Need good idea for a deck


Aspiring Trainer

I need help looking for a decent deck that is not too advance but good enough to do well in tournament's so if anybody can help thanks's

Mewtwo EX is a good all-around Pokemon to have, he's cheap and effective these days, so I'd reccommend 3-4 of them. Blastoise, Keldeo EX, and Black Kyurem EX come together to make a very strong Deck as well. Its got Energy Acceleration, and a very conistent method of switching Pokemon via Keldeo EX's Rush In Ability.

I don't have any specific decklists for you, but browse around, you'll find something, I bet!
PumpedAaron said:
Mewtwo EX is a good all-around Pokemon to have, he's cheap and effective these days, so I'd reccommend 3-4 of them. Blastoise, Keldeo EX, and Black Kyurem EX come together to make a very strong Deck as well. Its got Energy Acceleration, and a very conistent method of switching Pokemon via Keldeo EX's Rush In Ability.

I don't have any specific decklists for you, but browse around, you'll find something, I bet!
Thanks a ton, i have a mewtwo EX i'll probbally get the rest off trollandtoad or somthing i really appeciate the help
Speed Darkrai works pretty well. Aims to get a Turn 2 Night Spear through the use of Dark Patch and Energy Switch. Also utilizes Sableye as a great late game attacker.
Hey everybody, I decided to go with Plasma (Lugia/thundurus) deck, but thanks for the help anyway. I really like the deck and it wasn't too bad to get the essential cards. I just traded at my local Pokemon League.