Ruling Pokemon Times question


"grrr" That's my grrrr face
If i use a attack that says flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
If i get no heads does this attack do 0 damage?
Also note, if you use a PlusPower or something, it only adds to any existing final damage. It wouldn't be (20+10)xheads, it would be 20xheads+10. Also, if it does 0, PlusPower wouldn't add to that.

(interestingly enough, there was a funny situation I saw once where someone asked about a 'flip until tails' attack for 30x, got a tails instantly, and kept protesting it did 30 damage - even when two judges told him otherwise)
The attack needs to do damage before add ons from other abilities (Plus Power, Strength Charm, Buck's Training, Dragon DNA, special Darkness Energy) can be included. If it does 0 before the add ons, it is going to do 0 damage.