real, fake or am í just paranoid?


~오. 아. 오~
í have a japanese Drapion Lv.X (from the Pt1 set) whose holographic sparkles span the whole card
instead of just around the pokémon in the illustration, the level up section leading
up to the swoosh beside the HP, the little bar at the bottom telling you how to play
a Lv.X, and the border.

it not only has round sparkles like in regular holos but four and eight sided stars like in japanese special form rotom cards

my japanese Darkrai Lv.X (DP3) only has the hologram in the areas í listed before.
same with my japanese promo Dialga Lv.X and if í remember correctly Floatzel GL Lv.X (Pt2) (which í don't have anymore.)

í just want to know if it's fake or a print error or if it's really supposed to be that way. o.o
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

I would guess it is supposed to be that way, but I'm not sure. Within sets, there are differing print runs with different sparkly patters. Unless something on the card looks really suspicious, it probably isn't fake. Usually counterfeit cards lag behind the real ones quite a bit also.
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

í was thinking that too
because everything on the card looks like it's supposed to be that way, the front and the back
and í was thinking they change the sparkle pattern from set to set,
but then why would six different Lv.X cards from six different sets and two languages all have the same pattern
except for one. o_O
RE: real, fake or am i just paranoid?

I have a Japanese Raichu Lv.X straight out of a box that has the little 8 sided star sparkles as well. I think they just decided to do that for a couple sets.
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

it's not just the holographic pattern that's different, but it's covering the whole card which í find weird
RE: real, fake or am i just paranoid?

Could be a simple manufacturing error, or it could be that they did the promo like that too.
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

Yeah, it happens to non LV. X holos too.
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

Actually, from my experience with more recent Japanese LVX's, its supposed to be that way. I'm not an expert on this subject though, but its the way my Machamp LVX was, as well as my pal's Gallade LVX.
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

Lou Cypher said:
Actually, from my experience with more recent Japanese LVX's, its supposed to be that way. I'm not an expert on this subject though, but its the way my Machamp LVX was, as well as my pal's Gallade LVX.

and you know both of my japanese reprint pikachus have.
as i asked you if it was supposed to:D
RE: real, fake or am I just paranoid?

ok so í've gone to other sites that have scans of the card and all the Drapion Lv.X's í've seen are like that
í've even seen í think Honchkrow Lv.X's like that too
so it's real

í'm just gonna be bothered now because it's not the same as the others XD
It is 100% real, no doubt. So don't worry. I've bought several Japanese boxes. All newer Level X's, Shinies, and Reprint cards in Japanese have that "star" pattern foil on the card. I think they started doing that foil pattern in the Destroyed Sky set (Our Stormfront set) in Japan.