Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Oh, just so everyone (especially the new people to the game) knows, The Challenge is a long game especially if you reach the Top 4, and requires commitment. To give you a bit of an idea, The Challenge 6 lasted for o.5 to 1 year from start to finish.
Take note that our previous hosts were really slow.

We don't even know what you're talking about.
sign me up I guess... if you want to...

"I-It's not like I came all the way to this thread just to sign-up for your game or anything, b-baka senpai! *blushes furiously*"

Wow, very nice turnout overnight, I'm impressed! :D Thank you all for signing-up, I hope you enjoy the game. :3

It looks like we have just 2 spaces left to hit minimum players, and a maximum of 6 more spaces available if there's enough interest. Spread the word! Tell your friends! In the meantime, I'm going to finalize the prologue challenge...

And with this sign-up, we've officially reached minimum capacity, yay! \o/ I am happy to accept more players, however they must come in batches of 4 in order to be admitted. Feel free to continue to sign-up (and bug your friends to do so, too!) and if we get another 4, you'll all be added in.
I won't be able to join this round since it's in the middle of the school year, but I'll gladly be a spectator and laugh as you fools run around like headless chickens watch you all fight to the death!
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