New DP Promo - Flaaffy


Aspiring Trainer

to be available in December in Secret Wonders 3-Pack Blisters.

Just like the 3 Holiday tins with the Lv.X DP Promos, wrong picture. The right card is down below.
Its is the Alternative Artwork Flaaffy from Japan's DP3's Dialga Lv.X Half Deck.


And just for fun, I fit together both flaaffy pictures, makes a cute scene :D
Deretto_Eevee said:
still don't know how to get DP5 @_@

Only available at Worlds 2007, or if someone's selling one on Ebay but thats expensive ;_; DP5 wont be in my promo collection haha :(
I saw a promo of mareep the other day too. But I lost the link and I am not sure where it came from. I doubt it has anything to do with this though. Ebay probably has flaaffy somewhere so have a look for it.