Discussion Regarding Cheating in the PTCG

Wait, was this Bubble Boy from Worlds this year? If so, I feel so dirty having cheered for him. Sounds like he had a rep well before that event. Ewe...
Wait, was this Bubble Boy from Worlds this year? If so, I feel so dirty having cheered for him. Sounds like he had a rep well before that event. Ewe...
Yes it is Michael long, hopefully this was the first time he cheated, but if he cheated at worlds, I am discusted
I'm a fan of making the punishment fit the crime and a permanent ban is a long time. This is part of the problem with America of making people suffer long after they served their time. Criminals in America can't find job (good paying ones) for YEARS and possibly even ever find a good one because of something stupid they did when they were 17 years old. Why should a 47 year old person still pay for a crime (that they served their time for and even paid fines) that they committed when they where a child? It's all fun and games since this isn't likely to happen to the person wanting a lifetime ban.

We shouldn't kick people out of the game for a bad choice (or at least two that I know of) and make them a problem for another game. You know why criminals offend again? It's because people aren't willing to give them a second chance and in order to make a living, they go back to what got them in trouble in the first place. There is no need to make other card games worse because of the souring treatment of a community, no matter how deserved it is.

What I suggest is to give him one or two year ban and have him pay a fine for ruining the integrity of the event since we don't know how many of his wins were due to this behavior. Nothing is ever worth a lifetime ban unless the offense is something that cannot be forgiven and I'm talking threats of violence with weapons involved.