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NEED HELP Illusions: Accelgor/Tornadus EX/Boufflant


As we immolate we can burn in each other's arms.
Hey guys, here's a new deck idea I have building off of my old Accelgor deck. Basically, with Apertia City Gym now out, Tornadus EX and Boufflant get +20 HP,but more on the strategy later, here's the list:

*EDIT* I changed a lot about this deck,but I still need help with trainer lines (I think :p)

x4 Shelmet (NV)
x3 Accelgor (DEX)
x1 Accelgor (NV)
x2 Tornadus EX (DEX)
x1 Boufflant (DRX)
x1 Mew EX (DRX)
x1 Druddigon (NV)
Total: 13

x4 DCE
x5 Grass
Total: 9

T / S / S
x4 Pokemon Catcher
x4 Level Ball
x3 Eviolite
x3 Switch
x2 Asperia City Gym
x2 Recycle
x2 Ultra Ball
x2 Plus Power
x1 Gold Potion
x1 Super Rod
x1 Tool Scrapper

x4 N
x3 Juniper
x2 Bianca
x2 Hugh
x1 Skyla
x1 Cheren
Total: 38

I'm having some trouble with trainer lines, mostly.

Anyways, the main goal is to set up a nice bench of Accelgors and a Boufflant or 2 ASAP. Used Deck and Cover, hide behind a Boufflant/Tornadus EX w/ Eviolite and Aspertia City Gym, then use Switch to repeat the process. Mew EX adds type variation and can use the opponent's moves against them. I feel like at least 1 Tool Scrapper is important to get rid of a few ACE SPEC cards or opponent's Eviolites/Dark Claws etc. Recycle helps get back the Gold Potion to get a few extra uses out of it, or DEC, whatever is needed, really.

Let me know what feedback you guys have, it's all greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot for checking this out! :D
RE: NEED HELP Illusions: Accelgor/Boufflant/Tornadus EX deck

Well, there's one thing you really need here, and that's Virizion EP. Keldeo/Blastoise just eats your deck right now, so you need to be able to counter it.
RE: NEED HELP Illusions: Accelgor/Boufflant/Tornadus EX deck
