Paul Vs. Ash Vs. Gary

Ash, Gary, or Paul?

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Freak :P

Hidden behind the Shadows.
So I was wondering if May and Dawn were both good how aobut the boys?They all seem talanted...
Ash is awesome and so was Gary but Paul just stinks because of the way he treats Ash. Gary used to tease Ash and it gave Ash the urge to battle but Paul really is not good and he does not even like ant Pokemon unless he thinks they are strong and if he does not like a certain Pokemon he releases it back into the wild so no question about it. Paul is out but Ash and Gary are the best.:)
Of all the episodes I've seen of pokemon, gary seems to be the only trainer that knows what he is doing (besides brock).
Paul seems to look at Pokemon and use an IV calculator 0_o
He releases the Pokemon with low IV's and then EV trains o_0
Judged off of that, I'd say he's the most experienced.
I love to see a Paul-Gary match, I don't like them both, but I go with Paul, do an extreme hatred of Gary
Dawn and Pachirisu said:
I love to see a Paul-Gary match, I don't like them both, but I go with Paul, do an extreme hatred of Gary

How can you not like Gary? He was the best rival Ash had in the anime. If you ask me Paul is the worst one to date.:)
Gary. Electivire is WAY better...he also has better Pokemon and has an Umbreon. Too bad he didn't get Espeon...:(
I'd have to go with Ash, cause he hasn't quit training Pokemon after begining is journery in the Kanto Region.
paul will hve an infernape ashs staraptor will beat that and garys electrivire will beat staraptor.
dark charizard said:
paul will hve an infernape ashs staraptor will beat that and garys electrivire will beat staraptor.

and then Pauls torterra defeats electrivire. you cant predict things like this!!

Ash is a loser, has no idea what he is doing, a total oblivious idiot, on crack (listen to his voice), and ALWAYS BATTLES WITH PIKACHU. Ever since the begginig, I've thought Pikachu was a total wimp and loser.

Paul is an idiot. Nothing much said.

Gary has so many pokemon that are at his full stage, and in total if you don't count ash's 30 tauros. Gary has a Blastoise, Ash has a Squirtle. Gary has a Vire, Ash has a Pikachu. Gary has a Scizor AND a Pinsir, Ash has a Heracross. Gary has a Fearow, Dodrio, AND skarmory, Ash released his Pidgeot (Idiot). I can keep going.
Imma Just Let yall know now paul is the best he already beat ash twice n he would of beat him three times if he didnt tell ash he had a free arm n gary suck paul will beat him becuz he doesnt have a good strategy now if any of yall on here had a ds and pokemon diamond or pearl I would destroy yall becuz I have strategy
I think Ash is the best trainer. Gray and Paul have better Pokemon, but I still think Ash can beat them.
Didn't Ash beat Gary in Jhoto? And I think Ash will probably beat Paul once they make it into the Sinnoh league championship.
Anonymous2123 said:
Imma Just Let yall know now paul is the best he already beat ash twice n he would of beat him three times if he didnt tell ash he had a free arm n gary suck paul will beat him becuz he doesnt have a good strategy now if any of yall on here had a ds and pokemon diamond or pearl I would destroy yall becuz I have strategy
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