PS2 - Digimon World 4

S_H - Please don't go off topic... I don't want this to get locked...

Metagross88 - What level are you?? I'm 36(Guilmon) and my bro's 61 (Veemon).
I have LV48 (something around) with Veemon, and my bro with the black one (don't know what is it, but it should evolve to Duskmon, maybe)long time ago (just release), but because it is Japanese version, I can't really understand what everyone say. So I don't know how to evolve.

Anyone know how to evolve?
Champion of today - Don't know... I got one in Jpn and 1 ine English... Still figuring how to evolve...
none u guys evolve ur digimons? I got lv 40 wargrymo X n my best fren got a Lv 59 Clevis angelmon
u hav 2 talk 2 the digi-elf if u 1 2 digivole ur digimons flygon.. they will send u on a quest or sumthing though...
I just remember this. My friend taught me that my Veemon has to battle about 200 Mummymon straight in the second world. Don't know whether it is true or not...
200??!! He must be mad then... Maybe not....

Rayquaza master - How? I talked and guess what? It says evolve to Veemon!!??
hav u recued all the digi-elf in numemon river in the 1st world? If u haven't i suggest u go back there n redo tat particular stage. Once u recued all them, go back 2 the base n u will find a role where there r 6 digi-elfs. Talk 2 1 of them n they will send u on a side quest. But b warned, tat certain side quest r 4 certain digimon only, example:- If u hav an agumon, n he complete the undead valley side quest he will b able 2 digivolve 2 wargreymon X. But sum side quest however must b played in hard or ver hard mode.
well 4 the undead valley ur digimon alone must defeat all 200+ mummymon n tat's not easy...i dunno if u can get help or not, cuz i completed tis stage alone.
I play it on the Gamecube, i think im a level 93 Veemon, equipped with the, Talis of Order, and the Talis of Chaos.