

i dont know why the last thread was closed but I have another question. If you want to start a team how do you do so. and if you post a thread what section do I post.
Why don't you go have a peek in the section thats named, oh, Iunno, the CLANS AND CLUBS section? Seems pretty obvious to me.
Christ, if you're going to help, HELP. Don't just yell at people.

There is no thread called "how to make a clan or club." Look at some of the other clans in that forum and take a look at their first posts. That should give you an idea of how you can make your own.

Don't just copy and paste, though, that's not good. And you don't want your clan to be about something general (ex. the "people who like to breathe" clan) or too specific (ex. the "people whose names start with W and have eight letters in it" clan). That'll get it locked in two seconds.
PMJ, I actually gave that guy a link to the Clans section. What more could he expect? No need to lash out at me for that >.>