Ruling Rule Help


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys I was just wondering if any of you guys know about the new rules that are said to be coming to PTCG. I don't know about the rules. Can you guys tell me what are the new rules and is this true? Thanks for the help guys :D.
The newest rules I know of are the coin flip before the game which determines who goes first and second, and the catcher rule where you have to flip and get a heads before catcher works. There is also a muligan rule but im not too clear on how that changed
Changes as of November 7th, specifically:

~Flip a coin to decide who goes first before drawing your 7-card hand. The winner of the flip chooses who goes first.
~The player going first can't attack on the first turn.
~Juniper and Sycamore can't be used in the same deck, and Catcher requires a coin flip now (i.e. same as Reversal).
~Mulligans are drawn all at once. If a player mulligans, don't draw until that player has a non-mulligan hand. Then, you may draw 1 card for each time that player mulliganed and you didn't (up to that number). If you draw any Basic Pokemon, you can put them down, but after you draw, you can't put down other Basic Pokemon already in your hand.
Thanks DNA. I have another question which is, do you need to flip a coin for Hypnotoxic Laser or just activated normally, poison your opponent's active pokemon and then flip for the asleep condition? Thanks for the help :D.
You only need to flip for putting them to sleep. It still poisons either way.~KA