
If it is factual then I want you to post a YouTube video of you rapping as good as them then.

Also, there ARE non-autotuned raps. Ever heard of a freestyle rap battle?

Also, it is hard to believe half you say if you can't even use proper punctuation marks.
Anyone can become famous by singing with the technology nowadays, not just rap. Rap is just easier, rythmn is not that hard.
DarthPika said:
Please stop calling rap music people. Educate your selves. Rap isn't really true music. I'm not saying it's all bad, just stop acting like these people are great musicians, because they're not.

People are so horribly ignorant about music... it's quite pathetic really.


I've never seen why talking can get you a record deal, there's no talent behind rap, it's just noise. I've heard more entertaining noises from gunshots.
Flame Claw said:

I've never seen why talking can get you a record deal, there's no talent behind rap, it's just noise. I've heard more entertaining noises from gunshots.

well there you go, rap has gunshots in it.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
rap is talentless just about anybody could do it

yeah my dog could too
#1weavile said:
Anyone can become famous by singing with the technology nowadays, not just rap. Rap is just easier, rythmn is not that hard.

rythm can be hard, if it was easy you could play any instrument and composition any song and play it the first time

You guys say it's so easy, so show me it is. Write your own rap, record yourself rapping it, and post it. When you guys say "anybody" can do it, they can. Anybody can play basketball, anybody can draw, anybody can skateboard. You need talent to be good at it. So everyone on this forum can rap, but it probably sucks. And going back to the "RaP isss ALL AbOut SEckss n DRUgz!!" Pretty much every pop song in mainstream is too, and I bet if I checked everyone's iPod here, you'll have a Lady Gaga song, whether you're proud of it or won't admit it, but her songs can be as bad as a rap song so shut up.

This isn't a biased statement, I really hate rap ._. Not because of "Rappers have no talent bla blah blah" but because of the tempo, beat, voices, ect. I like more harmonic music.
I like synthpop rap, like Uffie, but the mainstream stuff turns me off. Rap is one of those "like it or hate it" things.

Also, my iPod doesn't have one Lady GaGa, ke$ha, Black Eyed Peas, or any artist whose music is even seemingly like their music. It's my opinion that those artists and about 5,000 other ones out there suck. If you don't like my opinion, well... I feel sorry for you that you enjoy that music.
Gale said:
Also, my iPod doesn't have one Lady GaGa, ke$ha, Black Eyed Peas, or any artist whose music is even seemingly like their music. It's my opinion that those artists and about 5,000 other ones out there suck. If you don't like my opinion, well... I feel sorry for you that you enjoy that music.

I stay away from anything in mainstream so yeah, none of those artists are on mine either
There's a few good rap groups, like RUN-DMC, that don't rap about drugs, money, and other things. So I haven't given up on all of it yet.
I enjoy listening to eminem. He is one of the only well known white rappers out there. And before 2pac died some of his songs had emotion and feeling.
Pandamore said:
#1weavile said:
Anyone can become famous by singing with the technology nowadays, not just rap. Rap is just easier, rythmn is not that hard.
rythm can be hard, if it was easy you could play any instrument and composition any song and play it the first time

You guys say it's so easy, so show me it is. Write your own rap, record yourself rapping it, and post it. When you guys say "anybody" can do it, they can. Anybody can play basketball, anybody can draw, anybody can skateboard. You need talent to be good at it. So everyone on this forum can rap, but it probably sucks. And going back to the "RaP isss ALL AbOut SEckss n DRUgz!!" Pretty much every pop song in mainstream is too, and I bet if I checked everyone's iPod here, you'll have a Lady Gaga song, whether you're proud of it or won't admit it, but her songs can be as bad as a rap song so shut up.

This isn't a biased statement, I really hate rap ._. Not because of "Rappers have no talent bla blah blah" but because of the tempo, beat, voices, ect. I like more harmonic music.

Why would I want to waste my time making sentences that people listen to all the time? Why not better the world instead? You can't use technology to make you better at basketball, if you do you will be disqualified. Same with skateboarding. Music can be manipulated.
90 something % of people don't have a clue how music works anyway, so why even bother with this conversation?
DarthPika said:
90 something % of people don't have a clue how music works anyway, so why even bother with this conversation?
If you're referring to music is in its concepts (yay music theory), then why bother discussing art in the fan creations section when an overwhelming majority of users here have no "clue how [art] works anyway"?

Besides, since when was there ever a discussion where people are perfectly educated on the topic at hand anyway?

If you're going to place yourself above others, do it in a fashion where a rebuttal isn't so easy to make; it wastes my time.
to be honest everything as of current release's seesm to be draining itself towards the jar of pop and away from the numatic sounds of the various original genre's. it's kind of discouraging but whatever floats there boat I geuss. cya
#1weavile said:
Why would I want to waste my time making sentences that people listen to all the time? Why not better the world instead? You can't use technology to make you better at basketball, if you do you will be disqualified. Same with skateboarding. Music can be manipulated.

Technology can make a bad singer sound better, but it doesn't automatically make him/her music better or more succesful. And sure you can make yourself better at those things with technology, just because you'll get disqualified in a sanctioned game doesn't mean you can't do it lol

and the first sentence doesn't make sense with me, "wasting" your time to make music people enjoy doesn't give yourself any feedback or delight?
Sarah basically won the thread. :D

DarthPika said:
90 something % of people don't have a clue how music works anyway, so why even bother with this conversation?

You know, it's bad to fake being an elitist. If you really are an elitist, you should be proving it. As Zyflair said, don't just claim you know everything, you prove it. Walk the walk, talk the talk.
Pandamore said:
Technology can make a bad singer sound better, but it doesn't automatically make him/her music better or more succesful. And sure you can make yourself better at those things with technology, just because you'll get disqualified in a sanctioned game doesn't mean you can't do it lol

and the first sentence doesn't make sense with me, "wasting" your time to make music people enjoy doesn't give yourself any feedback or delight?

well if the person sounds better, I'm pretty sure the song will be better. Not sure how better, but I guess it would depend.
a strong voice move's beyond anything technology can create, something that basically move's the soul. to understand music is to understand what move's you, you don't need a large understanding for bands, genre's, style's, preferred whatever or anything. but to deny something that you don't like as music is stupid, country music is music even though I really don't like it, I have an under-urge distaste for rap but yet I can find a few good people here in there that have a unique style that I can come to like. to understand music is to not understand music, because whats the use in knowing if it's all going to be worthless in the future? why not deal with the time's and let music flow. cya
I've read alot of what's been said here...there are a few that have some decent knowledge on the subject, and well, those who choose to remain ignorant on the subject for whatever "reason" they choose...whether you create music through use of a musical instrument, harmonious notes sung through voice, composing a song for an orchestra, or the many forms of lyrical composition accompanied with the many forms of musical arrangement that is attainable in our day and age...music is music

and for those of you that think rap music is not music...and nothing but rhythms with "blah-blah" this and "blah-blah" that over it...please, don't forget...rhythm is apart of music, drums are a musical instrument...lyrical composition is apart of music, whether the words are sung or spoken.....

and for those of you that think real lyrical composition that is actually good and without sounding like you're a 5yr old reciting nursery rhymes is easy...please, show me how easy it is...I will even challenge you to do one of the easiest forms of lyrical composition there is...Storytelling...you can even do it acapella...just voice, no background...I bet you either sound something like out of mother goose, or make absolutely little sense...as stated before, you have to have talent and/or skill to be able to move the crowds with the words you speak, paint pictures of stories so vivid that it's like you're mentally watching a movie; and to then be able to do so while staying in rhythm with your background....man, get outta here with all that...go ahead and try, and if on your first try you come close to sounding anything like these following emcees:

Vinnie Paz
Mos Def
Talib Kweli
Celph Titled
R.A. The Rugged Man
and even Eminem...

then I will give your argument credit, and admit defeat...but until then....silence

now, back to the topic...

I'm not a big fan of rap myself...the grrbage you hear on the radio is really just a bunch of jiggaboo music...you have some gems that manage to shine through the rubbish...but overall, the mainstream is pure d garbage....I really do miss the days when rap and hiphop were interchangable terms...but since about the late 80's/early 90's there started to be this rift in the genres...and with the advent of business moguls and record execs starting to recognize the money machine that the original genre was, the rift just grew until you had to different genres...hiphop and rap

with rap, you really just have a bunch of people mimicking the original form of emceeing, with throwing in a bunch of imagery to entertain people...you have some imagery that is brutally graphic, you have some imagery that is overly materialistic, and you have some imagery that glorifies sex & drugs (but that's been going on in music long before rap came around)...now I know this might sound a lil' contradictory to what I said earlier, but...I really don't buy rap as music myself, but I will be more in-depth as to why....

first...the rhythmic background...alot of times this background is something that been already used, or in some cases overly used...the producer of this background often times makes a few changes, and then attempts to call this "sampling"....now don't get me wrong, there are some original backgrounds...however, most of the composition of synthetic sounds that are used tend to be pretty subpar in my opinion....but there are a good number of backgrounds that are decent or greater

second...the lyrical composition...earlier when I was talking about lyrical composition, I made a challenge to you all that think that this is easy to do...to be honest, it is kind of easy to do...however, it is in no way shape or form, easy to do and be good at it...rappers in general do make it seem easy, however, most of what they have to say has no soul or heart...it's just a bunch of rhyming gibberish that means absolutely nothing...and in some cases, makes absolutely no sense (*coughlil'waynecough*)...there have been some rappers that have been somewhat decent in their lyrical composition, and some who have even elevated their status to beyond that of just a mere rapper or even out of the music business altogether.....now I doubt anyone takes that challenge:rolleyes:...but if someone does have the guts to try, they will probably come off sounding something like one of these guys:

Lil' Wayne
Young Jeezy
Soulja Boy Tell Em'
'Old' Vanilla Ice
Lil' Jon
Lil' Scrappy
Project Pat

which...that is not something to be proud of....

for those of you, that know the difference between rap and hiphop...there's nothing I even need to say to you, you know where it's at...for those of you don't, and just generalize all of it as rap...you need to find some real hiphop and take a listen, that's where you will find the music...this auto-tune grrbage (something that's been around for a long time) is apart of pop music, always has been...some artists from other genres have used it in their songs, some have used it to make pop-crossovers, some have used it just to add a different element to their songs...but auto-tune isn't just a rap thing

technology has been apart of music for sometime now...and it increases more so as time goes on, technological instruments are still musical instruments...you will never get away from that, no matter how much purity and such you babble on about or how much you claim to know about the subject of music...it's the people that listen that define what is and what isn't music...when a man can take a computer and create midi files to simulate a theme song for a popular video game and then over a decade later a person with a guitar recreates that actual theme song and puts it to notes...you can't tell me that a production board can't create music...so any argument as to rap & hiphop not utilizing instruments making it not music can cease and desist...now while I hardly consider rap to be music...it still is music, just bad music
Ugg... I had stuff come up and completely forgot about this thread right when it was getting good. *sighs* Let's see if anyone's still interested, as there was a good conversation going on.

Riskbreakers said:
Sarah basically won the thread. :D

You know, it's bad to fake being an elitist. If you really are an elitist, you should be proving it. As Zyflair said, don't just claim you know everything, you prove it. Walk the walk, talk the talk.

I'll be more than happy to. I'm not claiming to know everything there is to know about music, as I have much to learn, but I do have a better understanding of it than most people. When I say this, I'm not saying it because I think I'm better than others. It's hard to explain, but I think that I hear music differently than most people. There's something about it that I understand far better than others I've talked with. Like, I can "hear" music in my head, and make up songs with out even really trying. It just kind of comes to me. If that doesn't make sense, it doesn't even really make sense to me. As I said, it's hard to explain.

FYI, I am a music composition major, so I'm not saying this stuff just for fluff. I'm serious about it.

Because I'm a composer, the best way that I know of to back up what I'm saying is to give some examples of songs I've written.

Here's a short little theme I wrote, but haven't had the time to really orchestrate much yet.


Here's another theme I wrote when I was bored:


I hope this is good enough for proof that I know what I'm talking about.