Discussion New Engine


Aspiring Trainer
I have been seeing a lot of people online and locally playing with a new style deck engine based around playing from the discard pile. While the idea isn't new, revive means we can now play basically anything from the discard pile with no problems.

There are a few variations, but most of them run something like:

1 Shaymin ex/Jirachi ex (mostly Shaymin)

4 Battle Compressors
4 VS seeker
4 Revive
2-3 Energy retrieval
1-2 Superior Energy retrieval
3-4 Ultra Balls/repeat balls
1-3 Wallys
4 Proffessor Sycamore
1-3 Shauna/N
1 Lysandre's Trump Card

(4 Mega Cyclone where applicable instead of energy retrievals)

These are just my observations from watching other people play and limited experience online with my own build, but it seems like when it goes off it has a ton of potential.

A friend is playing a variation of this in Mega Aggron and it is pretty consistent and makes the deck much quicker.

I just want to open a discussion on wether this can work, what are the best and is it fast enough for current meta considering how fast the Rayquazza decks are. Also will this maybe make people want to play more Seismitoad decks again? It seems like they are a good counter for decks built off of this.
Doesn't item lock from toad destroy pretty much every engine? That's kinda the whole point of toad right? I'm not trying to claim it's the greatest engine around, just trying to figure out how to get the best potential out of the idea.
Once you get item locked, all you can hope is draw one from 6-8 supports(4 of them is Sycamore). Other deck engines have more supports, so they are better against toad. Still toad is bs card and banned asap.
Yep. But tbh Toad isn't in every deck. In fact nobody in my local plays him. But there is shaymin as well. And there is room for other cards in the deck. If you wanted more supporters you could do. But this engine does wreck Exeggutor decks with their supporter lock, so like anything in the meta it has it's good and bad match ups.
He's got a point there; Toad practically wrecks any engine, and with Eggs becoming a more standard deck, item based draw does help in the long run.

I'll need to play around with it myself, though.
I disagree with "Toad wrecks every engine." Sure, you can't get supporters back VS seeker and you can't ultra ball nor attach a tool, but if your whole strategy is 'well against toad my engine is wrecked' then you are running your deck with far too little supporters.

But the reason why RequiemCrysis said that Toad specifically destroys this engine is because most of it relies off of the trainers, where in most decks the trainers and supporters are in a symbiotic relationship working off each other.
The 4 Battle Compressors, 4 VS seeker, 4 Revive, 3-4 Ultra Balls/repeat balls is a lot of space for a deck that many do not have and that would be an additional 8 cards locked by Toad in the matchup. In addition, only 5-7 cards are actual support cards: 4 Juniper and 1 N. The 1-3 Wally and 1 Trump are not support for the deck.
I think that deck strategy now has a pretty solid line for support:
4 N
4 Juniper
2 Colress
1-2 Lysandre
1 Trump
3/4 VS Seeker
1 Shaymin/Jirachi EX