Discussion Robo Substitute


*Trumpeting Peaks*
1. Can it be guzma'd?
2. " Escape Roped?
3. Effected by status conditions?
4. General things like this.
1. Can it be guzma'd?
2. " Escape Roped?
3. Effected by status conditions?
4. General things like this.

Let's start off by referencing the card text. From the Trading Card Database of the official Pokémon website:

Robo Substitute Team Flare Gear
Trainer - Item
Play this card as if it were a 30 HP Colorless Basic Pokémon. At any time during your turn (before your attack), you may discard this card from play. This card can't retreat. If this card is Knocked Out, your opponent can't take any Prize cards for it.
XY—Phantom Forces 102/119​

Yes, that is the card's full name. I simply used Ctrl+Shift+V after copying to paste as plain text... though I did have to add a space between the set name and card number. ;)

1) Yes, because this has nothing to do with retreating.
2) Yes, because this has nothing to do with retreating.
3) Yes, though some older, similar Items that were played as Pokémon expressly stated they were unaffected by Special Conditions, Robo Substitute has no such text on it.
4) General answer like this.