Team Orus(get it, Haxorus-hax=Orus? Because I HATE hax... I'm terrible at names)


Aspiring Trainer
I decided to make a team around Haxorus because I discovered that Mold Breaker ignores Unaware. This allows DD sets to not be stopped by Quagsire. Haxorus is the only member of my team that I will not replace. I've considered using a Mamoswine.

The Team:


Skarmory (M) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind
- Roost
- Stealth Rock
Skarmory walls the Ice and Dragon moves that would give Haxorus pain. Shed Shell is for Magnezone/ton. I went with a SPD bulky set becaue I'm not a fan of Skarmory dying from special moves. Brave Bird is to deal some damage. Whirlwind is for phazing. Roost is to heal itself. SR is for an entry hazard.

Verizon (Virizion) @ Leftovers
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Giga Drain
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Verizon Wireless is my weather counter. I went with a max DEF and SPE set to out-speed and survive things that would give him problems. HP Ice is for things like Gliscor. Sometimes Focus Blast's accuracy has screwed me over, but it's his only Special Fighting move. His ability is of no use. Calm Mind makes him a big threat.


Haxorus (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Taunt
- Earthquake
Haxorus, the lizard my team is made around. I gave him a Lum Berry over Life Orb/Expert Belt in order for him to not be destroyed by status. Taunt is here to counter his only real weakness outside of Ice Shard, Skarmory. With Taunt I can stop Skarmory from phazing me and can actually set up on him. Dual Chop is for breaking Subs. I decided not to use Outrage because of the trapping and Confusion. Now that Garchomp is banned I'll use Dragon Claw.


Slowbro (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -ATK)
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Slack Off
- Scald
The main reason Slowbro is on here is to give my team an extra Fighting resist, the assistance of a bulky Water, and to check things like Ninetails and Special Infernape better. I had originally used Slowking because of Dragon Tail. I changed King to his BRO(aren't I clever?) because his switched DEF and SPD stats suit his typing better. I might try a CM set. I may try Jellicent if you can convince me. I love luring in Ferrothorns and killing them with Flamethrower.


Magneton @ Eviolite
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SAtk / 40 SDef / 216 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Thunder Wave
Magneton is to kill steels that would give Haxorus pain. Flash Canon is mainly filler. I used it over Signal Beam because he can hit Dragons neutrally with FC, unlike SB. I went with these EVs to out-speed max speed Scizor and still be bulky. I used him over his evolved form because with eviolite he is faster, bulkier, and can still hit hard. I might use Magneton+Air Balloon for Ground moves or Magnet Rise over TWave.


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Swords Dance
- Taunt
Gliscor is my Breloom counter. This set allows me to out-speed min-speed Jirachi. Ice Fang is to hit other Gliscors harder. Taunt is to shut down defensive threats. Originally I had used Aerial Ace and Sub over Ice Fang and Taunt. I still may try EQ+Acrobatics+Fling+Protect.
RE: Team Orus

Please fit the 6 sentence requirement. If you don't within two days, this thread will be locked. For now though, I'll approve it and anyone else who wants to rate/etc. can go ahead.
RE: Team Orus

Slowking and Slowbro are the exact same Pokemon except for the Def and SpDef are just swapped around. If you want a defensive Water/Psychic, use Slowbro, as he has a great 110 base Def, whereas Slowking has a meh 80. You do lose Dragon Tail, but you are able to wall physical hitters SOOO much easier. Besides, you have Skarm for Phazing anyways.

Also, for Gliscor, I'd switch Aerial Ace with either Ice Fang or Facade, which both give much better coverage. You also have the option to switch Sub for Taunt, allowing you to troll Skarm, Forretress, and Ferrothorn.
RE: Team Orus

The two have different movepools. Slowbro doesn't get Flamethrower or Fire Blast, which Slowking does. I use this to kill the number one most used Pokemon: Ferrothorn. And I'll CP what DE said on the TeamD forums.
I'd really recommend Aerial Ace instead of Ice Fang on Gliscor because Ice fang does not counter Volcarona; it also doesn't OHKO Breloom like AA does. I prefer using Substitute over Protect on it so if you predict a switch you have a free sub which will let you get a free Swords Dance or attack. Well you do heal 12.5% of your HP each turn with Poison Heal. Say they swapped to something that is unfavorable for your Gliscor. You basically wasted a turn then doing SD when you could've damaged the Pokemon once before switching out. So you're at 87.5% of your HP after you use Substitute for the first time.
And also I have a personal dislike of Normal typed moves, but I will probably try your moveset, too. I'll also give Slowbro a shot sometime.
Also I edited the one Pokemon that didn't meet the six sentence limit. Happy?
RE: Team Orus

Slowbro gets both...

This is my TR set:
Slowbro @ Leftovers
252 HP / 84 Def / 172 SpA
-Fire Blast
-Trick Room
-Ice Beam

Sometimes I use Slack Off if I know my opponent's team/style of play. Anyways. Slowbro gets Fire Blast and Flamethrower.
RE: Team Orus

Oh, I could've sworn I tried it on PO. Derp. Oh well. I don't think I'll use a TR set, seeing as how four of the Pokemon on my team are benefited by being faster.
RE: Team Orus

I wasn't suggesting for you to use a Trick Room set... Anyways, Slowbro DOES have better defensive typing as its stats support its psychic and water types better than Slowking. Grass and Electric moves are more common now than Fire, and neither can tank those hits. Slowbro can take Pursuits and also wall Fighting types.
RE: Team Orus

Like people said before, use Slowbro > Slowking. Slowbro is much better IMO. The Defense is better, and it gets the same movepool.

Bold @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Slack Off

I would switch Ariel Ace on Gliscor to Ice Fang. For one, it has more power in general than Ariel ace does, and still hits Breloom super effectively. It also hits Dragons for a X4 weakness, as well as mirror Gliscors. I would also run taunt over Substitute, because taunt allows you to shut down defensive threats like Blissey, Chansey, and Ferrothorn, while setting up on them with impunity.

The only other small edit I can think of is on Haxorus. I thought Dragon Claw was more powerful than Dual Chop. Even though Dual Chop breaks subs, onceyou do break it, you won't hit them for much damage. I could be wrong on the power level though, so you should check on that before you change it.

If you decide to use Air Balloon on magneton, switch to magnezone. Without eviolite, Magneton does nothing better than magnezone does.
RE: Team Orus

Okay, Ill use Slowbro. Dual Chop is essentially a Sub Breaking Dragon Claw. The first hit is for 40 damage and the second hit is for another 40 damage, so in total that's 80 damage; the same as Dragon Claw.It might hit weaker after it breaks the Sub, but at least it hits through the Sub, which Dragon Claw doesn't. And I'll use Taunt+EQ+Ice Fang+SD Gliscor, too.
That Magnezone/ton thing is pretty obvious, so I'm sorry if I worded that wrong. I have no intentions of ever using Balloon Magneton, but maybe Balloon Magnezone.
RE: Team Orus

^Don't invest in Special Defense. The whole point of using Slowbro is as a DEFENSIVE wall. If you wanted a specially defensive wall, you should use blissey. :p Max HP and Defense are what I normally see. I think there might be a set that is Max HP with a little special defense to survive a specific hit from a specific pokemon, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.
RE: Team Orus

Yeah, you ninja'd me so I edited it. I don't see how Dragon Claw is more powerful than two Dual Chops, seeing as how 40+40=80....
Why dont you use evoltie on slowbro the added bulk is incredibly beneficial over lefties when you have regeneration and slackoff to get hp back. Also you might want to consider a status move on slowbro twave could help haxorus get a sweep or toxic will help to wear down opposing walls.

Personally i would go magnet rise over thunder wave, considering a lot of teams are using eq more and more often. Magnetpn is amazing with eviolite, as its superior to magnezone for the reasons you said
Can I make a suggestion? I use a Magnazone that uses Leftovers and I found that by combining it with Volt Switch it would allow it to escape Magnet Pull and all that. You may want to try that instead.
Just use Magnezone instead of Magneton. It is a much better choice overall. Magnezone gets leftovers recovery which acts as a huge bonus. I suggest running Sub / Thunderbolt / Hidden Power Fire / Ice / Charge Beam as a set.
Yeah, I've been considering Magnezone and will try him. I'm a little worried that it would get out-sped by max speed Scizor and KO'd with Superpower. I'm not sure what moves and item I want. I'm thinking either Air Balloon or Lefties and some combination of tbolt/discharge/charge beam/volt switch/flash canon/hp fire/sub.
Have you ever tried Specs Slowbro?
252 HP, 252 Sp. Att, 4 Sp. Def
Ice Beam/Focus Blast

I use one (It IS my favorite Pokemon, after all...) and it KO's Ferrothorn with Flamethrower, which is very useful.