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You NEED 4 DCE, this deck relies on that shred of decendy that Grind has (If only that one Sceptile were still in format). Either way, you may want to include as many Psychic Energy as there are Celebi so you can possible use its attack to stall for time incase you get a bad start.

Vespiquen is a good tech, but it doesnt stop shadow room, or attacks that say "Place ___ amount of damage counters on that pokemon" or placing damage counters in general. If your going to run it, just use a 1-1 line.
You don't need any {P} energy. All energy should be going onto Tangrowth CoL. If you want to stall early game then use Tangrowth AR to reduce all damage done to it.
^ I beg to differ. He could use Celebi to stall the opponent if he can draw out the Psychic energy and two grass early game to stop Stage one and two attackers, thus allowing him to set up a loaded Tangrowth.

If your going to use the Psychic run 2, since you only have 2 Celebi.
but, if i run 2 physic energy only, i may not be able to get it out in the early game, also, many people use sp pm, i cannot use celebi to provide the attack from them. moreover, if i have physic energy, it will decrease my chance to use the attack of shaymin lv.x( land form).
also, if i play against gengar or machamp deck, what should i do?
Machamp is rarely seen as a deck nowdays and only really see's play tech, but even then it doesn't pose any huge threat towards Tangrowth. Most Gengar variants (most common being VileGar) will give you problems not matter what: trainer lock slows you down somewhat but Fainting Spell will just be a problem that you can't really avoid unless you want to run Skuntank G or even Hypno HGSS, but unless VileGar is a common deck in yout area then i wouldn't use it.
Thanks for your help! Is this deck competitible ? Also, if I play against luxchomp deck, will I face problems? Thanks
Is it Competitive? Well, with a solid and consistent T/S/S then yeah it has a chance of being a good deck if played well. (so does any deck that hit over the 70/80 damage mark from as early as turn 2 as well as being consistent)

Luxchomp poses a problem for all decks purely because it's so fast and can throw alot of things at you (power spray, multiple flash bites, dragging up benched Pokémon, sniping) Your saving-grace here is that AR Tangrowth can one-shot everything in Luxchomp, the only problem is keeping Tangrowth's HP high enough so swallow can deal 120 damage constantly
Thank you so much for your kindly help, actually you help me a lot. but, I still need some advices from you, is that Now I have two BTS( someone sells to me few minutes ago) , should I use BTS to replace dawn stadium, or remove other cards and add two BTS instead?thanks
Drop the dawn stadium for the BTS. Dawn stadium only really works with Leafeon RR + Leafeon lvX to heal 30 for each energy attachment. For any other {G} deck, BTS is better.