Collecting Pokémon TCG Coins


I'm wondering if anyone has an idea of how many of these there are in the history of the tcg and how the best way is to store these. I mean, are there like coin protectors out there similar to the nine card holders most put their cards in when they put them in binders or is there some other way to do it.

Also, is there a good place besides random searches on ebay to try to find any missing coins?
While I haven't done this myself, I think the best way to to solve the problem for Pokémon coins would be to look into the things actual coin collectors used to store, protect, and display their stuff. I have a set of old Chinese coins that are in a display with pockets that would fit a Pokémon coin perfectly, so I'm sure there are other similar products that would do the job as well.

As far as different coins go... wow, probably hundreds if not more. I don't specifically collect them myself, but I have saved all of the ones that I've gotten over the years. My favourite is a green metallic Vileplume coin that I got in a Japanese precon Erika deck from the Gym Leader sets. :3
I have that same Vileplume coin from the Japanese Erika precon deck. Also have a Starmie from Misty's and an Alakazam from Sabrina.

I think if every kind is taken into account there are well over 300 coins but of course some of those would be difficult, if not virtually impossible, to get a hold of and would probably not be in my collection ever.

I wouldn't mind finding some kind of protectors like we have for cards, I think there is one that is like 20 coins per sheet or something, and putting that in one of the binders I have.
The Classic Series Coins:

1- Chansey: Base Set theme decks
2- Vileplume: Jungle theme decks
3- Eevee: Starter Gift Set
4- Aerodactyl: Fossil theme decks
5- Pikachu: Base Set 2 theme decks
6- Meowth: Team Rocket theme decks
7- Starmie: Gym Heroes theme decks
8- Pikachu (metal coin): Thunderstorm Gift Box
9- Alakazam: Gym Challenge theme decks

Neo series theme decks all used the same Metal Lugia coin.

[edit] I'm only posting English coins
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Great, that's a good start. Though I have to wonder why I can't find Aerodactyl and Eeeve then. I thought I had them somewhere.
EX Series: Pt.1

1- Torchic: Ruby Theme Deck
2- Mudkip: Sapphire Theme Deck
3- Green Treecko: Caravan Theme Deck
4- Gold Treecko: Oasis Theme Deck
5- Flygon: WindBlast Theme Deck
6- Salamence: FireFang Theme Deck
7- Team Magma Logo: Team Magma Theme Deck
8- Team Aqua Logo: Team Aqua Theme Deck
As far as storage, for some of my older coins that I don't want scuffed, I put them into a normal card sleeve, then bend the top over and staple it closed so they don't fall out. Then I just place them all into one of my tins.

Like @Athena said, actual coin protectors might work with Pokemon coins too, but my method might be a good temporary solution.
Found some coin pages that hold twenty per page. Now that I have that figured I just need to find the best way to get the coins that I'm missing. Don't suppose anyone knows how to go about that, aside from ebay? Already looking there.
Lots and lots of hunting. >_> Some product pages on Bulbapedia list the coins that come with specific products, but I have no idea if they have all of them (I would guess not) and none of it is consolidated to the best of my knowledge.
Found some coin pages that hold twenty per page. Now that I have that figured I just need to find the best way to get the coins that I'm missing. Don't suppose anyone knows how to go about that, aside from ebay? Already looking there.
Step 1: Sell your house because every coin is worth at least $2 for the newer ones and probably $20+ for ones from base set/super old sets and they've made at least 500+ coins so far. (think about it each new set gets at least a solid 5 + coins, then you have to figure in the variants of them IE a fennikin coin, and then a chespin coin etc, then there are the coins that are only in each theme deck)
Step 2: Spend the time at work you use to play flash games/look at pokebeach to search through endless ebay pages for the coins.
Step 3: Spend the rest of the time looking for a super cheap place as you had to sell your house to afford all of these coins.
Step 4: Look through every page of google and click on everything that does not lead to something you would like to delete off of your browser history, (I'm obviously talking about another pokemon news site as you should be ashamed of yourself for using anything that's not pokebeach. :p ) then spend the rest of your time registering for accounts on the website you need to use to buy the rest of the coins.
Step 5: Hope that your packages arrive to your new address before the check for this month's rent bounces because you just spent the rest of your freaking money on 500+ pokemon coins.
Actually there are only currently over 300 coins in tcg as a whole and that's if you factor in ones like Japan and Korean as well, which for the time being I don't. Luckily I already have a lot of them including much of the older ones. To some extent I can also say I don't need every single variant (ie every single Chansey coin that was in the Base Set and the two player starter deck or both Vileplume coins from Jungle as they're both the same thing). Of course this would be a project, much like any other collection project, that would takes years at least before being anywhere close to complete (in any sense of the word) and may in fact never be 'complete'.