TCG computer simulation?


Aspiring Trainer

My 10-year-old sons wants to learn more about playing the TCG, so I thought I'd try to find a program that could simulate a game. However, after a few days of searching, I can't find anything... other than the Game Boy Color TCG game. I've also found the 2 online game programs, but those are dependant on having someone else to play with. Does something like this exist?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Not as far as I know off. I'm sorry, but I am afraid that those programs (one is likely called Apprentice, right?) is about as good as you can get it.

If your son wants to learn more about the might want to check to see if there are any tournaments in your nearby region and take him there. That way, he'll see how Tournaments are being played, how the people playing it in your region are, what he'll need to do/have, etc, etc. I find that to be the best way.

And in case you'd think just watching it would be boring, you could pick up a starter deck for a dollar or ten at your local card-selling-shop so he has something to play with. Not neccesary, but it will be quite an OK idea.

But for solo-learning....I'm afraid that won't work. Best you can get would be online guides or people on MSN/AIM to teach him the stuff.

A small note: That gameboy TCG game is WAY outdated. There are new rules since back then.
Thanks Scipio.

Yes, Apprentice is one program I found, and OCTCG (?) is the other. I'm definitely going to take him to a league, but the closest one near us isn't meeting until the 27th. Also, he's got tons of cards already, but up until now, it was just for "looks" and comparing them to the TV show.

Thanks again.
No problem. About those cards - if he is going to compete in said league, he might want to check to see if his deck is according to the current forbidden/legal list. It'd be kind of sad if he would turn up, wanting to compete only to find his deck would not be allowed there.

Should you need any further help, you can always contact me via MSN, should you have it.
Oh...well...we don't have leagues here. At any rate it's best to check in with the rules first anyway.
Thanks for the info. I believe his oldest cards are only from a year or two ago... and after looking at the lists, most of his are "legal".

I've started planning out a TCG computer game based in Flash, and looks like a daunting task... but a fun one. It's interesting that my kid wants to learn more about the Pokemon TCG, and I end up getting hooked as well.
Actually most leagues do have a format similar to that of proffesional play. Sorry to burst your bubble.
At the Leagues it's the Unlimited format...if you want your son to practise, maybe u should look in the Deck Garage forum, and find a deck out of the cards he has, perhaps do some changes, look around in the forum, look at different decks, find out about good combos...and ask people like me to play with him on Apprentice. Oh, and those TCG on GBCs and the game for the PC, they are way outdated, i think the only cards in their database are the ones from Base Set, Jungle, Team Rocket and Fossil...And the current format for the CCs is DX-on. If you will be looking at decks, don't go too far like page 25, most of the decks there are not legal for the CCs...anyway, that's what I was doing half a year ago, when I decided to at last start playing the PTCG(before that i was a collector).