Team Rocket in the intro.


filthy shipping trash
In the current intro, when Team Rocket dances(or whatever they're doing), they seemed startled by something, and by looking at the japanese intro, I found out that a Pokemon swoops by them, and that is what startles them.


1. Why did they cut out the Pokemon?
2. What Pokemon was it(my guess is Manyula, Sneasels evo)?
Yes, it was indeed Manyula. Manene was also in the scene. But, they cut that out for some reason. They show Lucairo but they didn't show those two. GO figure! Anyway, the reason they cut that out was because some poeple probably got confused and they didn't want to launch the new new pokemon.
That is kind of a gype I wondered why they did that.:)
^ Actually it is Manyula. I can get proof if you really really rrrreeeeaaaallllyyyy want it, but it would be alot of hassle for me to do it. So don't ask!