Pokemon Pictures


Aspiring Trainer
Anyone who wants pictures of any Pokemon (existing or non-existing) post and I'll see what I can do!.
I can provide you card pictures for any pokemon.... LMK if you want these high quality card pictures.

FYI : These cards are japanese but its always the best quality!
Yea I was thinkin of drawing them and scanning on to my computer. But any guidelines would help!
The TTar's not bad, I must say. Did you use Sugimori art as a reference? If not, I'd suggest doing so, it really does help. AFAICT, the tail's a bit too thick, legs seem a tad short, and arms seem too.. straight. Something seems strange about the head, but I can't put my finger on it..
Do you think you could do 3 for me?
If you can:
This Dragonair(just the picture...not the whole card)
and this Venusaur(but shining colors)
I don't mind if you hand draw the Venusaur
And Eevee and Co.
Sorry just checking... Did u want Shiny Venasaur, Dragonair and ??? the eeveelutions? And all in sepearate pics?


  • lastscan.jpg
    219.9 KB · Views: 29
Kawaii(that means "CUTE" in japanese) and yes I do.....thanx for that Eeveelutons picture.....I'll PM my address if you don't mind so I could have a copy of it...I mean them( when you've done Dragonair & Venusaur *(Star = Shining)
thanks!! It super cool!!

Do you color them?

If you do.. can I have one of Castform, Armaldo and Crasily.. in one.. colored? avitar size?