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Reshiram/Emboar/Reshiram EX w/ Ninetales

RE: reshinine

Draw power is key. Ninetales is very helpful, but drawing 3 cards isn't enough to keep you going the whole game.
RE: reshinine

Plus, drawing power is what helps you setup your pokemon including ninetails and helps immensely with refreshing your hand when you have a dead hand.
RE: reshinine

yes thats why i run 2 pont and 1 juniper and once i get collctor or communication i can set up any way the problem with pont or juniper is if you have a relly good or even a good hand you dont want to lose it if you have a bad hand then fine its great another problem is there supporters and i run enough of them as it is i may consider a third pont for concistance but id rather be getting an extra 3 cards with ninetails than replacing my intier hand.
RE: reshinine

I think the lack of consistency your'e talking about comes from the low amount of Hand-Refresh, therefore:

-1 Reshiram (You probably won't need all 4 as you also have the EX)
-2 Reshiram EX (Once three are KO'd you've lost so the fourth is redundant anyway. And the third isn't really needed as you have the normal Reshiram too.)
-1 Seeker (Is just unnecessary)
-1 Energy Retrieval (10 Fire + 3 Retrieval + 2 Fisherman is probably enough energy to last a game)
+1 Juniper

Also you defiantly need at least one more collecter and about 3 Junk Arm, simply as they are staples in almost all decks.
Hope I helped!
RE: reshinine

Please add the names of your main attackers to the title of your thread. Thanks.
RE: reshinine

i would say the seeker and retreival for 2 junk arms and maybe a reshiram for a pont maybe not quite sure