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Night Marchin' On... (Mew EX / Night March)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Pumpkaboo (PHF)
    4 Joltik (PHF)
    4 Lampent (PHF)
    3 Mew-EX (LT)
    1 Mr. Mime (PF)

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    1 Lysandre
    1 Colress
    1 Xerosic
    3 Dimension Valley
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Roller Skates
    4 Battle Compressor
    3 VS Seeker
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Head Ringer
    1 Computer Search

  • 4 Mystery Energy
    2 Psychic Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

Get as many Night Marchers into the graveyard asap, use Mew-EX to copy night march, deal lots of damage, rinse, repeat. Three Vs seeker because of the great synergy with Battle Compressor, which also allows to minimize the amount of supporters. Could possibly go to 4 but seem to see too many early on in testing. Mystery Energy just to use as a switch without actually having to play switch. Head Ringer to slow down opponents EX's due to the fragility of the main attackers. Mr. Mime to help against Landorus-EX sniping Joltiks and Pumpkaboos. The amount of supporters could definitely go up but its hard deciding on what to cut. Obviously I pretty much auto-lose to Pyroar and Co. but I don't think the Gourgeist/Celebi-EX version is nearly as consistent and really you can't win them all. No Megaphones (because of the Head Ringers) which could be a problem but the raw speed of the deck seems to outpace the ability for opponents to get Garbodor up and going. However the one Xerosic could be enough to get around Garbodor. Thanks for reading!
RE: Night Marchin On... (Mew EX / Night March)

I use a deck like this too.
-1 Colress (You shouldn't have that big of a bench.)
-1 Xerosic (Not needed)
-1 VS Seeker (2 is enough)
-4 Mystery Energy (Enhanced Hammer already can discard DCE. More basic energy should be in there)

+1 Lysandre (to get around walls like in Donphan decks, used to pull up Donphans and knock them out.)
+4 Psychic Energy (Anti Enhanced Hammer)
+1 Muscle Band
+1 Silver Bangle
RE: Night Marchin On... (Mew EX / Night March)

Have you thought about using flareon in this? Mew EX are just easy prizes in my opinion.

I would:
- 4 Mystery Energy
- 2 Psychic Energy
- 2 Head Ringer
- 3 Mew EX
- 1 Xerosic

+ 6 Fire Energy
+ 3 Eevee FFI
+ 3 Flareon

However, Gengar Master's recommendations are great as well if you want to go that route. Good luck! =)
K I've made the following changes
- 4 Mystery Energy (experiment didn't work out, didn't need to switch almost ever)
+ 3 Psychic Energy (able to cut an energy as only one is needed to attack usually)
+ 1 Jirachi-EX (found that I needed to be able to find supporters early on, also continues the ability to play a minimal amount of supporters)
- 1 Colress (bench was usually not full enough, just got discarded)
+ 1 Lysandre

I understand that Xerosic is not liked too much but I have found it to be really good in certain situations. Seismitoad-EX can really put the hurt on this deck and having a non-Item outlet to discard a DCE is really helpful. Also it gives an out to Garbodor and it can be found by Jirachi-EX. I am testing out the Flareon line now and I'll report back after.
Propayne said:
Also it gives an out to Garbodor and it can be found by Jirachi-EX.

Remember you wouldn't be able to search for a Xerosic to shut down Garbodor with Jirachi-EX. If the Garbodor has a tool on it for you to discard then Stellar Guidance would be disabled. You would need to preempt the tool and search for the Xerosic early, in which case your opponent might not play the tool at all.