylon. In a single fluid motion, Liam put a hand on the counter and sprung over it. He looked around, and then picked up a small blue cloth. That was what had caught Fylon’s eye. So where was the purple-haired woman?

Fylon heard a sudden click from above him. He looked up, and saw the purple-haired woman, braced against the ceiling between two beams. She held an open Poké Ball. Fylon looked back at eye level, and saw a Pokémon. Standing on four legs, the Pokémon was covered in short white fur, which was much longer around its neck. On the left side of its head (as it appeared to Fylon) was a curved, sickle-like horn. The other side of its face was draped in a tuft of fur. Fylon identified the Pokémon as an Absol. Smiling, the purple-haired woman dropped to the ground, landing in a crouch. Getting up, she said, “So, you’re the Elemental Spectrum.”

Fylon worked hard to conceal his shock. She knows? That’s impossible! Apparently, however, some of it showed through, because the purple-haired woman laughed. “That’s right, we know. It wasn’t that difficult, honestly. Next time, Sycamore should really consider moving to a different city before he decides to train eighteen youths to defeat us.

“I suppose we should be introduced. If you’re killed in the upcoming fight, it won’t matter whether you know my name or not. Likewise if you’re captured. If you escape and run back to that professor of yours, he’ll tell you my name anyway, so it won’t matter in the slightest. I’m Celosia. What’s your name?”

The name Celosia meant nothing to Fylon, but he didn’t need to know the name to know that he wanted nothing to do with a woman who could speak of killing so flippantly. He decided to give her a false name. “Arden,” he said; the name of his uncle.

For a moment, Celosia seemed convinced, but then Absol let out a resounding bark. It sounded almost like a laugh. Celosia’s eyes narrowed. “I’m sure you know that Absol as a species can sense when natural disasters are about to occur. Long ago, I discovered that with the right training, it can also sense lies. It is not good to lie to an administrator of Team Flare. For that, you’ll be punished.”

Absol’s eyes glowed purple, and it seemed to Fylon as though it was surrounded by a violet nimbus. Blades appearing to be made of the same substance as the nimbus lashed out at Fylon as though they were whips. Fylon screamed, sinking to his knees.

It felt as though it lasted an eternity, but when the whips finally stopped, Fylon opened his eyes and saw, through tears of pain and concentration, Celosia and Absol standing exactly where they had been. “Spectrum,” said Fylon through gritted teeth, “attack.”

The partial Spectrum sprang into action. They all charged Celosia together, but out of the corner of his eye, Fylon saw three more women, blue-haired, green-haired, and orange-haired, emerge from various hiding places in the room. Each of them released a Pokémon. Fylon took note of Mightyena, a vicious black doglike Pokémon, Weavile, a bipedal Pokémon with characteristics of cats and weasels, and Liepard, a dark purple feline Pokémon. He was not the only one to see them; Julian and Morgan had seen them too, and were each warning the other Spectrum members of the newcomers. Within moments, each intruder was battling two or three Spectrum members. Fylon was battling Celosia with Rosuke and Mica. Clair and Erell, always an inseparable team, battled another. Julian and Liam challenged a third, and the last was taken on by Morgan and Warren.

“Braviary, attack with Aerial Ace!” called Fylon. The crimson-feathered Pokémon took to the air and dived at Absol, intent on slamming into it with its razor-sharp beak. Absol, however, swiftly met the attack with its sickle-like horn. Mica’s Honedge tried to slash it, but Absol batted it aside with a paw. Crobat swooped at Absol, a purple nimbus glowing around its wings, but Absol swung its head so that Braviary, whose beak was still locked on Absol’s horn, slammed into Crobat and both lay on the ground, defeated.

Honedge, undeterred, tried again and again to land a direct hit on Absol, but each time, it was either knocked away by Absol’s front paws or parried with its horn. Fylon searched Absol for anything that might help Mica defeat it, but found nothing. Absol, as far as Fylon could tell, was a flawless battler.

Or at least, Fylon found nothing that suggested that Honedge could defeat it using physical attacks. A blinding burst of light, or a controlled energy attack, couldn’t be blocked by Absol’s paws or horn.

“Mica!” called Fylon. “Hidden Power!”

Mica whirled to face Absol, and understanding dawned on his face. He repeated the command to Honedge.

A crackling green sphere of energy appeared in front of the eye on Honedge’s hilt. It twisted in midair, and the sphere slid down the sword blade and flew at Absol, whose white fur seemed to absorb the attack. Absol shuddered, but appeared otherwise unharmed.

Now Fylon gaped in astonishment. Even a Pokémon that took out Braviary and Crobat almost casually shouldn’t be able to shrug off a Hidden Power attack from Honedge that easily. Fylon had been so sure that Hidden Power was the way to defeat Absol.

He was afforded no time to think, however, for Absol lunged at Honedge. One of its paws became cloaked in shadow, and it struck out at the sword Pokémon. Honedge was briefly surrounded by the same shadow, and then it fell to the ground.

Looking around the room, Fylon saw that the rest of the Spectrum was faring no better than he was. They were almost overwhelmed. To make matters worse, the main doors of the building slid open, and in came a score of people wearing red suits. Fylon knew it was time to go. He called, “Spectrum, retreat!”

The partial Spectrum followed him as he ran outside through the back doors, only slowing when he saw Professor Sycamore and the others. Drawing near, he saw them engaged in conversation. He caught only a few words about Team Flare before interrupting. “Professor Sycamore!”

The professor turned. “Fylon, it is rude to inter-”

“Team Flare’s in the laboratory!” said Fylon, interrupting again. “They’ve brought reinforcements. We tried to beat them, but we couldn’t. We have to leave now!”

Professor Sycamore’s expression became one of urgency. “Yes,” he said, “we must leave at once! We will escape through the sewage.”

This was met by cries of disbelief from those Spectrum members wearing the most expensive clothes. Professor Sycamore quieted them all with a stern look.

“Quickly,” said the professor. “Blake, Peter, will you please lift the grate?”

Blake, in the black coat that made him nearly invisible, and Peter, in various shades of purple, walked over to the sewage grate. Blake took a short pocketknife from his coat and slipped the blade under the grate, prying it up. Peter caught it. Pocketing the knife, Blake lifted the other side. The Spectrum began to jump through the hole and into the sewage pipe.

“Ah, Fylon, I almost forgot,” said Professor Sycamore. “I’m afraid I left an important letter in my office. Would you please fly up on Braviary and retrieve it?”

Fylon hesitated, then sighed. “I’m sorry, Professor. I can’t. I won’t go anywhere near any of those people again if I can help it.”

Professor Sycamore looked momentarily worried, but then nodded. “Very well, Fylon. As you wish. Arin, would you please retrieve the letter?” he said, turning to the wild-eyed Dragon-type Trainer of the Spectrum.

Fylon turned away and sighed again. It was true, he didn’t want to be anywhere near Celosia and her Absol ever again, but he hated to refuse the professor. He shook his head and climbed into the sewage pipe.


Celosia pulled out a Holo Caster from her pocket. The leader of Team Flare had developed it, back when he was a world-renowned inventor. Back when Pokémon Trainers were common, nearly everyone had owned one as a convenient means of communication. Since then, everyone except Team Flare had disposed of theirs.

She contacted the leader. Those with lower ranks would only be allowed to call Gaston, who would then report to the leader, but Celosia, as a Scientist and an administrator, had special privileges.

A hologram of the leader appeared. Celosia spoke to it. “The Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory is secured, sir. Sycamore and his Elemental Spectrum have fled.”

“Excellent,” said the leader, his voice distorted by the connection. “Station two Grunts there as guards. Report back to headquarters with the rest. We will maintain a constant watch on the building to ensure they don’t come back.”

“Yes, sir,” said Celosia. The leader ended the call, and his hologram vanished.

Celosia turned to her sisters, the other Scientists of Team Flare. “The leader wants us back at headquarters immediately. Two Grunts have to stay here.”

Mable, Bryony, and Aliana nodded. Orange-haired Aliana pointed at two Team Flare Grunts and said, “You heard Celosia?”

The Grunts nodded. “Good,” said Aliana. “Guard the laboratory. Let no one but Team Flare in. Understood?”

They nodded again. Satisfied, Aliana turned back to her sisters.

“We must leave,” said Celosia. “The leader is not to be kept waiting.”

Thoughts and Annotations:

You get your first hints as to the identity of the leader here; it should be fairly easy to guess, but bear in mind it's significantly harder for the Spectrum, because they don't get to read Celosia's viewpoints. :p You can also guess all you want, I'm not confirming or denying anything yet (it'll be confirmed in just a few chapters anyway).

As for the Spectrum, Blake is probably my favorite of those who were introduced here, mainly because of his jacket. This may or may not be a plot point later on.

Also, note the sheer difference in power between Celosia and three trained members of the Spectrum together. The Scientists are very good; they've done really nothing but train for the last decade. Notably, there are also four of them. Hmmm...

That should be all. If there's anything I didn't answer, as always, feel free to ask! :)
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I have began to really like Ryan. He's thinking about stuff that the rest of the Spectrum have appeared to mindlessly ignored, which is a level of perceptiveness I quite like.
Here's just a tiny nitpick I found....
Jabberwock said:
...it had one unblinking eye on its hilt.
Honedge does too blink. Petting it on Pokemon-Amie brings an adorable response. ^w^

Also, I have a prediction:
The leader is Lysandre, and he was somehow made immortal by the disaster because of Xerneas. ^w^
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I have began to really like Ryan. He's thinking about stuff that the rest of the Spectrum have appeared to mindlessly ignored, which is a level of perceptiveness I quite like.
I definitely needed a distrustful character, and I felt like Ryan would be best, so glad it worked! :D

Here's just a tiny nitpick I found....

Honedge does too blink. Petting it on Pokemon-Amie brings an adorable response. ^w^
It does? :O
I honestly had no idea. I think I'm actually going to keep the phrasing the way it is, though; I like the image of an unblinking eye even if it's not at all accurate to Pokémon-Amie.

As for what's in the spoiler:
The leader is Lysandre, and he was somehow made immortal by the disaster because of Xerneas. ^w^
You're on the right track; I'll give you that. :p
On the surface, Lumiose City was magnificent, built long ago by the region’s greatest architects working together with Pokémon. Prism Tower, at the center of the city, was a resplendent shining beacon, every inch dotted with lights. It was not yet the hour of darkness that would normally accompany the lights being turned on, but when it came time for that, the tower would illuminate the entire city.

Lumiose City, however, was somewhat less beautiful in the sewers. Professor Sycamore had spared only a moment’s regret for his pristine lab coat before lowering himself through the grate. Fortunately, the pipe was large enough in diameter for all of the Spectrum to comfortably walk through.

They moved in a clump, with Nika at the front. At her side was her equestrian Pokémon with black-and-white stripes, Zebstrika, who illuminated the pipe with its flashing mane, and was the only Pokémon outside of its Poké Ball; it would be too cramped in the sewage pipe with nineteen people and almost the same number of Pokémon. Professor Sycamore trudged through the filth close behind her, leading the rest of the Elemental Spectrum.

The professor needed to mail his letter to Diantha as soon as he could. He had a contact at the Lumiose Press, the news building, who could ensure that his letter reached the Champion without being intercepted by Team Flare. The Spectrum would go there first, and then to the Pokémon Center on South Boulevard, that being the one farthest from the building he believed Team Flare to be using as headquarters.

Lumiose Press was a little out of their way, on Estival Avenue near Bleu Plaza, while the South Boulevard Pokémon Center was across the street from the Sycamore Pokémon Laboratory, which was the professor’s reason for navigating the city by way of the sewers. He knew the way, but nevertheless kept checking the map in his pocket.

After a while, he said, “Nika, we’re turning right up here.”

“Professor, where are we?” asked Nika. “If you just want a place to stay for the night, the Pokémon Center’s right across the street.”

“I’m aware,” replied the professor, not unkindly, but did not offer further explanation.

Nika fell silent, and turned right at the intersection. There was nothing to mark that the Spectrum had just crossed into the pipe under Estival Avenue, so Professor Sycamore continued checking the map to make sure that they surfaced at the right grate. Counting under his breath, he stopped at four. The rest of the Spectrum stopped behind him.

“Zebstrika,” Nika’s voice rang out, “give us light!”

The equestrian Pokémon’s mane flashed once, and Professor Sycamore perceived a dim glow surrounding it. Gradually, this glow grew, until it illuminated the pipe from the floor to the ceiling, and about a hundred feet in each direction.

The professor looked up and saw a grate like the one Peter and Blake had pulled away from the battlefield back at the laboratory. He motioned to them again now, directing them to remove this one as well. Peter hastened to a spot just beneath the grate, cupping his hands to allow Blake to reach the grate. Blake stepped up and, with a grunt, heaved the grate up and onto the ground above.

Stepping down, Blake mirrored Peter’s stance, cupping his hands as well. Professor Sycamore said, “Wait here. It will look suspicious if I bring eighteen Pokémon Trainers into the Lumiose Press. I’ll be back shortly.”

He hoisted himself through the grate and above the ground. Getting to his feet, the professor found that he was in the middle of Estival Avenue. The Lumiose Press was to his left. He strode toward the building, letting himself in through the front door.

The Lumiose Press was not a large building. There was only one room, in which all the editors and reporters worked. Professor Sycamore had come to see the editor-in-chief, a tall woman with black hair working at a desk in the far right of the room.

At his arrival, the editor-in-chief stood. “Professor Sycamore. What brings you to Lumiose Press?”

“Aya,” said the professor. “It’s been too long.”

“Indeed, Professor,” said Aya. “I hope you’re well? I heard rumors that Team Flare is active again.”

“The rumors are true,” said the professor. “I’m doing all I can to stop them, believe me. Which brings me, incidentally, to why I am here.

“I’m sure you remember Diantha, former and acting Champion of Kalos?”

“Sure I do,” said Aya. “You want us to contact her for you?”

“Exactly,” said the professor. “I will need Diantha’s help in the coming battle. I have written a letter; I need you to ensure it reaches her safely.”

Aya sighed. “I returned from my journey pursuing the Mythical Pokémon less than a month ago. I still have not finished my report on it. I’m sorry, Professor, but in this I cannot help you.”

Ah yes, thought Professor Sycamore. The Mythical Pokémon. Aya had been traveling over the last ten years, trying to locate a Pokémon of legendary power. It was not either of the forces of life and death that Lysandre had tried to unleash on the world ten years ago. No one had a clue what it might be. Professor Sycamore was not even sure that the Pokémon lived in Kalos. Aya was certainly not a Kalosian name; it sounded more Kantonese, to the professor’s ear. Could Aya have gone back to her homeland of the Kanto region searching for a Pokémon that had never been seen or heard of in Kalos? Either way, Aya had spent years searching for it, and she had returned from her travels only weeks ago.

A woman with brown hair, nearly Aya’s height, stood and hurried over from her desk. Professor Sycamore identified this person as Alexa, a reporter for the Lumiose Press and the sister of Viola, a Gym Leader.

“I couldn’t help overhearing,” said Alexa, “but I can take the letter. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to write a piece outside of the city, maybe I can find something on the way back.”

Although Aya was the editor-in-chief, Professor Sycamore knew that while she had been away for ten years chasing the Mythical Pokémon, Alexa had more or less taken on her role. “Very well,” said the professor, drawing the letter out of a pocket. “You can ensure that this letter reaches the Kalos Pokémon League safely?”

“I can, sir,” said Alexa with a slight bow. “I will be off within an hour of your departure.”

Professor Sycamore smiled and handed her the letter. “Thank you,” he said, and then turning to Aya: “I’m sorry I must rush off abruptly, but I must make it to the South Boulevard Pokémon Center before sundown.”

“No need to be sorry, Professor,” said Aya. “Until we meet again.”

“So shall it be,” said Professor Sycamore, and took his leave.


Alexa watched Professor Sycamore leave the building, and then she turned to her superior. “I must finish this report. May I leave when I’m done?”

Aya took a moment to think. “No,” she said. “No, I think you had better leave now, Alexa. This battle the professor speaks of….We’ll need all the help we can get, I’m sure. Leave now, and deliver the letter to Diantha at the Pokémon League with all haste.”

Alexa bowed. Aya was right, of course. The report could wait, especially for what could potentially be the biggest battle the Kalos region had ever seen. Aya made a dismissive gesture, and Alexa turned to leave.

“Wait, Alexa,” said Aya from behind her. She turned around. Aya was offering her a Poké Ball. “You can’t make it to the Pokémon League fast enough on foot. You’ll need air transport. Take Talonflame.”

Alexa bowed again, taking the Poké Ball. She said thanks, and walked out of the building.

Outside, she pressed the release button on the Poké Ball, and Aya’s Talonflame appeared. An avian Pokémon large enough to carry Alexa on its back, Talonflame had been Aya’s sole companion on her ten-year journey. Its feathers were warmed by the natural fire inside its body. It could expel this fire in short blasts in a Pokémon battle. Alexa doubted, however, that this Pokémon had ever seen battle, at least in the Kalos region.

“Talonflame,” said Alexa firmly and confidently. The way with a new Pokémon, especially that of another Trainer, was to be confident. Pokémon could detect emotions in a person’s voice, and wouldn’t respond respectfully if they felt nervousness. Talonflame inclined its feathered head; it had met Alexa before, and although Alexa didn’t remember much of the encounter, Pokémon of Talonflame’s caliber had long memories.

“Talonflame,” she said again,” please fly me to the Pokémon League.”

Talonflame nodded and lowered a wing for Alexa to climb on. When she had situated herself between Talonflame’s neck and wing joints, the avian Pokémon took off.

For all her work in the field, Alexa had never flown before. It was a wonderful experience, feeling the wind blow through her hair. Talonflame seemed to be aware of this being Alexa’s first time, as it never swerved or dived too swiftly. Its heated feathers warmed her, counteracting the chill of the wind.

As Talonflame flew over the region, Alexa took note of various places she had traveled to for the Lumiose Press. To the north, her left, she saw Route 16, known locally as Mélancolie Path, a winding road through the mountains next to a river. Fishermen frequented this river, on which a dock had been built for easy access to good fishing spots. Route 16 was also home to one of the entrances to the Lost Hotel, an underground building that, as its name suggested, had once been a famous hotel. It had since fallen into ruin, although no one seemed to know exactly how or why. The Lost Hotel had been the subject of Alexa’s research there.

Further ahead, to the east of Route 16, was Dendemille Town, one of the only major settlements in the frozen wasteland to the far east of the region. Alexa’s article had been on the Frost Cavern, to the north: an icy cave home to a huge mountainous Pokémon. This Pokémon guarded the deepest reaches of the cave fiercely, allowing no human to enter.

To the south, Alexa could barely see the far-off Santalune City, where her sister Viola had once been the Gym Leader. Viola, with the rest of the Gym Leaders, had gone into a self-imposed banishment following the desolation of Geosenge Town. Alexa hadn’t heard from her since then, and had no idea where she might be.

Directly ahead of her, Alexa could see the building of the Pokémon League, a building that some said had survived from before a devastating war three thousand years ago. It was shaped like a castle, with beige stone, blue roofs, and red turrets. Inside the building, the Kalos Elite Four and Champion dwelled, taking on any challengers who had won against eight Pokémon Gyms.

Or at least, they used to. Alexa doubted whether the Elite Four had had any new challengers in ten years. They had not exiled themselves as the Gym Leaders had; there was no point, when they lived in a castle and rarely came out anyway. Alexa worried for the first time that they might not let her in. She could only hope that they would trust that she bore a message from Professor Sycamore.

Talonflame began to descend to the ground. In moments more, its claws had touched the grass over which the castle loomed. Alexa dismounted the Pokémon and returned it to its Poké Ball. She then looked up at the castle, sighed, and strode to the door.

There was no point in knocking. The door was rough stone; knocking would achieve nothing but a bloody hand. Alexa wondered briefly how she was to open the door. Then it came to her that the Elite Four would have once been watching for challengers, and therefore would have been able to open the door when they saw one approaching. However, she doubted that they would be as alert now. Sighing again, Alexa decided that there was no better course of action that to wait for someone to appear and open the door.

She sat, and waited for a few minutes, but shortly the door gave a rumble and began to slide open. Alexa stood up and tried to look past the door, but found that she could not. The walls of the interior of the Pokémon League building were so sparkling and reflective that she couldn’t immediately gaze at them without quickly becoming disoriented. She was aware of a figure standing in the doorway, rushing toward her, before she collapsed from dizziness.


The first thing Alexa was aware of when she returned to consciousness was water trickling down her throat. If she had not still been somewhat bewildered, she might have supposed that it was the water that had awakened her. She then noticed that she was lying on a soft couch in a very warm room. There were four people huddled around her, one holding the glass that had held the water that had been poured down Alexa’s throat.

It was a very strange group of people, but Alexa felt as if she should know them. One was very old, with dark grey hair streaked with white. She wore maroon robes, and a necklace of...were those bones? Alexa blinked. Another was in his middle years, about fifty or so, wearing what appeared to be a suit of armor. His hair was graying and unruly, and he wore a circlet with an ornamental star on his forehead. Another was tall with blond hair, wearing a suit of white, with a frill about the neck. The last, a young woman with brown hair, crouched at Alexa’s side. She was the one holding the glass.

Now that Alexa had had time to orient herself, she knew that this was the Elite Four. Drasna was the elderly lady with the bone necklace. Wikstrom, the man dressed as a knight. The young man dressed in the white suit was Siebold. The last, a young woman with short brown hair, she knew to be Serena, though Alexa had never known her to be of the Elite Four.

“She’s awake,” said Siebold. “I told you it would work.”

Serena cast a stern glance at him. Then, she turned back to Alexa and her face softened. “Who are you, and why have you come to the Pokémon League?”

Alexa shook her head to clear her thoughts. “I came from Lumiose City, with a message from Professor Augustine Sycamore for Diantha, Champion of Kalos. My name is Alexa. I’m a reporter for the Lumiose Press.”

“You’ve come for Diantha?” asked Serena. “I’m sorry to disappoint you after you’ve come all this way, but Diantha’s not here. She left about a week ago on an urgent mission and has yet to return. We don’t know where she is.”

“Diantha’s...gone?” said Alexa, suddenly tired again. “I have to deliver this letter to Diantha. Can you ensure that she receives it?”

Serena hesitated, looking back at Drasna, Wikstrom, and Siebold. After a long pause, Wikstrom spoke. “You should stay here for a while. The entry hall of the castle can have this effect on people. It’s meant as a defense system for intruders, but it seems that it works too well. You’re in no state to travel right now, so you might as well wait here until Diantha returns.”

“When will that be?” asked Alexa.

“I don’t know,” Wikstrom rumbled. “It could be until the season changes, or longer. We’ve taken the liberty of allowing your Talonflame to stretch its wings outside. You can send a message with it to your superiors at the Press.”

“I….Thank you,” said Alexa. “You’re right, I’ll send a message. Do you have a pen and paper?”

At this, Wikstrom and Drasna both laughed. “There’s no hurry, Alexa,” said Drasna. “Rest a bit more, and write a letter when you feel up to it.”

“They’re right, Alexa,” said Serena. “Rest awhile. There’s always more time.”

Alexa hesitated, then nodded. As the Elite Four rose, however, she remembered. “No!” she said with such vehemence that Serena jumped and Siebold raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Team Flare has returned! That’s what the professor’s letter is; he needs Diantha’s help! We don’t have more time.”

Serena looked startled. She looked to Drasna, perhaps for guidance. Drasna visibly calmed her face, and then said, “We shall correspond with Professor Sycamore. You, however, must rest.”

And with that, the Elite Four walked out of the room, leaving Alexa to nod off to sleep.


Professor Sycamore led the way into the lobby of the South Boulevard, accompanied by the entire Spectrum. Under different circumstances, he might have told them to wait outside, because nineteen people in a Pokémon Center’s lobby would attract too much attention. Now, however, he had decided that the risk was greater for the Spectrum to be outside than in.

There were a few people sitting in chairs, reading books, when he walked in, but no one at the desk, so he rang a small bell he had seen by the door. “Coming!” yelled a muffled voice from somewhere upstairs.

A Nurse descended the stairs, carrying a large box, which she set down by the desk. All Pokémon Center Nurses had the same unique hair color: a red so pale it could be called pink. They were all sisters with the surname Joy, part of the same family who had founded the first Pokémon Center. This sister’s name, as the professor remembered, was Aira. “How can I help you, Professor Sycamore?” she said, recognizing his lab coat and wild black hair.

“We need seven rooms for the night,” said the professor. “Each with three beds, please.”

“Sure,” said Aira, entering the order in a computer at her desk. “It’s strange, I’ve had more guests than usual lately. Normally, about as many people stay here as in each of the other Pokémon Centers in the city, but my sisters have told me that they’ve had next to no guests whatsoever.”

Professor Sycamore knew perfectly well, of course, why Aira had had more visitors than her sisters: rumors of Team Flare had frightened away all the tourists from that area of the city. He hoped the numerous guests wouldn’t disturb their stay tonight.

Aira led them upstairs to a set of seven rooms, all in the same stretch of hallway. Professor Sycamore took one room for himself, and then the rest of the Spectrum divided into groups of three. Ryan, Ani and Roc took the same room.

After Aira had gone back downstairs, Professor Sycamore knocked on each door in turn and advised each of them to get a good night’s sleep; they would need to be well rested for a long day tomorrow. After he had said this to the three behind the last door, he returned to his room and stretched out on the bed. Within minutes, he was asleep.


After Professor Sycamore had closed the door, Ryan started pacing. Ani and Roc sat on their respective beds. “Ryan, what is it?” asked Ani. “You’ve been on edge since we left the village.”

“Doesn’t it seem strange to you?” said Ryan. “That one day, a stranger comes to the village, when we haven’t had any strangers in years, and claims that he’s working to save the world, but that he needs our help?”

“You mean you don’t believe him?” said Roc. “Ryan, you saw Team Flare in the battlefield outside the laboratory. They’re definitely real. And the Spectrum is, too.”

“No, I believe that part,” said Ryan. “But how do I know that he’s right and Team Flare’s wrong? They’re obviously against each other, but we’ve seen nothing to suggest that Professor Sycamore is really working to save the world, and that Team Flare isn’t.”

“Come on, Ryan,” said Ani. “You really believe Fylon is evil? And Nika?”

Ryan looked doubtful, but Roc said, “We should get some sleep. We’ll need it.”

Ryan noticed that Roc had carefully avoided using Professor Sycamore’s name in his last sentences, perhaps for fear of provoking more rants. But exhaustion won out, and Ryan got into his bed.


Professor Sycamore woke some time later to a loud crash and the smell of smoke. Even in his half-conscious state, he immediately suspected Team Flare. He leapt out of the bed, nearly breaking down the door in his efforts to open it. He looked down the hallway, and saw the yellow-and-orange tongues of fire.

He knocked frantically on each of the six other doors, although he doubted whether any of them was still asleep. Seconds after his knocks, the Spectrum burst out of the doors.

“Get as many people out of the building as you can!” Professor Sycamore cried.

Each of them nodded once, and began tearing off into various rooms, attempting to evacuate anyone still left inside. Some were groggy - whether because they were still half-asleep or because of the smoke Professor Sycamore did not know - and had to be practically dragged by the Spectrum outside. Some believed they could put out the fire, and had to be convinced otherwise. It seemed, however, for the most part, that Aira had had enough warning to usher most of the guests outside before things became too difficult.

Suddenly, from behind a crumbling wall, a Team Flare Grunt stepped out, Poké Ball in hand raised to throw. Professor Sycamore whirled around and had only a second’s warning before a small grey-and-red-feathered birdlike Pokémon - a Fletchinder - collided with the wall the professor had been in front of. Professor Sycamore took his own Poké Ball from his pocket and pressed the button, releasing Charizard, his draconian Pokémon, in a dazzling burst of light.

“Charizard, Slash!” the professor called.

“Fletchinder, Wing Attack!” came the voice of the Team Flare Grunt.

While the birdlike Pokémon was fast, Charizard was faster. It avoided Fletchinder’s glowing wing, and struck with its sharp claws. Fletchinder crashed to the ground in a faint.

As the professor recalled Charizard into its Poké Ball, he became aware that the rest of the Spectrum was fighting against two dozen or more Grunts, all in the cleared, yet burning, space where their rooms had been minutes before. The Spectrum was in a tight circle, facing outward, their Pokémon before them, facing a larger outer circle formed by the Team Flare Grunts. Professor Sycamore backed into the Spectrum circle and said, “Where are Ryan, Ani and Roc?”

“They’re helping the rest of the guests evacuate the building,” Fylon called. “Care to give us a hand?”

“Oh, I doubt you need it,” said the professor, a smile touching the corners of his mouth. “I want to see how you do on your own. Besides, what could Charizard do but make the building crumble faster?”

Fylon made a grunt of exasperation. “Braviary, Aerial Ace!” he yelled, and his Pokémon swooped and dived, evading the strikes of its opponents, and jabbing them sharply with its beak. The Pokémon of the Team Flare Grunts tried in vain to land a direct blow, and Braviary soon finished them off. They slumped to the ground in a faint.

Fylon turned back to the professor, who gave him a nod and another smile. “Hmph,” said Fylon. “I suppose you think now you can just sit this out? We’re not a full Spectrum, Professor. There are a lot of Grunts here.”

“Remember what I said about making the building crumble faster?” said the professor, still smiling. “I’m going outside to help with the evacuation. I must say, however, that you did very well.”

Fylon sighed and turned to face the other Grunts, calling orders to Braviary. Professor Sycamore watched for a few moments before turning and walking through the debris to the stairs, and down them to what remained of the door.

Outside, the chill night air was refreshing, though Professor Sycamore knew that he must not relax just yet. He surveyed the evacuated guests, estimating between thirty and forty. He saw Ani bringing water to a few of them, though he had no idea where she may have found it, and Roc helping injured people walk to a place where they might sit down. The professor did not see Ryan, but he did not give too much thought to this matter, for Aira came then hurrying over to him, clutching her laptop computer.

“Professor!” she said. “We’ve received a message from the Elite Four. Can you speak to them? I have the connection now.”

Professor Sycamore wondered for a moment what the Elite Four, whom he had not spoken to in nearly ten years, would be contacting him about. Then he remembered leaving the letter in Alexa’s hands at the Lumiose Press; the fire in the Pokémon Center had eclipsed the few hours before it. He marvelled at the speed at which Alexa had arrived at the Pokémon League, even being under fifty miles away - she must have left immediately after he had. He nodded to Aira, and she opened her computer. The screen flickered for a moment, and then Drasna’s face appeared. The professor could see three silhouettes behind her - presumably the rest of the Elite Four.

“Professor Sycamore,” said Drasna, inclining her head. The professor bowed. “Drasna.”

Aira passed the computer to Professor Sycamore and went back to help the guests. He sat down.

“You know we would not contact you were it not important,” continued Drasna. “A reporter from the Lumiose Press has just come to the castle, calling herself Alexa. We want firstly to confirm that you sent her.”

“I did,” said the professor. “But that was not the only reason you called?”

“No. We understand Team Flare has returned. We want to know what you are doing about it.”

“An Elemental Spectrum,” said the professor. “A circle of eighteen can--”

“Defeat any opponent, yes,” said Drasna. “Very well. If you have truly managed to form a theoretical concept…, well, I suppose it doesn’t surprise me. You’ve always been confident. Perhaps too much so. But why do you need Diantha? If you have a circle of eighteen, you shouldn’t need anyone else.”

“A fully trained circle of eighteen can defeat any opponent,” said Professor Sycamore. “I’ve had time only to train fifteen. I have the last three, but I am not sure I will have the time before to battle to teach them.”

To his surprise, Drasna laughed. “So you are not overconfident! Good. But I am afraid Diantha is not here right now. She has not been here for a week now.”

“She has?” said the professor. “That is unfortunate. Perhaps, then, you can help me. The Elite Four - I see that you are four, though you were not nearly ten years ago - are the strongest Pokémon Trainers in the region, second only to Diantha herself. If I know you, you have not been idle this last decade. You have been honing your skills further. If I may ask, however, who is your fourth member?”

Drasna turned to one of the silhouettes and said something Professor Sycamore could not hear. Then, she stepped aside and a new face came into view.

“Serena?” said the professor, surprised. “How did you come by this position? Not that you don’t deserve it, you understand.”

Now Drasna spoke again, though Serena was still on the screen. “You may remember that Serena was instrumental in helping us to expose Malva, her predecessor, as part of Team Flare. She showed her talent with Pokémon, which as far as I know has been surpassed only by Calem and Diantha herself, and as such she has been initiated as one of the four strongest in the region.”

“Ah yes,” said the professor. “Congratulations, Serena! I have no doubt that you will live to be a far better Trainer than Malva ever was. But what happened to Malva?”

“She escaped after we revealed to the world her identity,” said Drasna. “As far as we know, she has been wandering this region, or another, in disguise for ten years.”

“Hmm,” said the professor thoughtfully. “Perhaps she is the new head of Team Flare? It seems plausible. But that brings me back to my other question: Will you help me in the struggle against Team Flare? It is time for the Elite Four to be known again.”

Now Serena left the screen, and Drasna came back. She sighed. “Yes,” she said at length. “If it comes to that, we will help you. I daresay you’ll need it.”

Professor Sycamore inclined his head. “Thank you. Until we meet again,” he said, using the honorary farewell.

“So shall it be,” said Drasna in response.

The screen went black. Professor Sycamore sat a few minutes longer in deep thought. He did not notice when Aira came back over. At length, he came out of his trance. “My apologies, Aira,” he said. “I was lost in thought.”

“Your apology need not be for that, Professor Sycamore,” said Aira, “but for the Pokémon Center! I trust you’ll pay for the damage?”

“Of course,” said the professor. “Better, when this is all over, we shall assist you in the rebuilding.”

Aira sniffed, took back her computer, and walked away. At that moment, Fylon and the rest of the Spectrum came out of the burning Pokémon Center. A few of them bore abrasions and bruises, but they seemed otherwise unharmed.

“Everything went well?” said the professor, standing up.

“Yeah,” said Fylon, panting. “It took a while, and we’re exhausted, and the building’s almost collapsed, but we defeated them and made it out. They escaped.”

Professor Sycamore smiled. “You’ve done well, Fylon. Sit, rest a moment. I’ll bring you water.”

Fylon sank to his knees with the rest of the Spectrum, sitting in the middle of South Boulevard, away from the guests. Professor Sycamore strode tiredly to the group, where Ani was still distributing water. Roc was now sitting, wiping his brow with a damp cloth.

“Ani,” said the professor, “where’s Ryan?”

“I don’t know,” she replied, also noticing this for the first time. “I haven’t seen him since...I guess since before we all went to sleep. Where is he?”

“I don’t know, either,” said the professor. “But I need to find out.”

He almost ran back over to the Spectrum. “Morgan! Julian!” he called. “I need you to go back inside. I can’t find Ryan.”

Both Morgan and Julina were tired, but they nodded and got up, running back into the building. After they went in, Professor Sycamore remained rooted to the spot, too anxious to do anything. He waited like this for many more minutes, until Morgan and Julian came back out of the building. “We didn’t find him, Professor,” said Morgan. “He’s not in there.”

“Oh, no,” breathed the professor, his fears confirmed. “Team Flare has captured Ryan.”

Chapter Thoughts & Annotations:

Cliffhangers, yay! :D

The Mythical Pokémon Aya was hunting, it's not central to the story, so I'll just put here:
It's Volcanion.

I had to tie Serena into the story somehow, and I needed a fourth Elite Four member, so she got the job. :p I don't mind confirming anything about her as a Trainer, so make bold predictions! I'll verify 'em. :)

And on the topic of verifying predictions, I'll confirm just about anything you want from this chapter except where Diantha is and what happened to Malva. I can't give either of them away yet. :p

Next chapter should go up Tuesday.
Great chapter! The thing that really stood out to me here was the amount of great descriptions and backstories that you intertwined with the story without making it awkward. For an example, Alexa being the sister of a Gym Leader. I haven't played X or Y, but did vaguely recall Alexa, and with only a few words you managed to make the link.

I'm not sure if you mentioned this in an earlier chapter, but how old are the spectrum, on average?
I'm not sure if you mentioned this in an earlier chapter, but how old are the spectrum, on average?
Youngest to oldest:
Arin (Dragon) - 12
Amaline (Fairy) - 14
Liam (Bug) - 15

Mica (Ghost) - 15
Ryan (???) - 15
Ani (???) - 15
Roc (???) - 15

Clair (Ground) - 16
Erell (Rock) - 16
Sera (Ice) - 16

Nika (Electric) - 17
Fylon (Flying) - 18
Morgan (Normal) - 18

Peter (Psychic) - 19
Blake (Dark) - 19
Rosuke (Poison) - 19
Julian (Fighting) - 20

Warren (Steel) - 22

That should be at least mostly accurate, if there are any discrepancies with existing chapters, let me know and I'll edit one or the other.

And I'm so glad you like the references! I'm trying to leave Easter eggs here and there, but they aren't central to the story, so if there are any that aren't clear, it's probably fine.
It's great you recognized Alexa, though! :D
Ah, cool. I like knowing the ages of each character as you can sort of relate to them on their level [of maturity] and thought patterns relative to their age. It's also interesting how easily I can relate to Ryan as a fifteen year old myself - it shows something positive about your writing, Jabber!
Ah, cool. I like knowing the ages of each character as you can sort of relate to them on their level [of maturity] and thought patterns relative to their age. It's also interesting how easily I can relate to Ryan as a fifteen year old myself - it shows something positive about your writing, Jabber!
Getting personalities right is the highest compliment I can receive. Thanks so much, bb. :D I'm actually a bit younger than the three main characters, so that their maturity level is good is a huge accomplishment, for me at least. :p

I'm also going to note here that common ages also tends to signify which Spectrum members associate with each other more. Blake, Peter, and Rosuke especially. And Julian too, to an extent. That's just something that may or may not be too significant; they're all gonna end up working together eventually, I'm not sure if I want to include a bit of infighting before then.
Julian raised his eyebrows. “What makes you certain of that?”

Professor Sycamore began to pace. “What, you think he left while no one was looking, without bothering to tell anyone where he had gone?”

“It’s not a possibility we can ignore, is it?” said Julian. “Fylon said he had noticed that Ryan was suspicious.”

“Suspicious enough to desert us?” said the professor, getting more and more agitated. “In the village, he was perfectly ready to help me. Even if he had misgivings then, he followed me. Why stop now?”

“Perhaps he decided that in the face of Team Flare, he wasn’t as ready to help after all?” said Julian, now crossing his arms.

Professor Sycamore stopped pacing. “Do not accuse him of such a thing as cowardice, Julian. Do you truly believe that one who, like only seventeen others in the region, agreed to help me stop an organization as evil as this would not be brave? No, he did not leave under his own power. And besides that, there’s only one way out of the Pokémon Center, unless he jumped, which is unlikely. Aira or one of the guests would have seen him leave.”

Julian nodded. “So he’s captured. What do we do now?”

Professor Sycamore sighed and ran a hand through his wild hair. “I don’t know. I need time to think. Put out the fire, would you?”

Julian nodded again. He and Morgan ran back to the rest of the Spectrum. The professor watched them exchange a few words with Fylon. Seconds later, Fylon sprang to his feet, and gestured to the others to do the same. They called out their Pokémon and set to work extinguishing the flames.

Professor Sycamore sat and rubbed his forehead. He had to work under the assumption that Team Flare was still using Lysandre’s laboratories for their headquarters. He still did not know the identity of their leader, but that didn’t matter for Ryan.

The professor tried to recall what he could of Team Flare and their workings. He had never been inside Lysandre’s laboratories, and the whereabouts of the only one who had - Calem - were unknown. Their hierarchy consisted - or had consisted, before the Geosenge disaster - of the leader, who was advised by the four Scientists, who were also the topmost administrators. There were also perhaps ten lesser administrators, the names of whom Professor Sycamore didn’t know. The rest of Team Flare was made up of Grunts, maybe fifty or so. And, of course, two enigmas. Malva, once part of the Kalos Elite Four, and a famous news reporter for the Holo Caster. Her role in Team Flare had been exposed nearly ten years ago, and from what Drasna had said, she hadn’t been seen since. The other mystery was Xerosic, who had been one of Team Flare’s most powerful executives. He had been largely in control of the restoration and activation of the weapon that had destroyed Geosenge Town. After Lysandre’s defeat at Calem’s hands, Xerosic had gone into hiding, only emerging a year later with a new project he had been secretly working on. He had called it the Expansion Suit, a suit that literally expanded all the capabilities and functions of the wearer. He hadn’t worn it himself - it was still just a prototype - so he had used Emma, a sixteen-year-old orphan, as a test subject. Unconscious inside the suit while Xerosic controlled it remotely, Emma, under the code name Essentia, had committed various crimes throughout the city, eventually being stopped by a member of the International Police. Xerosic was captured and brought to the Shalour prison. According to Fylon, however, Team Flare was trying to recruit Xerosic, but had failed. Professor Sycamore was still mystified as to how they had failed. Could it be that Xerosic felt remorse for his actions?

At any rate, that was irrelevant, and would not help save Ryan. Professor Sycamore shook his head to clear it. Even if he worked under the assumption that Malva was now the leader, it wouldn’t make a difference; he had no idea how Malva operated. He would have to determine where prisoners were kept, and break in there, without attracting the attention of the leader, whoever that may be.

But where were prisoners kept? Professor Sycamore’s eyes closed and his brow furrowed in concentration. He considered for a few more minutes before deciding that it was no use; he couldn’t figure out on his own without sending Fylon, Nika or Erell for reconnaissance, and that was too risky. He didn’t want to lose two members of the Spectrum.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open. Of course. Calem wasn’t the only one who might help him that had been inside Lysandre’s laboratories. Serena had, too. While Calem had actually taken down Lysandre and the ultimate weapon, Serena had helped him get inside, defeat the administrators, and navigate the twists and turns of the laboratories.

The decision from here was obvious. Professor Sycamore stood up quickly and hastened over to Aira, where she still was passing water out to the guests. “Aira,” he said. “May I borrow your computer a few minutes more? I fear it’s urgent.”

Aira looked to see who was talking, and then sniffed. “Fine,” she said, handing it to him.

Professor Sycamore bowed and went back to where he had sat before as he debated how best to rescue Ryan. He opened the laptop and called the Pokémon League.

Siebold answered. “Professor? What happened?”

“Siebold,” said the professor. “Please call Serena. I must speak with her.”

The Water specialist looked at him searchingly a moment or two longer, and then turned his head and called, “Serena!”

Professor Sycamore heard a muffled shout from some part of the castle, and moments later, Serena came into view. “Professor Sycamore? What is it?”

“Serena. Ten years ago, when Calem stopped Lysandre’s weapon from destroying the world, you helped him find the way through the laboratories,” said Professor Sycamore.

“Yes,” said Serena cautiously.

“Do you think you can find the way again?” said Professor Sycamore.

Serena looked doubtful. “I could … yes, I’m sure I could. But Professor, I don’t ever want to see that place again. It was horrible.”

“I know, Serena,” said Professor Sycamore soothingly. “But tonight, Team Flare attacked the Pokémon Center and kidnapped one of the members of my Elemental Spectrum. I need to navigate the laboratories and rescue him. Will you please help?”

Serena sighed. She seemed to harden her resolve, and then said, “Alright. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you, Serena,” said the professor, inclining his head. “Please meet us at the Magenta Plaza Pokémon Center in Lumiose City.”

Serena nodded, her face still set resolutely, and ended the call.

Professor Sycamore closed the computer and sighed with relief. With Serena’s help, this mission was as good as completed.

He went over to where the Elemental Spectrum sat, still recovering from the toughest fight they had ever been in. As he approached, a few of them - the least exhausted - stood. Julian was among them. Fylon, curiously, was not.

“I know you’re all tired,” began Professor Sycamore, but Fylon cut him off.

“What happened?” he asked sharply.

Professor Sycamore sighed. Had Julian and Morgan really not told them? “Ryan has been captured by Team Flare. We need to–”

“We know that,” said Fylon, cutting him off again. “Even if Morgan hadn’t told us, it’s obvious from the length and quantity of your calls to the Pokémon League, and the…”

Fylon trailed off, looking around at the others: clearly it hadn’t been obvious to all of them. “Never mind,” he said. “I mean, why have you come over, Professor? Shouldn’t you be helping the guests from the Pokémon Center?”

“At the moment, my priority is Ryan,” said the professor, now mildly annoyed. “If he is not there to help us against Team Flare when this conflict comes to a head, or if - Order forbid it - he is against us, all will be lost, and I don’t mean just the Kalos region.”

“We’re exhausted, sir,” said Fylon. “I–”

Now Nika interrupted, “We’re fit for travel, if not for a battle, Professor.” She shot Fylon a warning glare.

“That’s good,” said Professor Sycamore. “Especially because travel’s what we need right now. We’re going to Magenta Plaza. There’s another Pokémon Center there.”

“With all due respect, Professor,” said Julian, his deep, clear voice resonating, “what makes you think we’ll be safer at that Pokémon Center than we were at this one? We don’t want to lay waste to Lumiose City.”

Fylon looked up expectantly, and a bit defiantly, as if to say, “There. Answer that.”

“They can’t burn down that Pokémon Center,” said the professor with a smile; he had already thought of this. “Not unless they want the flames to spread, building by building, to their headquarters. And it puts us in perfect position to infiltrate the laboratories whenever we see fit, as they won’t have the warning of fifteen Pokémon Trainers running down North Boulevard.

“And,” he added significantly, “Serena of the Elite Four is meeting us there.”

This met with general approval from the Spectrum. Even Fylon finally relaxed, put at ease by the knowledge that they would have an expert Pokémon Trainer assisting them.

Nika jumped up. “What are we waiting for, then?”


At the Magenta Plaza Pokémon Center, Fylon sat back in a comfortable chair in the largest room the Center had. The Spectrum and Professor Sycamore had arrived less than an hour before, and had proceeded directly to the room to discuss their plan to rescue Ryan. Serena had not yet arrived, and Professor Sycamore was reluctant to start speaking until she had.

Fylon was just about to fall asleep - according to his watch, it was nearly eleven o’clock, and they had already had a trying day - when the door opened and Serena of the Elite Four walked in. Fylon knew her by reputation only; the Elite Four lived a secluded life. She was nearly as tall as the professor, and wore mostly black and red. Her hair was somewhere between blond and brown, not unlike Morgan’s. She had an air of confidence, and even Fylon, exhausted as he was, felt sure of their success in the mission to come.

“Serena, good,” said the professor. “Now we can begin.”

And he went to the center of the room, where, in place of the bed that had been moved by Julian and Peter earlier, stood a short, wide table. He sat on a wooden chair, pulled up to the table.

“Our plan,” he said, “is essentially to divide into two groups. One will create some sort of diversion, the details of which we will work out later, and the other will, with Serena, navigate through the laboratories to the prison cells, and free Ryan. Are there any objections to this?”

Fylon, who had used the last few moments to mentally divide the entire Spectrum into the two groups and run them through Professor Sycamore’s plan, suddenly noticed a flaw. “How does the diversion group get back out?”

Professor Sycamore sighed. “To be honest,” he said, “I’m counting on your nearly perfect memory, Fylon. If you don’t think you can memorize a series of perhaps a dozen or so warp panels, now is the time to tell me.”

Fylon had no idea what a warp panel was, but he figured it was reasonable enough to assume that Professor Sycamore meant he would have to choose the correct object out of an assortment of identical ones, and do that at least ten times. He was hesitant about agreeing to this, because a single mistake could likely send his half of the Spectrum even further into the depths of Team Flare’s laboratories. Some of his hesitation must have shown in his expression, because Serena hurriedly said, “And if you can’t find the way back out, I’m sure the leader won’t mind a gaping hole in his roof.”

The rest of the Spectrum roared with laughter, and even Fylon was amused. When this had subsided, the professor held up a red suit and tossed it to Fylon. “I have a few of those,” he said. “You’ll need that to get far enough for the diversion.”

Fylon stared at the suit for a moment. He didn’t want any part of anything that smacked of Team Flare. But he nodded grimly, accepting it.

“What if the diversion doesn’t work?” asked Nika. “Aren’t there enough Grunts for the leader to send a few to see to the diversion, and the rest intercept the rescue team?”

Now Fylon saw, for the first time, a flash of uncertainty cross Professor Sycamore’s face. “I don’t know how big Team Flare is,” he said, “but I doubt there would be so many that half the Spectrum can’t hold off half of them.”

“It’s a risk we’ll have to take,” said Serena. “Now, before I left, I searched the archives in the Pokémon League for any building plans for the laboratories. I found this.”

And she brought out a device from her pocket, which she put on the table before pressing a button. The device projected a three-dimensional model of what Fylon assumed was Team Flare’s headquarters. The model was translucent, but color was still evident - the walls and floor were red on each of the three stories. The top one appeared to be primarily a maze of walls and small floor tiles in different colors. Perhaps they were warp panels?

At the entrance to the top floor was an elevator, which also seemed to be the only way to access the lower floors. The middle floor was apparently made up of the prison cells that Ryan would likely be contained in, but there weren’t a lot of them. In fact, this floor and the floor below it, which seemed to be just an engine room, were positively small. It didn’t look nearly big enough to house all the Grunts Team Flare would need to take over the region.

Professor Sycamore had clearly noticed this, too, as he said, “Is this the entire laboratory? There’s no way a hundred people could fit in there.”

“There’s a hidden floor, too, that doesn’t appear on any map, and of course they’ve branched out a bit since then,” said Serena. “But Lysandre had another laboratory, too.”

Professor Sycamore looked puzzled for only a moment before understanding dawned. “Ah, of course.”

“Geosenge Town,” Serena confirmed. “Where the ultimate weapon used to stand. I’ve guessed for years that the two laboratories have some kind of passageway between them. It didn’t fit that Lysandre was able to get to Geosenge Town so quickly.”

“But even secret passageways would have to … unless …” said the professor, pacing now, as he always did when agitated. “You don’t think … warp panels?”

“That’s exactly what I think,” said Serena. “Warp panels aren’t meant for long distances - only for travel within a building. But Lysandre had five of the most brilliant scientific minds in the world at his disposal. Who knows what they may have come up with?

“Geosenge Town,” Serena continued in a murmur. “Where no one would ever go to look … It’s brilliant.”

“But then,” said the professor, becoming increasingly frantic, “how do we know Ryan isn’t under Geosenge Town at this very moment? This changes everything!”

“Professor Sycamore, please calm yourself,” said Serena. “I don’t believe Ryan is in that laboratory, for the same reason that AZ was not imprisoned there when Lysandre needed his key ten years ago. There are no cells in the Geosenge laboratory. Rather hard to be imprisoned without a prison, professor.”

Professor Sycamore took a deep breath and sat down again.

“Now then,” said Serena, “when do we intend to do this?”

“As soon as we possibly can,” said the professor immediately. “Team Flare could attack at any moment. Ryan must become a Pokémon Trainer before that happens.”

Serena’s hands flew to her mouth. “He’s untrained?” she cried. “Why in the name of Order didn’t you mention that before! I thought it was a full Trainer they had kidnapped!”

“Yes, he’s untrained, but there’s no point in shouting about it now,” said Professor Sycamore. Fylon suppressed a smile; the professor himself had been shouting just moments before. “It just means we need to rescue him quickly.”

“Be that as it may, you need an alternative plan,” said Serena. “I know what the legends say, but an untrained Spectrum is no better than eighteen inexperienced ordinary Pokémon Trainers.”

“I contacted Diantha–”

“No, you didn’t,” Serena contradicted him. “Diantha hasn’t been seen for nearly a month. The reporter from the Lumiose Press came straight to the castle, but the letter reached no one but us.”

“Well, then how about the Elite Four?” said the professor. “Could you join us against Team Flare?”

“Not easily,” said Serena. “We’ve kept up the art of battle, but only practiced against each other. None of us have seen a real opponent in years. I think in our present state, we could barely hold off the Team Flare Scientists, let alone whoever the leader is.”

Professor Sycamore sighed in exasperation. “Do you have other ideas?”

“Only one,” said Serena. “The Gym Leaders. They haven’t been in practice either, but each could likely take on ten Team Flare Grunts in combat and come out ahead. The problem is finding them. They’ve been in exile for ten years. Who knows where they are now?”

“We could find them,” Fylon spoke up. “There are seventeen of us, plus the professor. We could track down the Gym Leaders.”

“That raises a problem,” said the professor. “Are we tracking down the Gym Leaders, or are we rescuing Ryan?”

“We can do both,” said Fylon. “I’ll take Arin and whoever else wants to go to find the Gym Leaders, and then once you’ve rescued Ryan, you’ll join us.”

“I admire your optimism, Fylon,” said Professor Sycamore, “but we’ll need all the help we can get to infiltrate Team Flare’s base. I’m not sure it’s good to divide like this.”

“But we don’t mean to fight them,” said Fylon. “It won’t be like it was back at the laboratory. We just need to hold them off long enough to free Ryan, then escape.”

Professor Sycamore looked thoughtful. “Perhaps you’re right,” he said. “All right, then, Fylon. In the morning, you and Arin shall leave to track down the Gym Leaders and persuade them to join us.”

Arin clapped his hands from his spot on the floor. He had always been the sort of wild one in the Spectrum. He hadn’t had a home in the town where Professor Sycamore had found him. Now, he trained Dragon-type Pokémon, and his Noivern would be second fastest only to Fylon’s own Braviary in flight.

“Where would we go first?” asked Arin, practically jumping. “There are eight Gym Leaders, right? And we don’t know where they would be.”

“Well, a good place to start would probably be the Gym they had once led,” said Professor Sycamore, amused by Arin’s enthusiasm. “As for which to locate first …”

Now Ani spoke up. She and the other one from the village had been very quiet since Team Flare’s attack on the Pokémon Center. Fylon had nearly forgotten that she was there. “How about Korrina?” she said. “The books I’ve read say that Korrina knew about a special kind of transformation that some Pokémon could undergo to push the bounds of their power. That power would probably help against Team Flare.”

“The books speak of Mega Evolution,” said Serena, a faraway, reminiscent look in her eyes. “An evolution that transcends all other evolution.”

“Many Pokémon can evolve, enhancing their physical attributes and raw power,” explained Professor Sycamore for the benefit of the ones from the village. Fylon, naturally, knew about all this; it was one of the basic lessons Professor Sycamore taught all the members of the Spectrum upon their initiation.

“Yes,” continued Serena, “but Mega Evolution goes beyond that. It is a special kind of evolution that can only be obtained from an exceptionally strong bond between Trainer and Pokémon. There are also stones involved - a Key Stone, worn by the Trainer, and a Mega Stone, held by the Pokémon.”

“You sound like you know a lot about it,” said Ani.

“I used it myself, once,” said Serena. “But Korrina knows much more about it than I do. She is the Successor, the one who inherited the vast stores of knowledge from her grandfather when he passed away. She is probably the only practitioner left in Kalos today, save perhaps Diantha, and Calem, if he’s still in the region.”

“Korrina’s the one we have to find, then?” asked Arin.

Professor Sycamore nodded. “Her Gym was in Shalour City. That should give you a chance to check on Xerosic in the prison, too. Make sure he’s still behind bars and that Team Flare hasn’t come to call again.

“The fastest way there would be through the Lumiose Badlands, to the west. They lead to Coumarine City, and from there you can cross the river to Shalour City. I would caution you from flying too much, however - I know that was your reason for bringing Arin, but we can’t have Team Flare knowing what you’re up to.”

“Understood,” said Fylon. “And I will still bring Arin.”

“Fair enough,” said the professor, “but we have another problem, now. You were supposed to memorize the way through the headquarters. What do we do without you?”

“Well,” said Fylon, “the leader’s not going to mind a gaping hole in his roof, will he?”


The next morning, Fylon awoke early. The rest of the previous night had passed without incident, from Team Flare or otherwise. It seemed that the professor had been right: Team Flare had no desire to attack them this close to their base.

Fylon hadn’t bothered to change his clothes before falling asleep. He figured he had better get used to a lack of comforts and luxuries in preparation for the journey ahead of him. Looking out the window, he saw that the sun was already up, despite the short daylight of winter. Even so, he threw on a coat and grabbed his bag before leaving the room.

He found Arin already awake and full of energy as usual. They ate a quick meal in silence in the Pokémon Center lobby, and then went to find the professor, who proved to be still asleep. Arin promptly found a cup, filled it with water from a sink in the bathroom, and emptied it over the professor’s head. He woke immediately, sitting bolt upright with a shout.

“What was that for?” he demanded.

“We needed to talk with you,” said Arin with a shrug.

“You didn’t have to drown me!”

“Professor, it was a cup of water,” said Arin. “You weren’t drowning. And we needed your focus.”

The professor nodded grudgingly and waved a hand for Fylon to speak.

“We intend to leave today. We seek your counsel before we depart,” said Fylon.

Professor Sycamore stood, and, fetching a towel from the bathroom, dried his face. “Very well,” he said. “Perhaps we had better take this downstairs.”

“I don’t fancy being overheard,” said Arin. “We should stay here.”

Professor Sycamore paused, then nodded. “What do you wish to speak about?”

“You said last night that we would take the route through the Lumiose Badlands until we reach Coumarine City,” said Fylon, “and then from there to Shalour. But we also can’t fly, or Team Flare will know what we’re up to.”

“Yes,” said the professor. “You should be able to make it through the Badlands safely. If a sandstorm whips up, you can shelter in the power plant until it subsides. They should let you in. Hopefully.

“As for food,” he went on, “we can get enough from the Pokémon Center to last you a day or two if you need it, until you get to Coumarine. There you’ll be able to get more.”

Fylon nodded, mentally recording the information.

“And one last thing,” said the professor. “Coumarine used to have a Gym Leader by the name of Ramos. See if you can learn anything about his whereabouts while you’re at it.”

Fylon nodded again. Professor Sycamore smiled, and, walking over to the door, he held it open, gesturing for Fylon and Arin to follow him. They walked down the stairs at the end of the corridor, and through the lobby to the entrance. Coming out into the sunshine, Fylon blinked.

Professor Sycamore turned to them, bowed, and held out a bag. “This,” he said, “is all the food you’ll need to get you to Coumarine City. Farewell, Fylon and Arin. Until we meet again.”

Fylon bowed in return, and used the customary response. “So shall it be.”

He and Arin turned and, without another word, began their journey through the streets of Lumiose City, leaving the professor waving a hand in farewell.


It was nearly midday by the time Fylon and Arin made it to the Route 13 gate. After having traversed half the city in less than an hour by way of the sewers, Fylon was surprised that it had taken them so long to reach the gate. But then, he hadn’t known what time it was when they had left.

Arin barely came up to his shoulder, and he was several years younger than Fylon, and yet he spoke with confidence, not subservience. That was as it should be. An Elemental Spectrum left no room for a hierarchy of any sort, even an unspoken one. All the Spectrum members were equal.

“Are we going to reach Coumarine City by dark?” asked Arin. Fylon noted the questioning tone, but Arin had merely been asking Fylon’s opinion, not looking to him for a decision.

“It’s possible,” said Fylon. “But we’ll not get used to the idea.”

Arin nodded. They passed through the Route 13 gate and into Route 13.

Route 13 ran straight through the Lumiose Badlands, a wide desert with no evident life save a complex network of structures that Fylon knew made up the power plant. The plant had fallen to Team Flare ten years ago, which would likely make the workers more accommodating to Fylon and Arin, who intended to stop the villainous organization.

Fylon knew of a pit of molten rock near the power plant, which supposedly they got some of their power from. He knew its existence to be true; he had seen it while flying over the desert on reconnaissance, but he hadn’t any idea how electricity could be harnessed from magma.

Arin started making his way down the sandy road, and Fylon quickly fell into step beside him. The badlands were truly vast – Fylon couldn’t see beyond it. He now began to doubt the possibility of reaching Coumarine before dark.

Arin drew a Poké Ball from his belt. Fylon quickly put his hand over Arin’s, keeping him from opening it. “We can’t fly,” said Fylon. “Team Flare can’t know what we’re up to.”

“I wasn’t going to,” replied Arin. “I think it would be good to have Noivern – and Braviary – if we are attacked.”

Do you really expect to be attacked out here? thought Fylon, but something kept him from saying it. Team Flare had been extinct for ten years and was now active again. Pokémon Trainers were all but gone for the same time, but then Professor Sycamore had recruited eighteen. Anything was possible. He lifted his hand from Arin’s.

Arin opened the Poké Ball, Noivern appearing immediately. Its huge batlike wings were a dark purple that was nearly indistinguishable from black, but the undersides were a bright shade of teal. Noivern shaded its sensitive eyes with a wingtip in an almost human gesture until Arin pulled out a cloth and tied it around its head, protecting its eyes. Fylon noticed that he was careful not to double-wrap it, at least not around the eyes.

“Noivern’s natural habitat is caves and other dark places,” explained Arin in response to Fylon’s questioning look. “It doesn’t need the cloth if there’s a cloud cover, but the sun in the badlands hurts it.”

Fylon nodded. He pulled Braviary’s Poké Ball from his own belt and pressed the button to open it. Braviary appeared an instant later. Fylon up with a hand shading his eyes and saw that the sun had reached its zenith.

“Eat now, or keep walking for a while?” he asked Arin.

“I think we should go as far as we can before we eat,” said Arin. “I’m not very hungry anyway.”

Fylon nodded again, and the two set off down Route 13. The sandy earth rose in some places, forming small dunes and hills. These Braviary used to hop from one to the other – its feet weren’t made for walking. Noivern, however, was content to pad on feet and wingtips next to Fylon and Arin.

The road wound through the dunes and hills, never going over one. Here and there they saw some sparse vegetation, but nothing that would nourish them should their food run out before they got to Coumarine City, and certainly nothing that would give them a bit of shady respite from the hot sun.

Eventually, this began to worry Fylon, for their Pokémon would need to eat and rest as well as long as they were kept outside of a Poké Ball, and the desert still stretched as far as they could see. Only one thing had changed since the start of their journey, and that was that they could now see the power plant, spanning huge areas of the badlands to both their left and right. It seemed to be getting hotter, if such a thing was possible, and Fylon had taken off his coat and stowed it in his bag. He supposed that the extreme heat could be coming from the fabled lake of magma, if they were getting nearer to that. All the while, Fylon collected long sticks when he found them, so that they could eat under a makeshift tent when the time came. The sticks’ origin he could not guess, for there were no trees in sight, but he was glad to have them all the same.

It had been nearly two hours when Arin, panting, finally collapsed and asked for lunch. Fylon agreed, and hastened to form his makeshift tent out of the sticks he had found and a large cloth, nearly a blanket, that he had brought in his bags. While he did this, Arin rummaged in another bag for the food they had brought from the Pokémon Center. In less than a minute, they were sitting under Fylon’s tent and eating their lunch – bread, cheese, berries, and water. It was meager fare, but it would suffice. Braviary and Noivern – the latter still blindfolded – munched happily on oran berries and small squares of Pokémon food made from grain and berries.

Berries, while a good source of fruit for humans, did something else entirely for Pokémon. Different berries has different effects, and some scientists dedicated their life to finding new ones. The most common ones, like oran berries, were easily found and kept well, so most establishments had a few on hand even if they weren’t Pokémon Centers. An oran berry, when consumed by a Pokémon, would wipe away a bit of its fatigue, so that it could continue traveling or battling longer. By the end of their meal, Noivern and Braviary were in top form again and ready for travel. However, since Arin and Fylon were still eating, the two Pokémon lay down and rested.

“Do you know anything about any of the Gym Leaders?” asked Arin between bites of bread.

“A bit,” Fylon admitted. “I was eight when the Geosenge disaster struck. I lived in the southeast, around Kiloude City. The closest Gym Leader to Kiloude was Wulfric, the Leader of Snowbelle City.”

“What type did he train?” asked Arin eagerly.

“Ice,” said Fylon. “Fitting, for the Leader of Snowbelle. I don’t know much about him, though. Kiloude’s very isolated–”

“Ice-olated?” asked Arin, raising one eyebrow and smirking. “Fylon, that was almost a joke!”

Fylon shook his head. In the light of what had happened yesterday, he had nearly forgotten Arin’s tendency to play with words. “Kiloude is rather cut off from the rest of the world. There are a few surrounding villages, and Kiloude’s pretty big itself, but the only real way in or out without a flying Pokémon is by train. I’ve been on the train a few times – going to Lumiose City for food, or supplies, or just to see the city, but I used to go a lot more. Before the disaster.

“Lumiose City’s Gym Leader was Clemont. He trained the Electric type, before you ask. I knew him much better than I knew Wulfric – he was only about twelve before the disaster, so he didn’t feel quite as distant. He was a brilliant inventor.”

“What did he invent?” asked Arin.

“All sorts of things,” said Fylon. “He had this device that he always wore on his back that functioned as a mechanical arm. And he designed a robot to lead the Gym in his stead while he traveled the region.”

“It sounds amazing,” said Arin. “I’d have liked to meet him.”

“That’s our goal,” said Fylon. “But Shalour first. Then we’ll find Clemont.”

Arin nodded as he piled the rest of his cheese and berries on a slice of bread and shoved it into his mouth. Swallowing with effort, he stood up. Fylon finished his meal and stood as well, disassembling the tent and stowing the blanket in his bag. He passed Arin two of the sticks and they set off again down the road, Noivern and Braviary padding behind.

Shortly, they came to a small building, part of the network of the power plant. It was scarcely more than a guardhouse, but it had the only door they had seen thus far.

“Should we go in?” asked Arin. “They might know something about the Gym Leaders.”

Fylon looked doubtful, but he reasoned that it would be dark in a few hours, and they would need a place to stay for the night if they didn’t come out of the desert soon. He nodded, and they went up to the small building. They returned Noivern and Braviary to their Poké Balls, and then knocked.

“What?” called an irritable voice from inside.

“May we come in?” asked Fylon. “The sun descends in the sky, and we seek shelter for the night.”

There was a long silence, and then the door opened. There stood a tall man, grey of hair and short, scruffy beard, dressed in a worker’s uniform. “Who are you?” he said suspiciously.

“My name is Fylon, and this is Arin,” said Fylon, bowing, “and we are simple travelers, crossing the Lumiose Badlands. We only want a roof for the night.”

He hadn’t told the guard about their true objective in crossing the desert, not wanting to give away too much in case the information reached unfriendly ears, but he did use their names, wanting to give the suspicious guard some truth.

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” said the guard. “I’m sorry – you seem like decent enough people – but I can’t let you in.” And he shut the door.

Arin sniffed. “That was positively rude. Positive, get it, Fylon? Because electricity can be positive, and it’s a power plant, and …”

He trailed off. Fylon was looking sadly at the door. Now what were they to do about shelter for the night? He sighed and turned away. He continued making his way down the route, Arin at his side. Time passed in silence for a few more minutes, until ahead, Fylon realized he could see nothing at all. It was just a huge wall of sand. And it was heading right at them.


In one of the rooms at the Pokémon Center, Roc sat on one of the beds. He shared the room with Blake, a young man of perhaps eighteen who seemed to flicker in and out of sight at Roc looked at him, and Rosuke, who was tall and bulky, but not fat. He hadn’t spoken a word to either of them except to introduce himself before they left the room, out on some errand or another.

Roc sighed. It was no good worrying about the plan himself. He needed to talk with someone. He stood, and made his way out of his room, and over to the door of the one Ani shared with Nika and another Spectrum member Roc didn’t know.

He knocked, and was immediately answered by a “Come in!” from somewhere inside the room. He opened the door, and, unsurprisingly, saw Ani sitting in a chair, a book in her hands. Nika was sprawled on one of the beds, but was obviously not asleep.

Ani looked up. “Ryan?” she said.

Roc nodded. Ani sighed, set down her book, and folded her hands in her lap. “You’ve told me your views on the matter of the plan, Roc. You’ve pointed out the flaws.”

“But there’s so much that could go wrong,” Roc insisted. “What if they see this coming? What if we all get imprisoned instead?”

“Nothing will go wrong,” said Nika, sitting up, “and that’s not just to boost your confidence. Professor Sycamore is never wrong. He’ll have thought of everything.”

“But, he let Ryan get captured in the first place,” said Roc.

“Don’t lose faith in the professor,” said Nika. “Everything will turn out alright. We’ll rescue Ryan tomorrow and leave the laboratories before Team Flare realizes that Ryan is gone.”

Roc sighed. He had seen the professor defeat four Team Flare Grunts at once with minimal effort, but there would be a lot more than four in the laboratories tomorrow. And from what he had heard from Fylon’s end of the battle, the Scientists were too good. The best hope they had was to lure them away with the diversion. And who knew if that was going to work.

“Thanks,” said Roc, and he turned to go. Ani and Nika nodded as he left the room, Ani returning to her book. Roc sighed again. He didn’t like this at all.


“Just what we need,” said Arin grumpily. “A sandstorm.”

The wall of sand was still a ways off, but Fylon could already feel the winds blowing through his hair. “We have two options,” he said. “One, we could try to fight our way through it. We have two powerful Pokémon that could possibly create a gust of wind strong enough to drive away the sandstorm. Or two, we could go back to the power plant and ask them again to let us in.”

Arin looked at him exasperatedly. “Is it really that tough a decision?”

And they bolted for the power plant, Noivern, Braviary, and the sandstorm on their heels.

They hadn’t gone very far when the sandstorm struck, so running, they made it back to the power plant in less than a minute. After they had each recalled their Pokémon into their Poké Balls, Arin knocked frantically on the door until it opened. There stood the same scruffy-bearded guard, looking at them with an expression of mild annoyance. “I told you kids,” he said, “you can’t–”

He stopped, open-mouthed, as he saw the sandstorm. “Inside, quickly,” he said, waving them in. He shut the door behind them.

The small guard building was dimly lit by a lamp on a table. Every other surface was covered with pages and pages of notes, and several computer monitors, some of which displayed security footage; others showed graphs and charts Fylon did not understand. The guard closed one of the monitors showing graphs before Fylon could get too good a look at it, and turned to them. “Name’s Matt,” he grunted, sticking out a hand.

Fylon and Arin each shook his hand, and introduced themselves again. Matt seemed a bit unsure of what to do with them. He clearly didn’t want them in the small guard building, but Fylon guessed he would also get in trouble if the Spectrum members were found. Eventually, Matt picked up a small phone receiver and spoke into it quietly. He hung up and made his way over to a door at the back of the room that Fylon supposed entered onto a corridor that would take them to the rest of the power plant. Matt opened the door, and gestured into the hallway beyond. Fylon and Arin hastily went into it.

The small corridor sloped downward – apparently most of the plant was underground. As they walked through it, Matt made conversation, though Fylon could tell he was still suspicious.

“You were heading west,” Matt said. “That means you came from Lumiose City. And you’re Pokémon Trainers, which haven’t existed for ten years. I was one myself once. I joined the guard at this power plant after the disaster. No one wanted to train Pokémon anymore. Why shouldn’t I count myself among them?”

“You didn’t have to,” said Fylon. “You could have continued to train Pokémon. It was a way of life for a lot of people. I’d guess it was for you, too.”

Matt looked at him askance. “You’re perceptive, I’ll give you that. Anyway, how is it two Pokémon Trainers are heading down the Lumiose Badlands? It’s a dangerous road you travel.”

“We’re going to find–” said Arin, but he was cut off by a sharp look from Fylon.

“Others who will become Trainers,” said Fylon. Arin nodded vigorously.

“You’re recruiting, then?” said Matt, his eyes narrowing. “You ever hear of an organization called Team Flare? They came recruiting a while back, too. They had some notion we’d want to overthrow the Champion.”

“You can’t possibly believe that we’re part of Team Flare!” Arin cried. “We’re working against them! We’re–”

But apparently Matt didn’t want to hear any more of this conversation, for just then they came to a door, which he opened without waiting for the end of Arin’s sentence.

The door opened onto what appeared to be a sort of conference room. A few people sat around a table, working on computers or in notebooks. They all looked up as Fylon and Arin entered with Matt.

“There’s a sandstorm outside,” said Matt. “I had to let them in.”

The other power plant workers seemed to accept this without further comment. They went back to their notebooks and computers. Matt found a pair of blankets and cushions in a closet, and laid them out on the floor of the conference room. “We’d like you to sleep in here if you’re staying the night,” he said. “We don’t mean offense, but if you’re untrustworthy, we want to keep an eye on you.”

“None taken,” said Fylon. He sat on one of the blankets, while Arin sat on the other. They talked quietly, about their plans for the mission, about the battle against Team Flare, and on and on, for what felt like hours, until the power plant workers finally, one by one, got up and left. At that point, it was late, and Fylon was tired. He yawned, stretched out on the blanket Matt had provided and fell asleep.


Matt silently opened the door of the conference room and crept inside, followed by a pair of fellow guards. He noted the two lumps on the floor that were Fylon and Arin, and listened carefully to their breathing to make sure they were asleep. He located their bags and unzipped Fylon’s quietly. He rummaged through it while the other guards checked Arin’s. He found a blanket, some food, a water bottle, and some Pokémon medicine, as well as a few clothes, but nothing out of the ordinary. Except the Pokémon medicine, but that was to be expected in a Trainer’s bag. He was just beginning to feel relieved – these kids weren’t Team Flare after all – when he saw a bright red fabric at the bottom of the bag. He pulled it out, and nearly let out a scream when he saw it.

The uniform of Team Flare.

Thoughts & Annotations:

Long chapter, I know. Please read it anyway. :p

I think most of the chapter speaks for itself. Just a few notes, in no particular order:

# I deliberately didn't capitalize oran berries. No one capitalizes blueberries or raspberries irl, no reason to in the Pokémon world imo.
# Yes, Korrina's the last user of Mega Evolution in Kalos (unless Diantha and Calem are still in the region; not confirming or denying that). Gurkinn died at some point after the Geosenge disaster.
# Serena's Pokémon's not a plot twist; it'll be revealed in a few chapters anyway, as soon as Sycamore enacts his plan.
# Oh yes, and Arin. He has a terrible sense of humor, I know. You haven't seen the last of him, I promise. :p

I think that's all. If there's anything I missed, ask, of course.

And @thegrovylekid, I haven't seen any bold predictions from you lately. :p I'll confirm pretty much anything that doesn't have to do with Ryan's, Ani's and Roc's Pokémon.