Discussion Post-Rotation Zoroark Partners?


Gen 3 lover
With the uncertainty about what draw supporters will see play post rotation, I think Zoroark GX will see huge play in the meta, even just to substitute octillery. Thus, I was wondering who will be its best partner after rotation hits. Any suggestion?
Well, there will still be Lycanroc GX. If we had a bit more water support, I could see Empoleon. Of course there is still Lucario GX as well so puppies builds are probably going to be the best bet.
I'd say that Garbodor is a good a partner as any. It deals with Buzzwole and Psychic attackers nicely, and without any solid draw Supporters outside Cynthia players will be forced into using more Items again.
Zoropod, Zoroark/Garbodor and maybe Zoroark/Shiftry and Zoroark/Magcargo - mainly the non-GX one for a Zoroark control deck.
Some people also think that ZoroNinja with [P] Latios or promo Koko will be good. I'm not a 100% convinced but the cards do have synergy. ZoroRoc should still remain playable. I've also seen people trying to pair Zoroark with Banette-GX which I'm not exactly a fan of.
(People, please try to convince me that it's not gonna be bad.)
Zoroark has a lot of potential partners but my favorite are magcargo, garde, and garb. The one problem I'm seeing with zoroark decks is that there is no way to get double colorless energy back now because of puzzles and special charge rotating. Zoro garde would fix this though because of both diantha and gardevoir's gx attack.
I started testing with zoroark, so far I played it with garde, with both garde and sylveon, with ninetales, with lycanroc, with garb, with dusk mane and with latios. The worst were the ones with gardy and dusk mane. The best was the one with garb, in which I teched an oranguru UPR to recover all I need. I found it pretty useful against sylveon, to recycle judge and dce
Still I want to try it with baby buzz+1 buzz gx, diancie * and beast ring, just to see how it works
I can almost guarantee that when we see the new Alolan Ninetales GX, it will be played with Zoroark. A Fairy Type that allows you to search your deck for items? Already worth playing, even if it's attacks are terrible.
I was wondering about pairing it with noivern, just for the item lock, playing only dark energies and dce. also synergy with devoured fields
Ok, maybe a couple of psychic energies, because boomburst is perfect to soften enemies and then swipe with zoro
Zoro/ Glaceon with disruption- turn 1 gx ability lock, build up 2-3 zoros on bench and 1-2 glaceon and acerola as needed to prevent ohkos
glaceon ability is good only if you go first, then it is pretty bad as an attacker. Too much energy for too little damage output. I prefer Garb as back up attacker. Anyway I was looking for "unconventional" partners that may do pretty good.