• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Standard ShayManeTry (Shaymin-EX / M Manectric-EX / Shiftry)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 19
  • 3 Shiftry (FLF)
  • 3 Nuzleaf (FLF)
  • 3 Seedot (FLF)
  • 3 Manectric-EX
  • 2 M Manectric-EX
  • 2 Shaymin-EX (ROS)
  • 3 Dragonite-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 28
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Battle Compressor
  • 3 Forest of Giant Plants
  • 3 Sky Field
Energy: 13
  • 6 Grass Energy
  • 3 Lightning Energy
  • 4 DCE

Try and start w/ Manectric-EX, just in case a Rayquaza-EX pops up first. Try to get a second Manectric-EX on the board w/ Shaymin-EX, just in case the bench fills up like gangbusters on the opposing player's turn 1 going second. Use Forest of Giant Plants immediately upon drawing it, get Seedot out and evolve it asap, while not forgetting to make Manectric go Mega if necessary to get some key KOs, and hopefully in the process, charge Shiftry up, and fill up bench to five, using AZs(to pull back Shaymin-EX), Leaf Draws, Sycamores and Shaymin-EX to help out w/ the draws when necessary. After it's all said and done, send in the charged-up Shftry, and boom! Deranged Dance to punish the opponent for benching a lot, especially at the expense of Toad, <= 220 HP Megas, Primals/other Grass-weak Megas etc. that can't deal killer numbers without bench influence.

Can you think of any possible changes that I could try on TCGOne, whether in the future or present?

Here is a link to AOR card translations for reference...

Thank you.

Change Log(started 7/29):

-3 Training Centers(from initial posting)
-3 (don't know exact card taken out :()
-2 Birch
-1 Letter

+ 3 Sky Field
+3 Forest of Giant Plants
+1 Sacred Ash
+1 Spirit Link

^All the times I made decks changes that I know the time made on for now...
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Glad to see more people playing Manectric/Shiftry! It's certainly a fun deck, and one that will get even better when Great Plant Forest is released. However, I don't think M-Sceptile will replace M-Manectric in this deck; don't forget, Manectric not only gives you a good matchup against Rayquaza, but also allows you to accelerate from the discard- M-Sceptile only accelerates from hand, and you're going to want to discard lots of Energy for Shiftry's Leaf Draw.

I would say you need a few more draw supporters. I can see what you're doing with Wally, but I'm not so sure of his place in a stage 2 deck unless you're running Evosoda. If you still want Wally, I'd up him to a 3 and add a couple of Evosoda. On turn 2, you can Evosoda and Wally in the same turn to get a Shiftry up and running right away. If you decide to cut Wally, replace him with Rare Candies and drop Nuzleaf to 2- I think you need at least 3 Rare Candies in that deck.

Pokemon Fan Club can also be removed, imo- I don't know if it's as good as a one-of, when you could be adding Shauna, N or Professor Birch in its place. Plus, Ultra Ball does the job pretty well- and throws your energy into the discard, too. AZ I think should be dropped to 1- you can always grab him with Battle Compressor if you need to scoop up a Shaymin.

I'd drop the Muscle Bands to 2, up Professor's Letter to 2 (you need the option of grabbing a Grass and Lightning energy for fuel and attachments, respectfully) and drop your DCEs to 2 while adding a Grass energy. More fuel! The Training Center is an interesting option and I like it, but I might drop it to 2 and add in a Silent Lab- just in case you need to shut off opposing Shaymins. Though that is at your discretion given that this is, well, a Shaymin-based deck hehe.

Hopefully some of that helps, I haven't been playing this deck long but I certainly enjoy it.
I don't like training center in this deck. While it does help you shiftry survive a little longer. It also gives your opponents pokemon more hp as well. Meaning you would need more pokemon on the bench to hit higher numbers. I would suggest trying Sky Field. It lets Shiftry hit for more and it allows you to discard shaymin when your opponent counters your stadium. Since after they are hit the field, they are just liabilities.

Having your Training Center countered can mean your pokemon get knocked out by a stadium card if there already past their normal hp max. I've seen it happen before and its quite sad. You are probably better off with Sky Field or no stadium at all.
Following are a few thoughts for your consideration:

  • Given that your primary attacker is a Stage 2 Poké line, I've found that running 4 of the Basic has typically yielded thae best results. Afterall, that Poké will be the opponent's primary targets, as well as the deck's Achilles heel.
  • Although Training Center will boost your Shiftry and Nuzleaf by 30+ HP, most competitve decks can "easily" hit 170 damage with 1h; so, I do not view this particular Stadium as very helpful in the long run.
  • Whenever I've run multiple Basic energy in a deck, I've also found that Energy Retrieval is very helpful in recovering the necessary energy from my discard pile.
  • Also, do you really want your M Manectric EX (MMan) to be part of your energy acceleration attachment (EAA) engine? Hawluchas really, really "love" M Manectric EXs...
  • Why no ACE Spec?
  • Lastly, running a 4th DCE maximizes your chances of drawing into 1.

Given the above comments, I'd suggest:

-2 M Manectric EX. I've found that the "value" of M Manectric EX (over at least 50 games) has not been that great compared to its Basic. Secondly, MMan it is not that great of an EAA engine given the F decks I play against. Also, should your opponent Item-lock you before you can attach a M Spirit Link, then you may lose a value attack opportunity.
-2 M Spirit Link.
-3 Training Center

+1 Seedot
+1 Manectric EX
+1 Energy Retrieval

+1 DCE

+3 Mountain Ring. To prevent damage to your benched Poké.

I hope you find these comments helpful.
Pokemon: 19
  • 3 Shiftry (FLF)
  • 3 Nuzleaf (FLF)
  • 3 Seedot (FLF)
  • 3 Manectric-EX
  • 2 M Manectric-EX
  • 2 Shaymin-EX (ROS)
  • 3 Dragonite-EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 28
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Battle Compressor
  • 3 Forest of Giant Plants
  • 3 Sky Field
Energy: 13
  • 6 Grass Energy
  • 3 Lightning Energy
  • 4 DCE
Strategy: Use M-Manectric-EX as acceleration to help out the Bench, and sweep, no matter what the opponent throws at me, whether safeguarders, Rayquazas, etc. This deck is an updated version of a similar deck of my own, but since it was lost in the time log...

I need some feedback... I thought I needed 12-14 basics in a skyfield deck, so unless that thought is misguided...

Here is a link to AOR card translations for reference...
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I like running shiftry with about 11 basics, with 1 sacred ash. Its usually enough. I would make it at least a 3-3-3 shiftry line. 2-2-2 seems too easily prized, and discarded and then you have none.

In my decks i tend to like using 1 letter and 2 retrieval. Maybe 1 retrieval might be enough with manectric, but then again i haven't gotten this list perfected yet.

I also think you want a couple of switches. I can't imagine this deck doing well if they can just lysandre out a shiftry and leave it in the active.

Maybe drop the Hoopa and Lugia. I don't see them adding too much to this deck. Maybe leave 1 Hoopa to search out the big basics turn 1.
you said in your initial description something about stadium training center FUF, but I don't see it.
you said in your initial description something about stadium training center FUF, but I don't see it.

That's because it's swapped for Giant Plant Forest in my new update meant to adapt to Ancient Origins... Also, it was entirely taken out to make room for Sky Field... Maybe I need a change log...