Question about old misty card


10 sided fish of star FTW!
Ok back in the day... and i mean way back in the day... i remember having a card from a Japanese set that i don't recall but i do know it was a trainer. The card had a picture of Misty with a Starmie/Staryu on it and it appeared on the card as if Misty was not wearing any clothes. For some reason even though it was all in Japanese i think it was called "Misty's Kindness" but that could be wrong.

I still have the card in my collection of old, old sets but i've moved and left that stuff with my parents which is 1700 miles away. So, i was wondering if any of you masters out there remember which card i'm talking about and could shed some light on its history... All i remember was i was 10 years old and some little kid gave it to me because his mom said he couldn't have it because of the artwork... now is some 12 years later i just remembered the whole thing i would like to see what you guys and gals know...

Thanks :)

This one, right? The artwork was banned and changed for the US release.
Wow! thats the one!

Oh yeah i had figured we would never see that in the US... and well we didn't did we? haha

Now i guess that brings up the question has there been any other "racy" Pokemon card art?

dark_pikachu said:
Why has it banned in America but not in Jappan?
Because Japan is, on average, way less conservative, especially when it comes to stuff like this. A lot of stuff gets censored when being translated to English.
Koga's Ninja Trick was another card that recieved a censor. It had a Swastika on it somewhere on the Japanese version. Cant find a picture of it though.
The japenese have some funny cards lol, well if anyone saw one of those cards in the UK or US they would flip and attack PUSA for letting these cards go on sale whilst the Japenese are layed back on these issues as its a bit of fun and lightens up the game :)
Team rocket's grimer was another one that was changed. His eyes appeared to be looking up the girl's skirt, so they changed the direction they were glancing in.
Secretsof2113 said:
Team rocket's grimer was another one that was changed. His eyes appeared to be looking up the girl's skirt, so they changed the direction they were glancing in.

That's probably the funniest one.

Oh japan.
Wasn't there also something controversal about the Japanese Dark Venasaur as well. here is japanesse rocket grimer
That's no Swastika! It's a Space Station!
Okay, maybe not a space station, but it ain't a swastika. That symbol is Hindu and if I felt like it I would Google it and tell you its meaning. What the Nazis did was flip it and rotate it 45 degrees. So, there is really no reason to ban it, par overreacting.