SPOILER PREREALESE card and suprise


Montreal City Champion Senior Champion
The prerealesse card is kirlia

the suprise is sleeve with weavile

and you gonna have a poster of electrivile
Where did you get this information? Are you sure its legit?

Also, this is true information, because I have the card myself, there is Amphy in the set =O
I totally won a bet if this was true. I bet someone that the Pre-Release card would be Kirlia. ^_^
I heard the same information, I heard that the sleeves were even nicer than the electivire sleeves.
Sweet! I hope they have gold backing!! The Lucario ones were lame. Vire was SWEET. Hope they're better.
Dudeman1993 said:
Sweet! I hope they have gold backing!! The Lucario ones were lame. Vire was SWEET. Hope they're better.

What're you talking about? They were both awesome.

I'm guessing the back will be dark red. Hopefully they'll be as cool as the Lucario ones and as stylin' as the Electivire ones.
yeah, we need some proof. i imagine it will be Weavile/Cresslia sleeves.
wonder if there will be a new uber rare trainer card like TSD

If this is true then yay because those were my guesses for both the sleeves and card:D Also the weavile sleeves will be awesome no matter what color they are(hopefully a red of some sort).
Thats awesome, was hoping for darkrai sleeves, but i did't suspect kirlia for a pre release card. I loved the vire ones but lost 2 of them so i couldn't use em :(
If this is all true, brilliant. Kirlia pre-release card is great, and Weavile sleeves, which is great, since I like the Pokémon a lot. The only thing is, what colour are the sleeves? No matter what, they will probably be great, the others have been.
Cougar_Swimmer said:
in my mind I see the Weavile sleeves being green with a black Weavile shadow.

It *IS* a Bug and Ice type Pokemon. And it is Water type in Secret Wonders.

I would expect the sleeve to be a Green and Icy-blue colour. With of course, Weavile being it's normal colour.
Weavile is a bug type now? Crazy change from Dark to Bug, don't you think? :p

Black and Red, IMHO.

And I still want to see some proof here. :p