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~오. 아. 오~
I've been wanting to make a Scizor PRIME deck.
I've seen lists for this kind of deck on here but I only want to play with HGSS-COL cards.
I'm a newb when it comes to making seemingly-competitive decks.
I just want to build one for fun to play against my friends, not in competitions or tournaments or anything like that.
So I would assume this deck needs a lot of work.


Pokemon (18):
4 Scyther (Afterimage Strike) UD
4 Scizor PRIME UD
3 Skarmory UD
2 Eevee (Call for Family) UD
2 Umbreon UD
1 Shaymin UL
1 Doduo UD
1 Dodrio UD

Trainers (26):
3 Moomoo Milk
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Copycat
2 Energy Returner
2 Fisherman
2 Flower Shop Lady
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Judge

Energy (18):
4 Special Metal Energy
6 Basic Metal Energy
2 Special Darkness Energy
2 Basic Darkness Energy
2 Rescue Energy

Total: 60

My primary focus is Scizor as an attacker.
Skarmory is used to search the Deck for more Metal energies.
Dodrio is for switching Skarmory -> Scizor / Umbreon and between Scizor and Umbreon once they're out.
Shaymin is a last resort when Scizor or Umbreon are about to get knocked out and put Energy on healthy Pokemon.
Umbreon I just put in at the last minute to get it over 50 cards. I really like it though so I might just stick with it.
I need something for else for healing besides Moomoo Milk (hopefully getting rid of it) and something for Energy transfer for when a Scizor is about to get knocked out.
Also, I need something to be able to attach Metal Energy faster to a Scizor.
RE: Scizor (HGSS-on)

- 1 - 1 Umbreon UD
+ 1 - 1 Scizor Prime

Since Umbreon is just a tech, you want more room for your main attacker. Also:

- 2 Energy Exchanger
+ 2 Basic Metal Energy

Trust me, I run Scizor, and 8 Metal Energy is not enough, especially because you run Skarmory. You will also quite often be able to draw into the Darkness energy (I actually only run 3).

Hope I helped.
RE: Scizor (HGSS-on)

+ 1 - 1 Scizor Prime
^ Wait so does this mean +1 Scyther -1 Scizor PRIME? XD

And yes, thanks for helping. ^^
RE: Scizor PRIME (HGSS-on)

professor juniper. That will be the new staple in every deck. What it does you can discard your hand to draw 7 more cards.
^ Ahh, I should have specified: I only want to use cards from HGSS, UL, UD, TR and COL. ^^
I completely forgot about B&W
^I actually made a deck change today and added a Judge. I think disruption is key when your hand isn't great either. When I make Scizplume, Judge will be key. Maybe find room for a Judge?
^ I'm on the fence about Judge; refreshing both hands might get me nothing better and my opponent a better one.
I was thinking about Team Rocket's Trickery to draw as well as to disrupt, but I don't think making my opponent discard one card is worth it either.
^I should have explained Judge. Trainer Lock is becoming more and more popular in my area, and the Judge tech will help to prevent a Trainer-heavy hand. If Trainer Lock is heavy in your area, go for Judge. If it isn't, go for Copycat(maybe).
Yoshidude10 said:
^I should have explained Judge. Trainer Lock is becoming more and more popular in my area, and the Judge tech will help to prevent a Trainer-heavy hand. If Trainer Lock is heavy in your area, go for Judge. If it isn't, go for Copycat(maybe).

The only people I expect to be playing are my friends, and they are nowhere near as close to understanding competitive battling as I am. XD
The closest league from here is about 40 miles, so I'm just sticking around here.
I might go for Copycat if I can't find anything else that's good.

Do you have any input on getting Energy attached to Scizor quickly?
^Not really. One way to get energy on a Scizor hitting on T1 is Bronzong G + BTS + Flint's Willpower. But Scizor SP is another story. Scizor hits fast anyway, so getting energy on it quickly shouldn't be a problem. I can have Scizor hitting by T2, which is about the speed of SP, with a nice start. Keep to the advice and your deck should be fast and consistent.
Yoshidude10 said:
^I actually made a deck change today and added a Judge. I think disruption is key when your hand isn't great either. When I make Scizplume, Judge will be key. Maybe find room for a Judge?

I run Scizplume myself and believe me, 2 Judge is essential! It's great for making your opponent lose f. ex cyrus or just a needed warp energy. TBH, i'm considering to run a third copy seeing as it wrecks SP;)
I'm starting to get cards to build this now.
Is Shaymin UL a good card in here?
Or can I substitute something different for it?
^ One thing you can use in shaymin's place is Lucians Assignment

But shaymin has the advantage of being a basic pokemon, so that makes it searchable with lots of different cards which makes it more consistant (IMO)