Stocks + Shares Discussion

The Yoshi

A interesting topic that comes up for me is the reliability of the stock market and shares in companies. On one hand, the stock market failing caused the Great Depression in the '30s, but people who played the market correctly could make millions and even billions of dollars. So here's some discussion questions to get started:

  • Have you ever invested in the stock market? What was your experience with it?
  • Is the stock market worth risking your money for? Why or why not?
  • Does the stock market take more of luck or strategy/skill?
  • Are there any unethical reasons for not investing in the stock market?

So, discuss.
1) Yes. It is amazing
2) It is definitely worth it if you know what you are doing or hire somebody with a good rep that does
3) More of strategy and skill and insider knowledge. Luck has nothing to do with it.
4) The ONLY unethical reason is if you have inside info and use it at a bad time and get caught.

For those wanting to venture into the stock game. I would advise to have a MINIMUM of $10,000USD to use. Anything less and its not worth any persons time to trade. Starting with 10k gives you a solid point and can reap a turnaround from about 2 years out or sooner depending on how well you do. First year I made around 30k from my initial investment of 14k. Was nice. Take the extra and put it in savings, then reinvest. Lather, rinse, repeat.
This is all very useful information for the 1% of this forum that actually understands (or cares about) what stocks and shares are.
How the stock market works, simply put is when a company needs to borrow a huge amount of money to really get their business off the ground (think about going from local to national or worldwide level), they go public. Meaning that the sell ownership of the company in what is know as shares to the public in return for money. Depending on how well the business is doing, the price of a share may go up or down. Some people buy shares (or tiny parts of ownership of the company) and sell them when the price goes up to make a profit. Others may invest in stock because to the dividends. Basically a dividend is you share of the company's earned money, because after all you own a very small part of it.

The stock market is an absolutely essential piece to the economy. Without it their would be no room for business' to grow as large as some have. I have shares of a few things, nothing to big, but some people have made an absolute killing off of the market, the most famous of which is Warren Buffet.