Wi-Fi Trades Player thread - Toast... back! Will overhaul list with new Platinum stuff


Aspiring Trainer
Welcome to my player thread!


My Friend Code: will be updated
Contact Time: Evening




LAST UPDATED: April 08 2009


No Hacks, except for Arceus/Darkrye/Shaymin since there semi legit
Please have wifi that works
No stupid offers although they are free bumps
I will try to respond to all requests asap

4/8 So yeah, been bored and both myself and daughter got Platinum, so I will overhaul the list when i get more time

K.... My haves


Special Event Pokes


EV Trained

Level 100 randoms

EGG SHOP (All are eggs, if noted otherwise)!!!!
** If you want a specific Nature will take time (something i don't have much of) and a good trade
Elekid (Hatch with Ice Punch and Cross Chop) All kinds of Natures, 3 boxes full of hatched!
Duskull (hatched with pain split)

Have other caught pokemons dont hesitate to ask me!!


Poke Wants!!
* Misdreavus Male with Pain Split
* EV Trained
* Movie Darkrye, Shaymin, Regigigas
* Egg Move Pokes (Prefer Males)
* Adamant/Modest/Bold Ditto with good IVs (Not a big want)

we do a TON of digging so lots of digging stuff:

Digging Corner
Heart Scale x11 (kinda rare to get, so good offers only pls)

Have few plates to, not very many but a few of each



More to come!

I can get shard tms with all the digging I do

01 Focus Punch
07 Hail
10 Hidden Power
11 Sunny Day
12 Taunt
14 Blizzard
24 Thunderbolt
25 Thunder
26 EQ
27 Return
30 Shadow Ball
34 Shock Wave
36 Sludge Bomb
37 Sandstorm
41 Torment
43 Secret power
45 Attract
47 Steel Wing
48 Skill Swap
53 Energy Ball
57 Charge Beam
59 Dragon Pulse
60 Drain Punch
62 Silver Wind
63 Embargo
67 Recycle
79 Dark Pulse
81 X-Scissor
85 Dream Eater
87 Swagger
88 Pluck
90 Substitute
92 trick Room

Item I Wants
Master Balls
Life Orb
Expert Belt
Choice Specs

TMs I Want


** I have all the common berries and won't bother to list them all. I also will plant and raise berries so quantity/demand will determine trade value

Only Listing the rare berries

Berry Wants


  • 2 wins 50's Bracket
  • 2 wins vs friends
  • 1 loss vs friends
RE: Player thread - Toast (New)

I will trade something for dialga. I can get you a master ball, U turn, Grass knot. For Dialga. All these 3 please???
RE: Player thread - Toast (New)

i want the heracross
i have a female combee
RE: Player thread - Toast (New)

Will do the combee heracross trade

Pokelen sorry, wanna save the legendary for a good trade i really want
RE: Player thread - Toast (New)

List has been updated with new wants, I REALLY REALLY NEED AN ELECTRIZER TO EVO MY ELECTABUZZ!!!!
RE: Player thread - Toast (Massive Updates, Ho-Oh added)

Added some new stuff and new wants
RE: Player thread - Toast (Few Updates)

I would love your Ho-oh.

I can offer you all of these and the PKRS:
  • Adamant Munchlax with Pickup at lv. 1. (I have two of these, so I will give you the one that has better IVs.)
  • Phione Egg or a Phione.
  • Female Combee.
  • Ditto (I can get you a Modest one with a Everstone if you would like.)
  • TM 26 Earthquake.

Let me know what you think?
RE: Player thread - Toast (Few Updates)

Teppo27 said:
I would love your Ho-oh.

I can offer you all of these and the PKRS:
  • Adamant Munchlax with Pickup at lv. 1. (I have two of these, so I will give you the one that has better IVs.)
  • Phione Egg or a Phione.
  • Female Combee.
  • Ditto (I can get you a Modest one with a Everstone if you would like.)
  • TM 26 Earthquake.

Let me know what you think?

Sorry the ho-oh is traded

List updated bigtime btw, 2.0 with egg shop
RE: Player thread - Toast... Egg shop, Big Trade List updated 5-21

List updated, can now hatch Munchlax with Zen Headbutt and Curse (Possibly Substitute to)
RE: Player thread - Toast... Egg shop, Big Trade List updated 5-22 Darkrye Arceus!!

updated with darkrye and arceus
RE: Player thread - Toast... Egg shop, Big Trade List updated 5-22 Darkrye Arceus!!

I'll trade the female Combee and Eevee for a Shiny Gloom, Vileplume or Bellossom and a lv. 100 Lugia from XD
RE: Player thread - Toast... Egg shop, Big Trade List updated 5-22 Darkrye Arceus!!

delta_storm said:
I'll trade the female Combee and Eevee for a Shiny Gloom, Vileplume or Bellossom and a lv. 100 Lugia from XD

ill do that

I wont be home til later tonight (8pm EST) I can trade then