Overrated Cards


Aspiring Trainer
What are cards that everyone plays and hypes up or plays that you don't think are that good? I have a few...

-Blend energy: I think special energies in general are overrated (except for DCE). They can't be searched, they can't be recovered, they're easily removed, and don't benefit from cards like exp share. But even with special energies, prism usually does it better (most attackers are EX basics). I prefer to use basics with energy search and retrieval.

-Random reciever: A complete waste of space. I'd rather just run more supporters than waste deck space on a card that basically acts as a random supporter. Good if you need filler, but since deck space is usually tight, that situation will be unlikely.

I'm sure I'll come up with more, but those are the big ones IMO.
pokedan24 said:
What are cards that everyone plays and hypes up or plays that you don't think are that good? I have a few...

-Blend energy: I think special energies in general are overrated (except for DCE). They can't be searched, they can't be recovered, they're easily removed, and don't benefit from cards like exp share. But even with special energies, prism usually does it better (most attackers are EX basics). I prefer to use basics with energy search and retrieval.

-Random reciever: A complete waste of space. I'd rather just run more supporters than waste deck space on a card that basically acts as a random supporter. Good if you need filler, but since deck space is usually tight, that situation will be unlikely.

I'm sure I'll come up with more, but those are the big ones IMO.

Blend energy is really not used any more. The only decks that use it are Darkrai Hydreigon because Hydreigon's attack is pretty goiod, and some Empoleon decks cuz they run fighting mons too.

The reason people ran random receiver is because there was so few good supporters in the format. Its not as good now because you'll often want to hit draw not Skyla with it (and sometimes vice versa), but it also deckthins (granted nobody really cares about that in Pokemon compared to other games, but its still a useful thing to take advantage of.
I agree with Dark Void, except for the part about Random Reciever. It is played because for decks running sablye you can use sablye to junk hunt for it when you don't have a supporter.
Random Receiver is by NO way overrated. With Skyla, it's lost a little bit of luster, but only with decks running Skyla. Still, RR is great and any deck should play 3-4.
A card I see as overrated is for sure Landorus EX but I still think it's great.
I use 3 RR in almost every deck I play that doesn't use Skyla, whether it runs Sableye or not. It's a great card to just get you a N or Juniper instead of something like a Bianca or Cheren.
I actually find skyla very useful. Granted the deck I play needs a high skyla count. Random receiver is still a very good card. Especially later in the game when you have used most of your N for example. You can bank on it to hit a juniper. It can be a risky card at times but its worth at least 1 copy in any deck.
Garchomp DRX. That card did not deserve any hype what-so-ever. Tier 1.5 seemed too flattering, and people kept saying it was the best deck in the format. The only reason it got that hype was because when the new format started, people thought that stage 2's would be really good again, and Garchomp was the new thing, all it's cards came from Dragons Exalted, and "it traded well with every other dragon." And pretty much no other stage 2 got anywhere near the hype it did. And I was right. I laugh at all you who thought it'd be BDIF! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! OK, got that out of my system.

Bianca. Not explaining this again. I'd have to go really in depth to tell you why I can't stand playing Bianca in any deck. It just seems worse then Cheren in 99% of situations. I might play Cilen before I play Bianca again
It's hard to claim a card as over-rated. To me, the only reason why a single deck (example) gains popularity, is because so many flock to, and hold on to, a single concept that will never be shaken no matter how you shake things up.

I could go out and say N is an over rated card, and back it up by saying that in most situations you're giving your opponent more cards. That could be true, but it is more likely that the timing is all off OR that you never get it when you really need it, i.e. when you have the 2-4 prize lead, a huge hand or when the game is already over and it won't do a thing to help.