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Standard Seismitoad EX / Empoleon / Regice


Aspiring Trainer
Heres the decklist:

Pokemon: 14
  • 3 Seismitoad EX
  • 3 Regice
  • 2 Piplup
  • 2 Prinplup
  • 2 Empoleon
  • 2 Shaymin EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 4 Crushing Hammer
  • 2 Head Ringer
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Trainers' Mail
  • 1 Town Map
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Dive Ball
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 3 Silent Lab
Energy: 10
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 6 Water Energy

I understand that everyone is going to explain to me "How come your not using archices ace in the hole??" well let me explain first. I had recently tested Archies in a similar deck build like this one with obvious cards that thinned out my hand, except archices and empoleon became too much of a pain to use and extremely situational. As i play tested the archies deck, i was either forced to discard cards that i did not want to discard to be able to even use archies or certain cards like VS or battle compressors were not in my hand consistent enough to make the deck very sturdy. Therefore, I had included the lineup of the piplup - empoleon. As you continue drawing more cards each turn by supporters or shaymin ability, there is great chance of drawing additional dive balls or ultra balls to search for each pokemon in the Empoleon evolution stage. I tested this deck against a giratina/seismitoad deck roughly 8 times straight and had no problem obtaining all my prizes before my opponent could even grab 2. The deck however lacks variety as the only pokemon who are not water are shaymins. I need additional help on what could be included in this deck in order to make the deck more viable. I love competitive decks and locking my opponent either with a items or EX lock has been an interesting concept for this deck, not to forget empoleons 20+ for all basic pokemon's ability (quaking punch for 90 with 2 empoleons and a muscle band). Please leave some comments in the comment section below and thank you!!
i am not ctiticizing i run it the archie way but if you want a really consistent archie list i have one here
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

Pokémon - 9

1 Glalie-EX BKT 34
4 Empoleon BKT 38
2 Regice AOR 24
2 Seismitoad-EX FFI 20

Trainer Cards - 39

1 Rough Seas PRC 137
4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
1 Professor Birch's Observations PRC 159
4 Reserved Ticket BKT 147
4 Maintenance FFI 96
4 Acro Bike PRC 122
4 Ultra Ball FLF 99
4 Battle Compressor Team Flare Gear PHF 92
1 Judge BKT 143
1 Lysandre FLF 104
2 Float Stone BKT 137
1 Dive Ball PRC 125
3 Archie's Ace in the Hole PRC 157
1 Red Card XY 124
4 VS Seeker PHF 109

Energy - 12

4 Double Colorless Energy PHF 111
8 Water Energy HS 117

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
i found this deck to provie on average 3 archie a game even did 6 once getting my attackers back
The problem with running archies ace is that you spend too much time searching for cards that are not extremely important. Empoleon, while a great card for this deck, is not imperative to use in this deck, but means of "backup." As you can see the deck list you provided consist of battle compressors, acro bikes, maintenance and reserved ticket. As all of these are great cards for that deck, it does not provide energy disrupters that my deck provides like crushing hammers and head ringers. Obtaining an archies is not imperative to have in my deck, as it would not kill me to set up an empoleon in about 3 turns with the use of disrupters to slow down my opponent. It is not worth sacrificing space in my deck just to have cards to make an archies deck work. Thank you for the help, but i will keep my small lineup of empoleon. It does a lot better than what sounds on the forums.
archie's is used in keldeo/blastoise, because blastoise makes an impact on the game immedeatly, whereas empoleon only increases damage by 20. The thing empoleon does better is stacking: If you get multiple the damage will add up, but for blastoise you only need 1, hence the archie's.

So empoleon is definitely better as a support without archie's. What i would add in the deck is maybe rare candy instead of prinplup, so you can get them out a turn faster. Or do you have any reason why you prefer prinplup?
If you are looking for a different kind of attacker, why not use Miltank? Also, I would consider at least one rare candy as a T2 Empoleon could be very useful in outputting enough damage.
I was considering dropping the middle evolution line "prinplup" and added 2 rare candies instead, but that seemed to have problems as well. When play testing, this card again became somewhat inconsistent. At some points, the only time i could use a rare candy would be if i had empoleon in my hand (duh) but it became too much of a struggle obtaining the two cards at hand. I would consider putting it into the deck, but again it seems a tad inconsistent. I must say, I played this deck at my local pokemon league and did not lose at all. 4/5 matches i played, my opponent did not take a single prize card. This deck seems to be running very smooth, but it's lack of variation is countered by its strong energy denial game and consistent lock of items and exs.