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Expanded Seismitoad EX / Jolteon EX / Crobat for Regionals


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16
  • 3 Seismitoad EX
  • 2 Jolteon EX
  • 4 Zubat
  • 3 Golbat
  • 2 Crobat
  • 2 Shaymin EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
  • 4 N
  • 4 Proffersor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Ghetsis
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Giovanni's scheme
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 3 Super Scoop Up
  • 2 Head Ringer
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 1 Energy Recycler
  • 1 Muscle Band
  • 1 Fighting Fury Belt
  • 2 Silent Lab
Energy: 8
  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Lightning Energy

-Have no idea what to change, maybe I need to utilize more breakpoint cards?
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I'm sorry to say, but why are you preparing for regionals? All of them are over until fall. And if that's what you were preparing for, then that's a very bad idea. Did you mean states?
Lol, I'm in England, my season isn't over.
Oh okay, well, with my experiance, ToadBats doesn't need Head Ringers, you should not run Energy Recycler, since 4 /4 Energy split works just fine. And with Lasers, you need Virbank. So, I would make the following changes:
-1 Energy Recycler
-1 Giovanni(You have Bans, Bats, and Lasers)
-1 Silent Lab
-2 Head Ringer

+1 VS Seeker( Toad has become a VS Seeker 4-of staple)
+2 Virbank
+1 Scoop-Up( Like VS Seeker, 4-of in Toad decks)
+1 Muscle Band(You may find it hard to draw them without multiple copies)

And with that, your list should be perfect. But keep in mind, Bees still beat you. So you may want to tech something for Bees. But then again, Laser, FFB, and 4 Scoop Ups(And AZ) with Jolteon should be enough if you play it right. GL.
Oh okay, well, with my experiance, ToadBats doesn't need Head Ringers, you should not run Energy Recycler, since 4 /4 Energy split works just fine. And with Lasers, you need Virbank. So, I would make the following changes:
-1 Energy Recycler
-1 Giovanni(You have Bans, Bats, and Lasers)
-1 Silent Lab
-2 Head Ringer

+1 VS Seeker( Toad has become a VS Seeker 4-of staple)
+2 Virbank
+1 Scoop-Up( Like VS Seeker, 4-of in Toad decks)
+1 Muscle Band(You may find it hard to draw them without multiple copies)

And with that, your list should be perfect. But keep in mind, Bees still beat you. So you may want to tech something for Bees. But then again, Laser, FFB, and 4 Scoop Ups(And AZ) with Jolteon should be enough if you play it right. GL.
Thanks, I really like the changes, however I am still unsure how to beat Mega Rayquaza, With this list it just outspeeds, do you think 1 hex maniac and take out a shaymin for Jirachi will be enough??
Well M Rayquaza wasn't as much of a problem in the past for this deck because it ran Manectric EX instead of Jolteon EX. Manectric-EX can hit up to 240 with weakness and tool, so a one off might be a good idea :)
Well M Rayquaza wasn't as much of a problem in the past for this deck because it ran Manectric EX instead of Jolteon EX. Manectric-EX can hit up to 240 with weakness and tool, so a one off might be a good idea :)
Yeah, you could one-of it into the deck. It would solve a couple problems like Bees and FFB matchups. If you were to one-of it into the deck, you might consider taking out 1 Zubat, since half the time, you barely use 2, and then you'd have a solid list. You really don't need Jirachi-EX, since it's basically inferior to Shaymin in this deck. I found that with my own experience with this anyway. You should be fine without Hex since you have counters for basically everything you'd use it for.
You should take out one jolteon for a manectric so you have the option of big damage or more staliness
You should take out one jolteon for a manectric so you have the option of big damage or more staliness
Well, the thing about that is that Jolteon has free retreat, and if they already has them, there goes 50$(At least in the US, they're that much), and the stalliness is partially why Toad is so good. I would say though, to try both ways.
Well, the thing about that is that Jolteon has free retreat, and if they already has them, there goes 50$(At least in the US, they're that much), and the stalliness is partially why Toad is so good. I would say though, to try both ways.
If you think Manectric's are better, please just say so, I have both, I thought Jolteon is good, because toad and Jolteon both lock in different ways.
If you think Manectric's are better, please just say so, I have both, I thought Jolteon is good, because toad and Jolteon both lock in different ways.
OK, I would play 1-1 split. When I played at cities, I had a Toad/ Zoroark deck with 1 Man teched into it, and just the situations that put you at an "I need the KO RIGHT NOW", it can be handy, but there's a lot of matchups where Jolteon is so much better, there's where I would say a split.
Pokemon: 16
  • 3 Seismitoad EX
  • 1 Jolteon EX
  • 1 Manectric EX
  • 4 Zubat
  • 3 Golbat
  • 2 Crobat
  • 2 Shaymin EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
  • 4 N
  • 4 Proffersor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Ghetsis
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Super Scoop Up
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 1 Fighting Fury Belt
  • 1 Silent Lab
  • 2 virbank city gym
Energy: 8
  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Lightning Energy

Those are the changes, any space for Hex and I am very uncomfortable with trev matchup, anyway to make it more favourable?
OK, I would play 1-1 split. When I played at cities, I had a Toad/ Zoroark deck with 1 Man teched into it, and just the situations that put you at an "I need the KO RIGHT NOW", it can be handy, but there's a lot of matchups where Jolteon is so much better, there's where I would say a split.
I have applied your changes, anyway to make trev matchup more favourable?
I have applied your changes, anyway to make trev matchup more favourable?
Maybe drop 1 Lightning Energy for a Hex. Actually, I'm surprised you have trouble with Trees, since you have the faster deck and you have plenty of Supporters and speed. To me, your list looks great, but yeah, you might want to drop a Lightning for a Hex if you're having trouble.
Maybe drop 1 Lightning Energy for a Hex. Actually, I'm surprised you have trouble with Trees, since you have the faster deck and you have plenty of Supporters and speed. To me, your list looks great, but yeah, you might want to drop a Lightning for a Hex if you're having trouble.
If they get turn 1 lock it really hurts because my output stays at 30 a turn how do I beat it? just hex and lysasandre around it?
If they get turn 1 lock it really hurts because my output stays at 30 a turn how do I beat it? just hex and lysasandre around it?
Pretty much. Hex in itself is just enough to beat the matchup with 4 VS Seeker. When I played Night March at a Cities, I Hexed for 3 turns against Magnezone. Any deck that relies on existing Abilities like Trees or Magnezone, Hex and VS Seeker repeatedly should beat them. And remember, if they're item locked, they can't play Items.
Pretty much. Hex in itself is just enough to beat the matchup with 4 VS Seeker. When I played Night March at a Cities, I Hexed for 3 turns against Magnezone. Any deck that relies on existing Abilities like Trees or Magnezone, Hex and VS Seeker repeatedly should beat them. And remember, if they're item locked, they can't play Items.
Another matchup that was difficult was mega man, i managed to pull out a win with turn 1 Ghetsis both games, but it was difficult, them healing with rough sees, is the best way to resolve the matchup just virbank?
Another matchup that was difficult was mega man, i managed to pull out a win with turn 1 Ghetsis both games, but it was difficult, them healing with rough sees, is the best way to resolve the matchup just virbank?
Maybe one-of Delinquent and save your Stadiums. Remember to Delinquent your opponent's Stadium away, then place your own.